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My Long Haul Covid is TMS.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by avik, May 29, 2021.

  1. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    It would be interesting to know his reasons for getting himself vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine when the ARR is so low, especially if he lives in an area where the background infection rate is low. Did he say? I guess it must have been more about 'for the greater good' than his own protection?
    We've got the second highest vaccination rate in the world, yet over here (in the UK) the new India variant is surging in many parts of the country (albeit ICU cases, so far, don't seem to be all that high). There's also a new seemingly 'home grown' variant that's suddenly appeared in the English county of Yorkshire. How infectious and 'deadly' the Yorkshire variant is is still being assessed. Maybe our Government's policy of making people wait up to 12 weeks for their second jabs has something to do with this.
    I too wonder if any of the concerns raised in that article have been observed so far. I've not seen much mention of ADE and not in relation to any of the new variants in my country. I hate thinking like this, but I wonder whether the 'powers that be' in the UK might not let on about ADE if it were to be happening now or in the future...They didn't, for instance, mention anything at all about rare blood clots with low platelets suffered by some of those receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, not until Norway and the EU alerted the world to it, yet in the UK we'd already had as many cases as Germany and Norway.

    With regard to the covid vaccine trials not including people with autoimmune diseases, I've just seen (on this website https://www.autoimmuneinstitute.org/covid-news-and-autoimmune-disease/ (Covid-19 News As It Relates to Autoimmune Disease | Global Autoimmune Institute)) that the following trial is going to take place. I might wait for the results of the trial to make up my mind about having the jabs, but goodness knows how long that might be!

    April 27, 2021

    The NIH will be conducting a clinical trial testing COVID-19 vaccine responses in people with immune deficiencies. These will include primary and secondary immune system disorders. In addition to learning how this population responds to the COVID-19 vaccine, this study aims to fill the gap regarding the clinical presentation of COVID-19 in those with immune deficiencies, “especially those who have inborn conditions involving deficits or dysregulations in antibody or cell-based immune responses to infections.”

    Because those with immune disorders were excluded from the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials prior to emergency authorization, this study will “characterize the features and adequacy of immune responses to COVID-19 vaccination in people with a range of immune deficiencies and dysregulation syndromes.” The study will include 500 participants, 400 of which have primary or secondary immune system disorders and are 16 years of age or older. If participants get vaccinated during the study, blood samples will be taken before and after vaccination and studied for “short-term immunological effects of immunization.”

    Participants may voluntarily provide blood samples at different intervals following their last dose of the vaccine. Researchers will then assess the T-cell response and vaccine-induced antibody production in those with immune disorders compared to those without immune system disorders.

    For more information regarding the study and enrollment, visit clinicaltrials.gov and use the search code NCT04852276."
    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  2. avik

    avik Well known member

  3. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    By posting about that study I wasn't meaning to imply that your symptoms aren't TMS but, as I read that you encouraged your fiancée to have the vaccine and I therefore gathered you're not an anti-vaxxer -- and there have been a lot of reports about many of those with long covid getting totally better from having a covid vaccine -- I thought you might like to know that having a vaccine might help you (if you weren't already aware). I had the best of intentions, but have taken my posting down. I'll bow out of this thread now, except to reply to Fred if he replies to my latest posting. All the best to you.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
  4. avik

    avik Well known member

    Bloodmoon-my sincere apologies...I did not mean to sound so curt and unappreciative of what you wrote.
    I likely misunderstood your intentions with that info. I started reading what you attached and didn't even bother finishing as I want to focus on the psychological aspects right now.
    It's a knee-jerk, TMS-ish reaction.
    I should have taken some more time to go through the info you sent and done a better job at expressing myself

    No excuse but I am not in my right state of mind right now and I tend to make quick, emotional, and impatient decisions. I can put you in touch with my fiance, she can tell you all about it!

    The info you are sharing is both valuable and greatly appreciated so please repost and do not bow out.
    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  5. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for explaining, avik -- and, no problem, apology absolutely accepted...I understand and have felt all the kinds of emotions and reactions you describe in relation to my own health situation. (A couple of weeks ago someone I counted as being a friend told me that she didn't believe that my symptoms were mind-body - and tbh I felt like knocking her block off!...I had to do a bit of journaling about that!) For my own part, I think it would have been good if I'd have stopped to preface what I posted with more details as to exactly why I was posting it up for you, but you don't always think to do these things.

