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Introducing All The Rage, an upcoming film about TMS and Dr. John Sarno

Discussion in 'About This Site' started by Forest, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Shirley

    Shirley Peer Supporter

    So much power in video--One bit that stuck with me when I was looking at Internet resources was Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin questioning Sarno and some other doctors in a Congressional hearing. Harkin told his own story of pain, and one of a niece with fibromyalgia I think, and how Sarno's techniques healed them. These other doctors had nothing good to say, but had not read any of his work.
    Ellen and Caroline Rumur like this.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Shirley. Herbie says he thinks more doctors are finally accepting Dr. Sarno. The video documentary
    being made about him ought to make believers of a lot more of them. But doctors make big money
    off of not helping us get to the root of our pain, so they are reluctant to endorse Sarno's theory of TMS.
    Caroline Rumur likes this.
  3. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Agreed Walt and without sounding cynical, in a way even large pharmaceuticals are to blame, they would rather hide a natural cure and let people be dependant medicine for a chronic illnesses, medicine is a multi billion dollar business.

    But as long as we, the public are made aware of Dr Sarnos work and with sound and reasonable measure are able to challenge Drs diagnosis, we may be able to shake up how the medical world looks at MBS.

    There is bound to be a huge back lash in the community, but like anything, when awareness is raised, those Drs who want to do more than to just treat a patient, i.e cure them and will want to understand the teachings so they can cure and not manage peoples pain.
    Caroline Rumur likes this.
  4. Caroline Rumur

    Caroline Rumur Well known member

    Hey Shirley,
    I agree this piece of video is very appealing. We actually followed Dr.Sarno during this time so we have some behind the scenes of this hearing! :D

    I agree. We think that Dr.Sarno's ideas are going to become more mainstream soon, especially since one of the recent covers of TIME magazine was about mindfulness. I really think that there will be a shift soon and we think that this film could be it.

    I agree with you as well. I think that as long as information is available to the public there is going to be a change in the medical community. And I think mindfulness is becoming more and more popular which shows me that people are becoming more open to these ideas.
    IrishSceptic and Forest like this.
  5. Colly

    Colly Beloved Grand Eagle

    Here here Pandamonium! You're an inspiration to us all, thanks for sharing:)
  6. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Beloved Grand Eagle

    This has got to be the best good news thread I've read in a while! This is truly awesome news! Dr. Sarno's work has transformed my life, as well.

    It's funny. There was a discussion about the other video and it got me thinking that someone should make a top-notch documentary about Dr. Sarno and TMS. What a great idea! ;) I didn't realize there was one already in the works.

    Just want to say a BIG FRIGGIN THANK YOU to Caroline, Michael Galinsky, and the rest of the team that assisted in putting the documentary together...tiphata

    PS: Congratulations and welcome to leah10!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  7. Caroline Rumur

    Caroline Rumur Well known member

    Thanks Cap'n spanky!! Great to hear of your interest! I will tell the team that you are very excited :D
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  8. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hooray that a new video on Dr. Sarno and TMS is in the works!
    Caroline Rumur likes this.
  9. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    I have viewed a few clips of the movie via twitter. maybe Caroline would like to post links here or give me permission to??
    Kickstarter beginning in November
  10. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    I received this letter from Caroline D'Ambrosio of Rumur. She is promoting this movie about Dr. Sarno's work and requested some help. I intend to join the Thunderclap


    We are counting on you as a key ally in our campaign to support the production of All the Rage, our latest film about the man Forbes calls “the most influential doctor you have never heard of”: Dr. John E. Sarno.
    His ground-breaking yet beautifully simple approach to combatting chronic pain is an incredible story that needs to be told.

    We wanted to share the trailer with you that will be on the kickstarter page, please do not sure this until the Kickstarter launches on Nov. 12th. We are still not don’t perfecting it.


    We’re making easy on you to help get the word out and are using a tool called Thunderclap to spread our message across Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, which in turn will direct people to our Kickstarter page where they can support the completion of the film. Thunderclap allows people to pledge a tweet or facebook or tumblr post that is unleashed all at the same time (noon on November 12th), creating a tidal wave of awareness. It is completely safe and will only post one message on your behalf on the chosen platform. Personal info is never stored or shared.

    Please visit this link to sign up and pass this email on to anyone else you think might be interested in supporting our campaign.


    Thank you in advance for your help, together we're making a film that will change the world.

    Best wishes,

    Caroline D'Ambrosio
    Caroline Rumur likes this.

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