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Numbness, tingling, electric shocks, paresthesia, allydonia, small fiber neuropathy

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Sunrise, Nov 23, 2020.

  1. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had an EMG test showing, per my neurologist, irreparable nerve damage in radial and median nerve, all resulting from the nerve entrapment in carpal tunnel. The same neurologist told me the story how he once saw a patient with chronic pain in one hand. EMG test, however, showed much more degradation in the hand that was pain-free. When I inquired that it may bring in questions about value of the EMG test, he still insisted that EMG was the best indicator of nerve problems.

    Guess what, I miraculously (to my neurologist, not to me!) recovered by taking the TMS route, doing emotional work and meditating. My neuropathy is long gone, along with all other terrifying symptoms in my hands. I would let you all make your own judgment about neurology tests.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Awesome @Cincinnati_S! And, isn't breath work kind of miraculous? Even just remembering to breathe deeply and mindfully as often as possible has a noticeable positive effect for me.
  3. Sunrise

    Sunrise Peer Supporter

    Hello, I am the OP and am just checking in to say I very rarely get symptoms anymore. Sometimes I get some numbness in certain positions and such. But nothing like I had when I posted this.
    I am living proof you can move on from this. Thank you Dr John Sarno and everyone on this forum who contributes.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is also so awesome @Sunrise, and I can't believe I missed this incredible thread back in 2020/21! (okay, the truth is that I was busy allowing a volunteer job to mindlessly overwhelm me, which was ultimately really bad for my health but that's another story). Anyway, thank you for checking in with this update. Which begs the question: did you ever write your Success Story? I should also ask @Cincinnati_S the same thing!
  5. krk_mindbody

    krk_mindbody New Member

    @TG957 and @Sunrise : That's music to my ears. After all my tests came negative, I have decided to take TMS route. I still have to rule out with skin biopsy but after reading this thread, decided not to have skin biopsy. But part of my brain tells me that this TMS route might not work. My main symptoms are, 1) Burning, pins & needles and tingling pain in my left hand and left foot. 2) Left toes feel like they are on fire. 3) Dizziness only when walking 4) So much fatigue all day 5) Left Cheek burning (as per MRI, my left trigeminal nerve is touched by an artery).

    My full story (Heads up: Long post and apologies for that.)
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/weird-dizziness-tingling-fingertips-burning-left-cheek-feet.27517/ (Weird Dizziness, tingling fingertips, burning left cheek & feet)

    I am not fully into TMS route but my thinking has changed since I joined this forum. I have just started 30 mins meditation. So I noticed one improvement, I am not getting this pain every day as before but four or five times a week. But whenever it returns, it returns with severe pain, that's when I am losing hopes that this TMS route wont work. I still need to start, journaling, reading Dr. Sarno's books, and any further advises by Dr Sarno.

    Please give me some hopes.

    Thank you
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Take stock of how you feel in your body when the pain returns. How do those emotions feel: a heaviness or lightness, a color you might associate with that emotion, do you embrace and accept this is what todsy. Rings or do you try and push the feelings away…or do you hang on to them, obsess and fret. All of these things are similar to what I (and probably most tmsers) feel when symptoms return, flair up, or present themselves in a different way.
    A change of mindset spin on these is to just simply feel how you feel. Accept it’s how you feel today. Remind yourself that not everyday is like today (progress), and that today’s success is the opportunity to practice “feeling” even when it sucks.
    Being real with yourself: feeling the emotions, noticing possible triggers, reminding yourself of it being temporary gives your mind some balance between hanging out only in a dark place or glossing over everything with too much fake “it’s all right”. It’s self-compassion.
    I think you are taking great steps to your wellness! Taking responsibility for yourself and choices, slowly working on your belief system about everything you are going through.
    JanAtheCPA and krk_mindbody like this.
  7. krk_mindbody

    krk_mindbody New Member

    @Cactusflower Thank you so much for kind and encouraging words. I am so grateful to you. Sure, I will follow your advise. Wish you good health.
  8. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    The most important principle of TMS recovery is to understand that your recovery will be slow and non-linear. It is not a magic pill that would work in 5 minutes. There will be setbacks, flair-ups (or extinction bursts as named by Sarno) and very, very, very long plateaus. What you achieved with 30 minute meditation is HUGE. It took me months to see results from meditation. But I was patient and I recovered. This is the only thing you need to remember and follow, with tremendous amount of patience. Doubt is your main enemy, it will kill your recovery.

    Oh, and the last thing: If the magic pill existed, you would not be on this forum. Period.
    krk_mindbody and Cactusflower like this.
  9. natalia65

    natalia65 Newcomer

  10. natalia65

    natalia65 Newcomer

    Hi Sunrise,
    How are you doing now?
  11. natalia65

    natalia65 Newcomer

    How are you feeling now? Have you had a small fiber neuropathy biopsy?

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