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Need some Encouragement

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by G.R., Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    GR, I guess I do like the telephone. Just not when I'm watching a good movie.
    And I can't get my phone to ring more than 4 times.
    If I can't get to the phone (in my home office) fast enough, the call cuts off.
    I don't have an answering machine anymore.

    But my phone takes messages so I can learn who called.

    So many calls are for buying this or that. I get tired of getting up to answer them.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you so much yb44
    I love that name, its so cool
    yea we do got things that are rough
    but with will and effort we grow into the light
    Your post have been blessings to me and others.
    Bless you
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    G.R.) And, yes I am going to learn to be a free- spirited teenager again. I think when our children grow up
    we need to do a paradigm shift in our thinking to propel us into new adventures in living. I am so
    imaging and creating who I want to be right now. It takes work though because this is a whole new
    season, I have no experience with. I am going to have fun exploring this new phase of my life.

    Eric)- This is it, Visualizations and Mindfulness.. Etc...
    It works very well, I know - I Know.

    I have a book I've only read a few pages out of
    on visualizations but I've seen it in all the books of wisdom.

    How to see with your heart, your minds eye, your being ya know
    and then actually visualize it like its happening and real, very surreal at times.

    I love it. I do it about 2- 3 times a week on the imagination ,
    visualizations- but really im thinking about it all day so that makes for progress.
    I have been really working this area of my life-
    and im proud to say, so far- its all worked perfect:)
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Walt, those folks always calling and we think its a friend or someone.
    I picked up the other day and the guy goes hey pal how r ya doing.
    I thought this was ralph my buddy from high school, I said real Good and you
    He goes well we really been thinking about you and I thought man that's a real friend
    and I said well you have been in our hearts for years Ralph.

    Oh no im not Ralph he said im the guy that called you about the ornaments a few months ago
    I said oh ok so whats up, he said the orders in and its 29:95- I said ok pal - ill get my card.

    Some of those folks can really get cha in the Spirit as funny as that sounds but I imagined him as my friend
    Wow- Hope he calls me on Christmas to wish me well, very well educated mind ya know.
  5. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    Hi, My Dear Friends,
    I want you to let you know I am doing much better. I, also, am not so stressed the symptoms
    moved. I took everyone's advise and put it into practice. It is so great to have a cheerleading
    squad behind you. Everyone, you were the glue I needed to stay on track.

    It is amazing I made a major turn around this week for the better. I am so grateful!!!! I actually
    did try to be like a teenage this week. I had a friend visit for four days. I had friends over
    Mon., Tues., and had a women's prayer group at my house today. I usually eat pretty health
    but tonight when I was alone I ate these root vegetable chips while I lounged on my couch;
    boy did that feel good. I don't usually drink but I think I am going to have a beer. Yahoo!!
    It feels so good to have taken some time off of work and just enjoy myself.

    I have to say it felt so healing being around so many people who loved me this week. I think
    for me, the secret for contentment during the week is to get together with some friends which
    I don't usually do during the week. I usually just do that on the weekends.

    I have been continuing working on the program in the book, Unlearn Your Pain by Schrubiner.
    I am just sticking to this one program and really enjoying learning from it and journaling.
    I am actually having fun with it; although every time I do the journaling, I am so crying, like a baby!!!!!!!
    It feels so good; like cleaning myself out from all kinds of emotions I did not know were there.

    Thanks for listening everyone and being there for me. I love all of you all so much. You really make
    a difference in my life.
  6. nancy

    nancy Well known member

    Hi there Rose, I am here for you always. I am so happy you are improving
    each and every day. Will call you tomorrow, Love to you, Nancy
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  7. nancy

    nancy Well known member

    Oh, I forgot to tell you that I went to the gym today and getting physical when
    you were use to it really helped. I wish I had not stopped all my exercising when
    I did. It is so stress relieving. I loved just walking the treadmill again and doing
    all the weights, etc. Will talk to you soon, Nancy
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  8. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    So pleased to hear about this, GR! May your success be infectious so the rest of us can catch it too.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  9. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    So, so happy for you GR. I love the program in Unlearn Your Pain, too. It helped me immensely, and I'm so glad to hear that you are enjoying it.

    Your story is an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for sharing it and keeping us updated on your progress.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  10. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Im so glad you took all the advice. The acting like a teenager advise too. It may seem silly cause were all so grown up and all but if you really think about it - well it works and that's what matters.

    I love your list , the way you laid out what you did to get to feeling better. Im fixing to copy it and put it on my desk top. I have to everyday stay in the zone and continuously learn so ill be ready at all times to take a big dive out the window of an air plane just in case that was to ever happen and also it really helps me stay in control. You are awesome GR
    Bless you

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