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Looking for an Atlanta physician

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by P's twin, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. John’74

    John’74 Peer Supporter

    Hey there! Yes, Dr. Batson is awesome!! She diagnosed me with TMS&referred me to LA Chronic Pain Center &I start therapy sessions via Skype on Friday.
  2. Memawjan

    Memawjan Peer Supporter

    Thats great! Hope you make progress!
    Fran likes this.
  3. John’74

    John’74 Peer Supporter

  4. Fran

    Fran Newcomer

    I saw Dr. Batson on April 25, 2019. She spent 2 hours with me and was most helpful! The doctors in the Southeast are very limited. I highly recommend her. Will return to see her if needed. I live in the Atlanta area.
  5. Fran

    Fran Newcomer

    Drive to Nashville to see Dr. Batson. I did in April 2019. Worth the drive. 2 hours with her. I am now on the right road! I live in the Atlanta area.
  6. John’74

    John’74 Peer Supporter

    That’s great! Did she recommend LA Pain Psychology?
  7. Fran

    Fran Newcomer

    Yes she did. Have you seen her?
  8. John’74

    John’74 Peer Supporter

    Yes,she was lovely. She told me to use La Pain Psychology because I’m in north Ga,4 hrs from her. Been seeing my current therapist almost a year. My first therapist was an ass;saw him 7 wks. I’m not seeing dramatic results though.
    Mars497@ likes this.

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