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Lessons From Claire Weekes

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eric "Herbie" Watson, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is very true - I could not say it any better. I came to this forum upon reading Sarno's book. It helped, but did not get me fully healed. It was only after I discovered Dr. Weekes here, I realized that my recurring health issues (severe insomnia for 25+ years, various back/knee/foot/arm pains for 15 years, finally, CRPS/RSD and dystonia) all were a product of over-sensitized nervous system and general anxiety syndrome. My life full of stressful events did not help either. Each time I would get sick again, I would frenetically google my conditions, seek out treatments and chase my symptoms away aggressively. Even though I understood better than my doctors that my insomnia was caused by anxiety and fought them to get a Xanax prescription, I did not realize how far-reaching were the impacts of anxiety on my body. Xanax helped to sleep, but only for a few years, then stopped. This is when my agitated brain developed CRPS/RSD.

    Once I started meditating and recognizing my fear, I immediately started sleeping better. When I wake up at night, I let my anxiety flow through my body. I feel my emotions, whether I like them or not. I stopped swatting away depressive feelings when I exercise, I know it is a much needed emotional release - and they do go away after a while.

    I relaxed over the symptoms and stopped searching for the cure. I stopped freaking out over bizarre sensations in my body. I no longer care if my hands or feet are numb or painful or feel like I am holding a bare electric wire, although I feel it most of the time.

    As a result, my symptoms have not disappeared, but they are slowly receding. A year ago, I nearly lost ability to grab and hold things with my both hands, due to the extreme tension in the muscles and tendons, swelling and extreme sensitivity to touch and temperature. I am able to regain nearly full control of my hands for few hours a day now. Neuropathic pain is gone and pain level mostly remains under 3-5 points out of 10. But each time something stressful whack out my sleep, my symptoms get worse. Then I know I need to meditate more and pay more attention to my emotions as I am very good at shoving them under the rug. And after a while, my sleep returns.

    Sleeping well and being emotionally healthy is what I am focused on now and wish all of us same in these stressful times.
    Abbo, Ellen, plum and 1 other person like this.
  2. Abbo

    Abbo Well known member

    Grateful thanks to dear Plum and TG957 for posts on this thread. I totally agree with you both and I am so, so, relieved that finally someone else besides myself has GAD.
    I have not posted on the forum since Christmas as I fully intended to stay off it as all that I was doing regarding TMS was making me worse (my anxiety levels went higher and higher). My psychologist told me I had GAD which I hadn't heard of before as I had always believed anxiety to mean rising waves of panic, shaking, trembling, sweating etc. I did not realise it could cause tension throughout the body, stinging and the worst symptom for me is the adrenaline rush - all down my upper legs causing me heat and burning sensation which take twenty - thirty minutes to dissipate.
    Only three weeks ago I returned to my book by Claire Weeks and reading it through again and again I fully understood her.
    Like you TG 957 I was forever searching for different ways to help me heal besides constantly searching and nit picking my childhood looking for all hidden explanations for my constant sensations. (I cannot say pain as this I do not have). I explored every site I could possibly find and tried all manner of approaches. All which have made me worse. This time last year my anxiety levels were much lower but now they are sky high.
    I now notice my fear (which is first thing in the morning and resides in the stomach) this is accompanied with tension I try to relax and lie with it until it dissipates. I try NOT to add the second fear of which Claire Weeks says is the problem. I do not have social anxiety but I do have FEAR of my sensations and this is what I am trying to address. ACCEPTANCES. Very, very hard for me to do. I just cannot reach a point of NOT disliking my sensations.
    My psychologist has told me I have to live my life as if I am sensation free and I do try to the best of my ability. However, I cannot go away and have the wonderful holidays we used to have before 3 years ago when all this started (gradually at first). I do every day go for a walk and twice a week I go to a gentle exerscise class, which I enjoy. However, by afternoon I am tired and need to rest. I then read a book and do deep relaxation (when I just cannot even feel my body, wonderful peace and relief). Also I meditate twice a day. That is it for me. No more journalling no more fighting it and I try hard not to run away from it. It is HARD but as Clire Weeks has written acceptance takes time, just practice it for now and it will eventually come.
    Must finish here off to my exercise class.
    Again many thanks TG 957 for bringing GAD out in the open.
  3. Aggie

    Aggie New Member

    Plum it is several years since I thought about TMS.One day I was at the end of my tether and was told to just forget about the pain when it was thumping away.I realised I was creating way too much anxiety in trying to get " it" all to work.I dumped everything re TMS ,went back on medication and did my own research and observation of my own body.I found that stress especially family stress,lack of sleep and overdoing it were my great big triggers.I should add that I too suffer from type 2 TN( atypical) I am better than I was and have many pain free days..yay! But I still tend to bottle up my feelings and for this I loved your post.I remember you from those old early TMS days and it was lovely to accidentally come across your poignant and insightful post today.All the best!
    plum likes this.
  4. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle


    The notification of your reply went AWOL so I have only just read it. Thank you so much for your words here because they resonate with my experiences, anything that is wearing, draining or exhausting triggers the neuralgia. I wonder if this is a generality found with other nerve pains..?

