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Laughing & Shouting with Numbness

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by liamsmith78, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. alexandra

    alexandra Peer Supporter

    Your story is similar to mine! I was an acrobat, a competitive dancer, six pack, super fit etc everyone asked me for advise as well...I recovered from eating disorders and drugs and was proud of the healthy person I had become, today I am 7 years clean...anyway I had a tiny car accident and had no injuries at all but became so panicked that my nerves started acting up, it slowly spread from one leg to the other, up my bum, back, and arms. Doctors can't find anything wrong and have told me it's emotional. I also had weakness in one leg, I was limping. And yes every time I told someone I was improving I would relapse to the point where I stopped sharing my progress on this forum! The symptoms are being fed by fear, fear of the pain, failure etc...it sounds like your anxiety is very high at times which I had been there before but I'm much better now. You are still just beginning the healing process so keep it up, it can take time but the body heals and 100 percent recovery is possible. I know you want to know how long it will take to fully recover but no one can answer that, this is your journey, everyone recovers at different times, try not to focus on a time frame and celebrate the tiny achievements, you will notice them more often as you begin to heal...
  2. liamsmith78

    liamsmith78 Peer Supporter

    Oh my god, I had a car accident too ! My mother thinks that's how it all started. Happened three years ago and she says I've never been the same since ! I rember almost fainting after it. I was in such shock . I had no injurys, just a pain in my knee. Which went to both knees and then living off painkillers.

    Same here with the abs etc.. Had the muscles and the confidence and I was guy everyone came to.

    Proud of you for your drug recovery. That must have been so hard! 7 years is amazing!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    llam the first phase of reconditioning is 1 to 3 months, then you will enter the second phase. Have you started the Tms Recovery Program yet, if not this would be very helpful to you. We all heal at different times my friend and if you think of the time it's taking , well you will hinder all your progress. Don't listen to nay Sayers, they will come by the bunches if you look for them. Keep your thoughts clean, learn your program well and let your own natural healing abilities carry you home to completion. Alexandra has told you some powerful truths, look at how far she's came, follow suit my friend.
    Bless you.
    PS, this is for llim and Alexandra, When you fear to talk of your progress you are still feeding the structural fear and doubt. Don't doubt your progress and don't fear speaking of it ok. You both got this. Your each an angel with a single wing, let that other wing be your courage and take flight. You got this, you are the winners here. Know that....
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
    alexandra and PaulBlack like this.
  4. alexandra

    alexandra Peer Supporter

    Haha oh my god I just realized I wrote that my pain started spreading up my bum! I meant to say from my legs into my glutes and my back lol Thank you Herbi for your response, you have helped me so much along this journey! and Liam there's many people who's pain started soon after an accident, fall, stressful event, death in the family etc. My mother's fibromialgia began after her mom's sudden death but she also has a history of trauma going back to her childhood. It's a different story for different people but we all share buried, repressed emotions, overwhelming tension etc...having TMS means there's emotional things that need to be worked on, and after healing some people find it a blessing, I can definitely see why. I wish you both well ☺
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.

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