    I do quite a lot of online research and I shall continue to post up anything that I come across that I think might be of any help or interest to you. A daughter of a friend is doing a course for her long covid which starts on 15th June; it's online, so I wouldn't think it would matter where in the world participants are even though the course/sessions are from the UK. I emailed her and she's given me a link; I'll pm it to you, with an associated video. Once she's done the course, I can let you know how she got on with it, if you'd like. (From the sounds of it, they will continue to offer the courses.) The sessions include breath work for oxygenation, which ties in with Sarno's ischaemia so -- whatever reasons the course instructors may put forward as to why and how they think their breathing and other suggestions have helped people with long covid -- mind/body appears to be very much at the core of what they are doing.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
    FredAmir and avik like this.
  6. avik

    avik Well known member

    Would love to hear how that course goes. Thanks.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  7. emporeon027

    emporeon027 Peer Supporter

    My post covid symptoms seems to be tms i mean they really screen tms all over the place. Still i ajve to go and check it out damage. I havent yet because i was. A mild case. Even My test came fine when i was with covid. And still got this long covid. How are You doing now? I'm pretty sure and Open to this symptoms are tms
  8. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  9. andy64tms

    andy64tms Well known member

    Hi Avik,

    Thanks for your long haul Covid post from May.

    I have not posted here for several years, but have just read the entire thread with interest. In May 2019, I too was horrified at the masses of negative news and controversy that perpetuated the news media. When Italy shut down, freezer wagons placed outside hospitals, and dead bodies transported to surrounding towns to be cremated, my primal fear set in big time. I call this a “primal fear epiphany”.

    In my 73 years, I had never been through anything like this. What was I to do, with so much information and months of negative views being portrayed? Would I be trapped in a cycle of disbelief? How could I accept that a Pandemic is really happening?

    Since a virus can be explained medically, in no way would I accept this as a backdoor TMS issue. My main issue was fear, spawned by lack of knowledge and political misinformation. I had a duty to my wife who has a compromised immune system. She had had a stroke, heart issues and we are both elderly in our 70’s.

    I started writing and felt calmer, my fear dissipated as my engineering back ground and many TMS journaling years kicked in. For weeks I explored Covid information on the web from credited sources. I was gradually, being pulled into a massive research project. I found it very interesting, and admit to feeling conceited over others who didn’t believe in science, or were too lazy to hit an internet button.

    I wrote scenarios comparing the 1918 pandemic to COVID 19, with no vaccine at this time our outlook was a grim culling of the worlds’ populations. Yes, my comparison pointed to millions dying worldwide. After all the 1918 killed 50 million people, this would be much worse than that. I felt sick with my comparison of no hope. I had failed to investigate the progress of a vaccine, which had already been in process for 17 years or so. I corrected my belief.

    Pretty soon I had too much to handle and created an index, I added procedures for cleaning food, bathrooms etc. I had a section of worldwide Corona statistics that I updated daily. My writings had become a book one inch thick.

    I realized this was over the top, but didn’t care. I recognized the need to be OCD as this would keep me and my wife safe. I had made the calculated decision that I had some measure of control and this was just a virus - nothing to do with TMS. My book allowed me to ignore the denying psychology of others, as I had a book with my beliefs and facts to refer to. The collective attitude of many others about Covid to this day offends me.

    The book eventually became too big update and print and handle on a daily basis. I went electronic and recycled the paper for office notes. The whole book effort ended when I got vaccinated in February 2021. I remember the feeling of relief as the vaccine shot into my arm and transferred my worries TMS style to my three sons who are around your age; they thankfully have now been vaccinated. Now it’s my grandchildren under 11 that I am concerned about, as I should be.

    In any event, my fear kept me safe by motivating me to investigate, write and seek my own truth about Covid, a lesson I took in the earlier days from Nicolle about your own truths. I give thanks to her. I give thanks for my age 73 to have got the vaccine earlier than others, like yourself.

    Thank you once again- stay safe.

    My book now archived and resides on my hard drive, your posts prompts me to start my House Corona Manual - “part two”.

    Attached Files:

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