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Let's begin

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Tom, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This sounds like really good progress, Tom! I can understand the "hard to believe" syndrome - I've been there. Re journaling, I'm curious - how about the list-making activities in the Ed program? Are you able to come up with lists of things as suggested?
  2. Tom

    Tom New Member

    The Olympics have temporarily stalled my progress through the daily programme! Have been enjoying the coverage and stories.
    My ankle/foot continues to amaze me. Not pain free but so much better especially in the morning upon waking which was the worst time for pain. It even felt strong the other day - like it had never been a problem.

    I have made a list of past events and trauma etc and have thought of several as the days have passed.

    I am thinking now that the pain and 'condition' had become part of me and was habitual. Now that I am cleared of physical ailment it is looking like I was expecting the foot to be sore and was using it as an excuse and attention seeking device. Hmm?

    I am very pleased with the progress to date. Very grateful.
  3. veronica73

    veronica73 Well known member

    Great news, Tom!
  4. Tom

    Tom New Member

    Have been doing very very well.
    It continues to amaze me daily just how good the ankle is.
    Each day of the structured programme is taking me more than a day. My left foot is simply amazing.
    17 years of suffering is over. It is a new life.
    veronica73 and Forest like this.
  5. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is wonderful to hear! :)

    To go from having pain for so long, to pain free in such a short period is a testament to just how effective this approach is. Like you, when I recovered I felt like I had a new life. It is so great to no longer have pain holding you back. Congrats on how you are doing!
  6. Tom

    Tom New Member

    Progress has been steady to the point that now I can go a day without any ankle pain and I am starting to forget that I had pain.
    I laugh to myself when I realise it has been so long since I felt the ankle pain. Laugh!

    I have not completely sorted the foot with some pain in one toe when walking barefoot - this began around February this year but the ankle pain of many years is as good as gone.

    I have not completed the daily programme - still pottering my way through.

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