    I have also noticed that anger, irritation and annoyance trigger good 'ole tmj and the necessary tedium of waiting in hospitals (while himself is being treated) coupled with the driving tends to trigger my back, shoulder and neck tension.

    Mostly I am glad to have calmed the trigeminal nerve and see the rest as the symptom imperative doing its thing. I think the biggest trigger of all for that is feeling overwhelmed. (It's all too much. I can't face it. Facial nerve kicks off).

    Thanks so much for adding your thoughts. There is so little known and written about the type 2/atypical variant that it really matters and helps every time someone adds their voice.

    Bless you.

    Plum x
    Mari, Eric "Herbie" Watson and TG957 like this.
  5. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Wow, this is so me. I have GAD as well and it’s so bad right now that I have new TMS symptoms.
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    jula, focus on GAD and unlocking your emotions, it is your key to recovery.
    plum likes this.
  7. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Can you recommend something to work on it? Or will the SEP take care of it?
  8. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I never completed SEP, although listening to the recordings of sessions posted by Alan helped me a lot. Meditation proved to be the most effective tool for me, I could feel that the jittery state of mind was receding after meditation. However, that does not mean that SEP would not work for you. I do believe that you should try every option available and find ones that work for you. Each person is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all. Be openminded and give each tool available a fair trial. Most important is to be patient and not expect a magic pill. Recovery comes through inner work and it is not always easy. Be patient, be patient, be patient.
    westb, Boston Redsox and plum like this.
  9. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Acceptance, Mindset , Indifference to the pain is key ...and what emotions that come up at present moment...no more looking back or forward .
    TG957 likes this.
  10. Lotus

    Lotus New Member

    I purchased Hope and Help for Your Nerves and I do not understand what “Have a planned program of occupation.” means. I at least know that she doesn’t only mean working but what would that look like? Do I really need to plan to “have a meal in a busy shop or restaurant”, spend time outdoors, go for a walk, spend time on interests/hobbies, etc? I haven’t worked in 16 years and this seems really foreign to me especially considering that I’m isolated and when I’ve tried to create a schedule/plan I don’t follow it because things come up and sometimes I like to do things based on the weather, my mood, ability to focus, and energy level. :confused:
    Fabi likes this.
  11. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Lotus - it's been a while, so I went back and looked at your postings from 3 and 2 years ago, because your name certainly looked familiar. I see that you started the SEP back then and I am curious how far you got with that. In the meantime,
    Well, look, I read this book in 2011, so 13 years later I can only guess at a possible answer to your question, because that statement is out of context with regard to the book or the chapter as a whole. But before I provide my guess I'm going to advise that you not overthink it! Don't allow your anxiety (aka your TMS brain mechanism) to keep you stuck just because something doesn't immediately resonate with you. Let It Go and move on!

    Of course this is the very basis of so much TMS work, and you will see that it is absolutely the basis of the book.

    Keep in mind that Dr Weekes wrote this book in 1969, so in combination with being Australian, her use of language is a bit different from that of North Americans. I've been known to call her use of language "quaint" for modern generations - but her advice is nonetheless timeless, wise, and unendingly compassionate.

    If I had to guess, I think she's just saying keep yourself occupied with activities that you enjoy or which bring you a sense of accomplishment.
    TG957 likes this.
  12. Fabi

    Fabi Well known member

    I think that´s exactly what she means. Do sth even though you would like to do sth else.
  13. Lotus

    Lotus New Member

    Okay, thanks.
    I only got to Day 8 however I’ve been reading books like The Mindbody Workbook by Dr. Schechter, Complex PTSD, Journey into Love, Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers however most importantly I realized I have Narcissistic Victim Syndrome and that my husband has been covertly abusing me (I started getting sick when we started dating). I am doing Break Free Bootcamp by Kim Saeed, this has been life changing but Dr. Weekes is filling in the blanks as to how I’ve gotten stuck in the fear cycle regardless of how it was triggered. Yesterday was the first time I haven’t felt suicidal in probably over a decade and I felt peace a couple times which is a lot considering that I probably haven’t felt peace since spring, and I feel hopeful which I haven’t felt since before I met my husband.
  14. louaci

    louaci Peer Supporter

    My spouse has been reading it but it kind of helps but some recent triggers really set him off again. His nerves have been sensitized so much that any "constructive feedback" or "bratty kid behavior" would blow him off, because it reinforces his belief that he is unworthy and unwanted. He plans a two-week solo trip to focus on reading and thinking, desensitizing etc. I am starting to read the book myself too and see how it would work for me.

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