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If I could change one thing about my life....

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by JohnnyWindtunnel, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. JohnnyWindtunnel

    JohnnyWindtunnel Peer Supporter

    Unreal. Are you cured yet?
  2. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes. Once I understood the TMS concept and once I started thinking about emotions - anger (which I didn't know I had)- past and present and starting writing each day the pain vanished, my heart stopped pounding, I stopped having the urge to check my heart rate constantly. When I recognize a twinge of something I immediately switch and think about the emotion stuff instead and everything rights itself.

    I'm now being conscious of my thinking and if I wake up with something feeling off, instead of paying strict attention to it like I would have in the past, I say, "meh" and I go on.
    JohnnyWindtunnel likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Switch, yep. It's a great analogy for the TMS fear mechanism.

    This work requires a 180-degree change in the way we think. Those who keep struggling never manage to change their thoughts. They can't find this switch, because their resistant brains prefer to let the TMS fear mechanism remain in control.

    In concept, it's really that simple.
  4. Xara

    Xara Well known member

    Well, can you explain the meaning of switch to the not native speakers???
    I know that switch means change, switch on, switch off the light etc...
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'll try! It literally does mean changing your thoughts. If you can learn to "hear" how your brain automatically thinks negative and fearful thoughts, you can train yourself to change those thoughts into something constructive and positive.
    Exactly. In this case, it's switching off the negativity and fear, and choosing thoughts and responses that are the opposite. Simple in theory, but difficult to put into practice!

    The thing is, our brains were designed back in primitive times to be negative and fearful and always looking out for danger. This was essential for survival in the primitive world. The big problem we have today is that this brain mechanism has not changed since then, so we are fighting against a behavior that our brains still think is essential for our survival. Our primitive fearful brains don't understand that applying a constant state of fear to everything we deal with in the modern world is not healthy.

    We must learn to mindfully turn this OFF if we are to survive in today's world.

    Does that make sense?
  6. Xara

    Xara Well known member

    Thank you jan. Ok, got it! It is the : don't be afraid, my mind, everything is ok, you are not in danger, it is just a feeling, a human feeling...
    The difficult thing, in my opinion, is to identify the feeling, the reason of the feeling and on the top... to be familiar with it or even change it.

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