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No Success With Any Treatment

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by NIClubber, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for getting in touch, TT. Everything should be all set to enter the form, but if you're having difficulties, let me know. Perhaps it's worth giving it another try? Of course, if you've already got an appointment with Georgie, it might be better to just stick with that. It's up to you, though. If you want to submit a question, just use this link:
  2. UkAdR

    UkAdR Peer Supporter

    Layla - I do follow a decent diet. I eat at least 5 pieces of fruit a day, have a vitamin C supplement, drink milk, each mostly fresh cooked meals with quite a lot of veg. I should hope its nothing to do with my diet. I have also managed to lose almost a stone and a half in the last year or so, but initially a lot of that was around the time my pain and depression due to my back were at its worst last year.

    NIClubber, that's so interesting as I have an appointment booked with Georgie too. I am travelling up to Huddersfield on Thursday to meet her.
  3. NIClubber

    NIClubber Peer Supporter

    I can deal with the occasional twinge, as I know it's only a twinge and will disappear within 3-5 minutes. It's the extreme and constant pains in my back, hips and ribs .... and the constant dizziness I have great difficulty in dealing with, especially as I am following the general guidance of writing (and now talking) about the stressful experiences and the repressed emotions attached to them.

    It has been really cathartic, but it is not doing anything to reduce the pain in my body, especially the middle part of my torso.
  4. Anne Walker

    Anne Walker Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi. Have you read much about Outcome Independence? I was really frustrated and confused by the concept at first. If the whole point of these programs is to reduce the pain, then how can we do them and not focus on the results, whether the pain has been reduced or not? I have had dizziness and I know how difficult it is to not monitor it when you are feeling dizzy. I have not been actually dizzy for several years but I am still struggling with the fear that I might get dizzy again. Outcome Independence and not monitoring your symptoms can sometimes be a key component in recovery. I realize at this point that you are just looking for some hope that recovery really is possible for you. It took me a year and a half. But truly, the first six months were the hardest for me. I was still in so much pain and had many doubts. It is overwhelming and difficult to figure out where to begin. And we begin again each and every moment with the thoughts we are generating, the fear and despair we are perpetuating... What can you do in this moment to help make it just a little less? I would force myself to do things that I knew at some point in my life brought me pleasure and joy. Nothing made me happy because it was all so overshadowed by the pain. But when I slowly trained myself to focus on something other than the pain, the pain faded. Not all at once, it was a gradual process for me.
  5. UkAdR

    UkAdR Peer Supporter

    I feel your frustration. I have a similar experience and the pain in my lower back is relentless too. I just have to keep telling myself that it's TMS and eventually the pain will begin to fade. I am still truggling with the belief of the diagnosis to be honest, so I am hoping that affirmations to myself constantly, alongside reading more and more materials will help it sink into my subconscious brain. I think I'm getting there because its actually been a long while since I have looked up any structural reasons - I used to frequent a site called Spine-Health quite a lot, but haven't been on in a long while now.

    I ONLY do TMS stuff. Hopefully, that will convince me....
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    As Lissa Rankin, M.D. said, a mindbody TMS'y doctor and author of MIND OVER MEDICINE : "It's not about nutrition!", while eyeballing the glass of green mystery brew the organizer of the event conveniently product placed on the speaker's lectern in front of her.

    Good luck on your visit to Georgie, I'm rootin' for you!
  7. NIClubber

    NIClubber Peer Supporter

    The chat has done little to help. She advises me to go back into my childhood again for the stressful experiences and try some unsent letters. I was bullied for the five years of secondary school (from ages 11-16) mainly due to the quality of my skin as I was badly affected by acne. Even though I tried to take my own life in the middle of those five years and was referred for counselling, nothing was done about the bullies. Nothing at all.

    All I want is for the back pain to be significantly reduced and the dizziness to be reduced, as well.

    I feel as though my mind is not my own at the moment.
  8. NIClubber

    NIClubber Peer Supporter

    As for the dizziness symptom, I had that previously twice .... once in 2004 and then again in 2006/07. It then started again in the week of my birthday March 2009.

    In the previous two times in 2004 and 2006/07, I cut down the overtime and the dizziness seemed to go pretty quickly. I tried that again in 2009, and it made not a jot of difference. However, I was also going out cycling in 2004 and then again in 2006/07. Is it possible the cycling 'cured' the dizziness, rather than the reduction of overtime?? Is it worth trying the cycling again???

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