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Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Kiara, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. chickenbone

    chickenbone Well known member

    I took the Enneagram test and discovered that I am a type 6 with a 5 wing. It is really amazing how the description fit me - especially my problem areas. I am so fear based, very negative and don't trust easily, but always feel i need someone to depend upon. Just a jumble of contradictions.

    Maybe we could ask Forrest if we could offer to have members take the Meyers-Briggs test. I think it would be very interesting.
    Porpoise likes this.
  2. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Thanks for sharing Chickenbone! It seems that both the Enneagram and the MBTI can highlight problem areas - such as fear or sensitivity - which often contribute to TMS.
    Porpoise likes this.
  3. Ollin

    Ollin Peer Supporter

    Hi, another ISFJ here, just catching up on this thread. Although almost INFJ: Introvert(100%) Sensing(1%) Feeling(38%) Judging(22%)

    Always knew I was introvert and happy with it, so that's no surprise but maybe affected my strong score. A bit unsure about the others, will need to read up more. I wonder though if it's the low % scores that for some people may indicate conflict areas in how they respond to situations, and therefore be source of inner tensions... Just a thought.
    Kiara likes this.
  4. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Hi Ollin,

    It's quite possible you are an INFJ, as often when people score 50/50 on the Intuitive-Sensing spectrum it is more likely that they are an Intuitive type. However, it's worth reading both the INFJ and ISFJ profiles to see if one seems to fit you slightly better. Some people do seem to be on the borderline between two different personality types.

    By the way, your avatar image is very pretty! :)
  5. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

  6. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Current list:

    ENFP: 1

    INFP: 7

    INTP: 2

    INFJ: 2

    INTJ: 1

    ENFJ: 1

    ISFJ: 2
  7. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think if you live in the real world and not in a mountain monastery in Tibet
    you're going to have TMS.

    I've wondered why so many people like watching movies with so much action and special effects.
    I think the reason is everyone is so used to multi-tasking, they have a hard time sitting still
    and being in the present moment. If we can't do that, we are wide open to anxiety, worry, anger, etc.

    We can manage the world we live in, or at least try to. It usually calls for moderation, forgiving,
    finding ways to be happy and laugh. Also, love.
  8. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Yeah, I think that's a good point Walt - people get used to being overstimulated, and they need more to get the same sense of "novelty". I think this is unhealthy and could lead to stress in the subconscious mind, even though people may not be consciously aware of it.

    Having said that, I do think some personalities are more sensitive to stimulation and things like violence or special effects in movies. I guess we assume this is normal and people should be able to "deal" with it, but in reality many people find these things stressful and cause tension.

    I have noticed there are books and articles written about "Highly Sensitive People" which I find useful, for example: 5 Gifts of Being Highly Sensitive

    "The biggest challenge in high sensitivity is probably being vulnerable to sensory or emotional overwhelm. Taking in and processing so much information from both inner and outer worlds can be “too much” at times and result in more pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety and other reactions.

    An intriguing neuroscience research study I came across that may explain some of this said people with nervous systems having decreased latent inhibition are more open to incoming stimuli. Which can be a good thing, or not so good."
    Porpoise likes this.
  9. sewmuch

    sewmuch Member

    INTJ. Totally N and T. Interesting that almost everyone who has posted is I, and I think all who have posted are N. Mix of F vs T and P vs J.
    Kiara likes this.
  10. lorrie

    lorrie New Member

    Kiara likes this.
  11. Barb M.

    Barb M. Peer Supporter

    I'm an INFJ.
    Kiara likes this.
  12. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Thanks for sharing everyone! I love INTJs and INFJs. welcomea I'm going to update the tally…

    Current list:

    ENFP: 1

    INFP: 7

    INTP: 2

    INFJ: 3

    INTJ: 2

    ENFJ: 1

    ISFJ: 2
  13. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    I was doing some journalling about my personality today, and some issues came up that relate to being an ENFP… I just thought I would share in case this encourages someone else! :)

    "I do know that as an ENFP, I have a strong tendency to repress emotions because I prefer to be happy, cheerful and positive. I feel embarrassed when I am sad, angry or fearful. I don’t usually like showing that side of me! I guess people know me as being such a joyful person and I would prefer it that way… but deep down I know it’s not really the truth. I struggle with deep despair and sometimes I feel angry and frustrated that other people can’t see it. I don’t want to shatter their illusion."

    As an Extrovert, I often appear happy and cheerful when talking to other people. And the thing is, I really am happy in that moment! It's just that they don't see how I feel when I am alone, by myself. I get frustrated sometimes because people don't seem to show much sympathy for me, as they assume I'm always cheerful and don't have any real problems...
  14. nimitz

    nimitz New Member

    I'm an INTP and Ennegram 5w6.

