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Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Kiara, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Porpoise

    Porpoise Peer Supporter

    I like the way you put that, Laudisco.

    Sometimes I think the idea of a 'TMS personality' can obscure the variations in the ways our personalities can contribute towards mindbody issues.
    Hi Irish Sceptic,

    The F, or feeling function, in the MBTI doesn't really refer to the experience of emotions but is a preference of subjective valuing over objective thought (T). That's my take on it anyway! Thanks for your comment.
    Kiara likes this.
  2. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    Thanks for sharing Nimitz! It does seem like there is a sort of "selection bias" here, because INxx types seem to be more common on internet forums and more likely to explore psychological causes for health issues. I suspect many Sensing types would find this harder to accept, at least initially. I have an ISTP manager at work, and I can't imagine him wanting to do a journal either - unless he absolutely had to!

    Current list:

    ENFP: 1

    INFP: 8

    INTP: 4

    INFJ: 3

    INTJ: 2

    ENFJ: 1

    ISFJ: 2

    Wendyd, I have added you as an INFP because according to professional MBTI practitioners, if someone is on the border between P and J they are more likely to be a Perceiver (as Western cultures train people to be more like a Judging type). Also, INFPs are statistically more common than INFJs. Apparently INFPs often mistake themselves for INFJs, while INFJs often think they are INTJs.
    Porpoise likes this.
  3. Kiara

    Kiara Well known member

    I found this thread really interesting today: Introversion - A Health Risk?

  4. kchung

    kchung New Member

    I am an ENFP. I consider myself a complete opposite of a perfectionist, and I am relatively non-competitive. I am very easy going, lay back, retired and always thought that I was stress-free. That was why it was so hard for me to understand Dr. Sarno's theory. I am ten months into my TMS journey, and finally seeing some light, reading Sarno's Healing Back Pain the second time. I am reading it very carefully, picking out bits and pieces that are relevant. I can never do jounalling, nor planning. I hate structures and rules. It just seems that everything Dr Sarno desciesribed in the book is opposite to what I am, but yet I developed TMS. So I think it is dangerous trying to stereotype people. Walt said it right: unless you live in a Tibetan monastery, you bound to experience anxieties, stress, anger etc. no matter what your personality type. Now I am just carefully analyzing my own anxieties. e.g, I know I hate doing tax returns every year, and I get depressed and angry going it every year. Watching dandelions growing out of control in the yard also get me really worried and angry. So I am not worry free after all.

    I found this on the net and I can really relate to it:
    "Because ENFPs live in the world of exciting possibilities, the details of everyday life are seen as trivial drudgery. They place no importance on detailed, maintenance-type tasks, and will frequently remain oblivous to these types of concerns. When they do have to perform these tasks, they do not enjoy themselves. This is a challenging area of life for most ENFPs, and can be frustrating for ENFP's family members."
    Last edited: May 30, 2015

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