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Pain has spread

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eugene, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member


    thx I wouldn’t say better but different no more anxiety...pain as spiked and constant but living life as best I can ...I don’t get angry anymore as much at my worse I get disappointed at it...but only for a moment I feel what’s going on and move on ...

    thx Tamara it’s been a journey for sure
    TG957 likes this.
  2. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    One day at a time one day I will write my success story I that you and Rita for sure
    Kellso and TG957 like this.
  3. AlexJk

    AlexJk Newcomer

    maybe it is time to consult a doctor? what if it is not related to anxiety?
  4. LMB

    LMB Peer Supporter

    Hi, my name is Lynn from Toronto, Canada. I have been reading these posts for a few years now, read all the popular books mentioned on this site along with Alan Gordon’s program etc etc.
    It all stared over 5 years ago when I had a breast cancer scare, all was good but I still went through 4 surgeries in less than 2 years because I did preventative surgeries similar to Angelina Joli only I didn’t make the papers lol. After all the successfully surgeries were over, a few months after, I developed low back pain like a daunted wire across the very low back, which never went away, more fear set in thinking I had bone cancer, after months and months of bone scans, mri ultrasounds, etc etc all was normal. I also exhausted the system with physio, acupuncture, chiropractor, private trainer etc etc.
    To make a long story shorter, nothing helped and my body stayed in a fear mode permanently.

    I believe in TMS and I don’t think it’s structural even if the pain/discomfort is there all the time with varying degrees. At night it releases and I can sleep well, in the morning I don’t even have to move, the pain just comes,

    Along with the low back, the top of buttocks - glutei are painful as if I had done exercise for hours. I also get a discomfort around the SI joint or sciatica but it never goes down my leg: the pain is regional. I am in pretty good shape, ran the NY marathon 10 years ago and was still running when all this started.

    it’s discouraging and sometimes I doubt TMS,
  5. LMB

    LMB Peer Supporter

    Hi Eugene
    I sent a note but it got posted; not sure if you can see.

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