    Lenore Thomson (Personality Type: An Owner's Manual) has an interesting take on MBTI types and defense mechanisms related to the tertiary cognitive function associated with that type. A short excerpt for INTPs:
    "Introverted Sensation also focuses the type’s defenses on issues of material well-being. Such INTPs worry about the effects of others on their health, or about the harmful aspects of food or the environment, and they circle the wagons accordingly. Sometimes they strike others as hypochondriacs, but their physical states often mirror the emotional states they aren’t recognizing in themselves.
    INTPs of this sort are attempting to limit their perceptual intake to the familiar, but the result is the increasing influence of Extraverted Feeling. As Extraverted Feeling gets less conscious and more powerful, it begins to actively oppose the INTP’s dominant approach. INTPs in this position are likely to draw attention to themselves. They’re hyperaware of people’s reactions to them, and they respond with vehemence. Extreme INTPs are frequently embroiled in disputes with people, and they spend a great deal of time and energy defending their thoughts in journals or on the op-ed pages of local newspapers."

    Another component related to TMS in INTPs is inferior extraverted Feeling where harmony and a connection to other people is desired while not being good at handling one's own and other's emotions. This leads to avoidance of interpersonal conflict since INTPs feel inapt at handling it which can easily result in a "be always nice and good so that no interpersonal drama ensues" attitude.

    http://personalityjunkie.com/ has a good introduction into types and the theory of cognitive functions plus very good and detailed profiles about how different type think and the resulting behaviour instead of just focusing on superficial traits like most profiles do.

    https://sites.google.com/site/upatel8/personalitytype5 is a very detailed description and analysis of Enneagram 5 (with linkes to other Enneagram types), talking about different levels of healthiness, basic fears, coping mechanisms etc. I can see how the Enneagram 5's fear of being incompetent can lead to perfectionism as coping mechanism.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
    Porpoise and Kiara like this.
  15. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    One of the best things I've done for myself is to stop watching television news.
    I get news from Internet sources and don't need it dramatized or shown on vidoes.

    I'm still trying to get the televised images of the Twin Towers out of my head.
    I don't need to see more of world events like that.

    I spend the time not watching television news by relaxing and finding more joy in life.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  16. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Thanks for sharing that Nimitz! I agree that the Tertiary and Inferior function can have a significant effect on people. I have noticed my ISTP boss has similar issues with inferior Extroverted Feeling (Fe) - and he sometimes struggles with lower back pain and hand pain (most likely TMS).

    I agree with you Walt, about the news. I would prefer to read it online rather than watch it. I think televised news is too graphic and desensitises people to violence.
    Porpoise likes this.
  17. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Update - it looks like INFPs are still in the lead, but INFJs and INTPs are catching up! ;)

    Current list:

    ENFP: 1

    INFP: 7

    INTP: 3

    INFJ: 3

    INTJ: 2

    ENFJ: 1

    ISFJ: 2
    Porpoise likes this.
  18. nimitz

    nimitz New Member

    The percentage of these types in the general population (right) and here (left):
    ENFP: 5.3% (8.1%) => 0.65 times as high as in the general population

    INFP: 36.8% (4.4%) => 8.3 times as high as in the general population

    INTP: 15.8% (3.3%) => 4.7 times as high as in the general population

    INFJ: 15.8% (1.46%) => 10.8 times as high as in the general population

    INTJ: 10.5% (2.1%) => 5 times as high as in the general population

    ENFJ: 5.3% (2.5%) => 2.12 times as high as in the general population

    ISFJ: 10.5% (13.8%) => 0.76 times as high as in the general population

    Now, the sample size is of course too small to make any sort of reliable deduction but so far it seem that INxx make out a bigger portion of the TMS sufferers. Interesting because INxx also make up the biggest portions of HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) in online polls. A link perhaps? Of course it could all be because of online bias and because these kinds of topics seem to interest and suit some personality types more than others (see the huge Intuitive bias here). I don't think my ISTP friend for example would be interested in doing a journal etc. nevermind participate in a thread about personality types.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
    Kiara likes this.
  19. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    INTP here, I think!

    Its interesting that some perceive themselves as thinking(inTp) over feeling(inFp) when in actuality they may just be so good at repression they don't realise or identify feelings. Jonathan Ames alluded to this somewhat in the Clip of him meeting Dr Sarno as he said he bypassed anger and went straight to depression. So in effect, some of the INTPs maybe be INFPs without consciously being aware of it as they may be Alexithymic* to a certain degree.

    *not sure if that is correct usage but Alexithymia is a condition where people have extreme difficult identifying emotions due to them being neglected or imposing self neglect.
    Kiara likes this.
  20. wendyd

    wendyd Peer Supporter

    I'll add me to the list. I'm INFJ/P (equal for J and P).
    Kiara likes this.

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