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Leg weakness/unsteadiness, possibly TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by hpowders, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. nowa

    nowa Peer Supporter

    i have been told by a neurologist that I have the symptoms of atypical Parkinson's and they want to do a DAT scan to rule it out, but I came off opioids last March and am still having withdrawal symptoms, (I am sensitive to meds since i came off benzodiazepines after being on them for 30 years), and I have read that opioids interfere with dopamine production for at least a year after cessation of use, and the test is all about dopamine so it could give a false positive, so I said that I would have the scan in April of this year, but I am terrified of the scan because it is radioactive, and the day before it u have to take something to protect your thyroid. I have had an MRI scan of my brain which was normal for my age.
    Has anybody got any experience with a DAT scan?

    And the worst symptom for me is the inability to put my heels down first when i walk so that i stumble along on my toes, and this scares me and makes me feel hopeless and depressed, so you are not alone...

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