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Is TMS a incurable disease?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by hodini, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. hodini

    hodini Peer Supporter

    Hi TT,

    I hope I have not given the impression that I thought TMS could be a fatal disease or condition. I do not think so. Do you?

    Of course I am subject to blushing though I do not blush easily and it probably happens more from excitement then embarrassment.

    Seems like you are tying to say that every autonomic body symptom is TMS. If that is the case, yes, I would have TMS, because I blush, I breathe, the hairs go up on the back of my neck, I cry real tears, I have orgasms, so I hope it is incurable........ That is if it were so.

    I am not looking to debate or be convinced on Sarno's theories at the present.

    The title of this thread was "Is TMS an incurable disease" I think using the word disease was perhaps off putting and should be replaced with another term. I have requested this of Forest, or, to let me know how to edit it but as yet have not received a response.

    That is the simple question you have not as yet addressed as I mentioned before;

    "Beyond that, This is far off track from the initial thread, I still do not know your view on the question I posed, how about simply filling in the blanks for me and others. "I think TMS is a _______________ disease, condition, disorder (take your pick) because_________________________________."
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I answered the question, but my my answer probably doesn't fit into your prescribed format.

    Everyone is going to have a different answer, because everyone experiences this work in a different way, and they see and use the work of Dr. Sarno quite differently.

    Sorry, but as I said before, it's grey and it's squishy. It's not possible for mind work to be black & white or rigidly defined.

    I doubt that editing the title of your post will make any difference to the thread, which has essentially devolved to two people having a theoretical discussion. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not a good use of Forest's valuable time. Or mine, for that matter, since I could do it, but I am going to decline, because I don't see any benefit to the forum, nor any harm being done to any forum participants - one of those typically being the requirement for a moderator edit. Our general rule is to leave things be unless there is harm being done or posts are being reported by other members.
    Ellen likes this.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    "I think TMS is apart of the human condition because it is a PROTECTOR from feeling emotional pain that the sub-c decided would be even more painful then the TMS structural or affective symptom.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
  4. hodini

    hodini Peer Supporter

    Yes you did answer the question I posed, thank you for that. I do not require a prescribed format, I suggested that to TT to try and keep the thread on topic. Thank you for your answer and explanation re the edit.
  5. hodini

    hodini Peer Supporter

    Thanks Tom!
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    "on topic"?--this is the internets--after the first page everything relevant has been said, and all bets are off.:)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  7. Shanshu Vampyr

    Shanshu Vampyr Well known member

    In my experience, identifying with TMS as a condition is almost as damaging as identifying with "my sciatica" or "my herniated discs."

    There is an issue of English semantics here as well.

    I prefer to operationally define TMS as a construct that acts as a beacon or a proximity alert system of sorts.
    JanAtheCPA and hodini like this.
  8. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    TMS is a lot easier to say. My longhand for it is : "psychosomatic dis-ease" for a generic scientific term, that everyone understands. But, TMS is a lot quicker off the tongue. Now, when I or my GF, get a twinge of pain, a tingle, a cramp, or a strain sensation--we just say, "It's TMS", or the "TMS gremlin" and shake it off, banishing it at the speed of pain.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    JanAtheCPA and Shanshu Vampyr like this.
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again - in agreement with TT, TMS is a convenient term that I continue to use in honor of Dr. Sarno - but in my personal life and health, I've taken the concept way beyond what Dr. Sarno envisioned. My third favorite book, after TDM and Hope & Help For Your Nerves, is "When The Body Says No" by Dr. Gabor Mate.
    Shanshu Vampyr likes this.

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