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May I ask you a favor? BOOK REVIEW

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Nicole J. Sachs LCSW, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Nicole J. Sachs LCSW

    Nicole J. Sachs LCSW Therapist and TMS Author

    Many ppl do this work without a therapist. You can check out my latest YouTube video on the subject.

    However... if you feel that the work is destabilizing you or upsetting you in a way that worries you, sometimes a therapist is necessary to guide you through. It's a personal decision.

    Boston Redsox likes this.
  2. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Yes I'm getting upset but very cleansing to the sole
  3. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member


    I have been doing journalspeak as you set it up in the book....and I have journaled in the pass maybe not as raw as yo explain but what happens when it becomes about the same 5 things?
  4. honeybear424

    honeybear424 Well known member

    I think this is what you're asking about:

  5. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

  6. Nicole J. Sachs LCSW

    Nicole J. Sachs LCSW Therapist and TMS Author

    Hey guys. I'm neck deep in kids. Thanks for helping each other. :)
    honeybear424 and Boston Redsox like this.
  7. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    It's seems my pain is getting worse after a few days of journal/speak
  8. honeybear424

    honeybear424 Well known member

    From what I've heard, that can be normal, and I, too, have been having the same experience. But I'm not giving up because I can tell I'm accessing some deep stuff. I've been at this for 10 1/2 weeks and not giving up.
  9. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    How long have you been at it
  10. honeybear424

    honeybear424 Well known member

    Sorry! I was editing my post to include that probably at the same time you were responding. I started journaling like this 10 1/2 weeks ago. I found her how-to videos right after they went up, but right before that I found her website and the quote at the bottom of the home page had me hook, line, and sinker. At the time, I was again in the throes of this mysterious dental pain, along with head, neck, and jaw pain, that has been relentless off and on for years!
  11. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member


    That's terrible nothing is worse than that tooth pain sucks I get small bouts of it...I only been doing it for 4 days and my pain as escalated ...but it did last time I journaled ..I have not found much success yet in my tms journey I have been at it for awhile ..but i am not giving up
    honeybear424 likes this.
  12. Nicole J. Sachs LCSW

    Nicole J. Sachs LCSW Therapist and TMS Author

    Hey guys. It's totally totally TOTALLY normal for your pain to get worse before it gets better. The brain is in a scramble to "protect" you and you are stirring the pot. JournalSpeak is the way out of your jail. Take a deep breath, decide you are powerful and ok, give yourself a huge dose and compassion and kindness, and forge on.

    This doesn't work overnight bc it is an eduring solution. Nothing that easy lasts...

    Love and light to you.
    honeybear424 likes this.
  13. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Thx you Nichole
    honeybear424 likes this.
  14. honeybear424

    honeybear424 Well known member

    Thank you for those encouraging words, Nicole! xoxo Your videos and book have given me so much hope.

    BR -

    I have also been at this TMS stuff for a long while, 4 1/2 years to be exact, and have done it all. I feel like now, though, with the JournalSpeak (and believe me I have done plenty of journaling as well), I am finally accessing the deep-seated rage and sadness from my childhood, as well as many other emotions. Over the past 10 1/2 weeks, I have several times written so hard on the paper to where I've ripped through to damage many sheets down. And a couple of days ago I found myself crying and yelling at my dad's picture in a rage over him never being home when I was a child. I've know about this anger for years, but the JournalSpeak is helping me to reach the rawest emotions, the ones that all of my symptoms have been trying to keep at bay for the past 25 years.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
  15. Nicole J. Sachs LCSW

    Nicole J. Sachs LCSW Therapist and TMS Author

    That's beautiful HB. That's exactly what I'm talking about. When you give a voice to that stuff that exists within us anyway... There is no longer the need for your mind/body system to spend so much energy holding it down. The symptoms you feel are a result of that repression. You are freeing yourself. Keep up the practice and it will most certainly yield results.

    Oh, and if you guys haven't... Might you please post reviews on Amazon.com? I really appreciate it so much.

    XO nicole
    honeybear424 likes this.
  16. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member


    I have a question : doesn`t the constant digging up of rage and anger just cause more pain and anxiety I understand we need to get it out ,but when is enough enough...you read so many different opinions on this site and they all make sense in there own right.. I have been J/S for the last week and I just have nothing else to come out on a concious level anyway do we take a break?
  17. Nicole J. Sachs LCSW

    Nicole J. Sachs LCSW Therapist and TMS Author

    i think journaling 20 mins a day until you feel better is the best plan. i wish i had time to write more but i don't have more than a minute. reading a lot of people's opinions can really mess with your head in my opinion. remember that the brain will throw resistance in our path for a long while until it realizes we are safe even when we feel our feelings.
    ter456 likes this.
  18. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Thx you Nichole
  19. ter456

    ter456 New Member

    Just bought your book Nicole...every time I read anything from it (I am reading it slowly) I start to cry --this is an amazing thing because if I wasn't connecting with you or resonating it, I wouldn't be crying...I was actually crying one day and clutching the book to my heart. I have multiple chronic pains and read Sarno (actually saw him in NYC 17 years ago) and saw Dr. Schecter (read his book) in LA a few months ago. I have been in very bad pain (with like 5 different things hitting me all at once many times) and also working by phone with a TMS therapist. Over the last 9 months of on and off journaling and doing the work, I only feel worse, not better (even emotionally). And that is not meant as a judjment towards anyone. I know this takes time and can be a very difficult road. Your book is giving me new hope (just getting to the journaling part) and I AM DONE SUFFERING. I am planning on taking your course when I am done with the book. I will leave a review on Amazon as soon as I am done. Thank you for being so open, vulnerable and HUMAN! It is so rare for a therapist to reveal anything of themselves and I think that is a huge missing link...
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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