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Pelvic Pain: Confirmation and Questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by newname7245, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. TimmyH

    TimmyH Peer Supporter

    These pain flair ups are normal. The people that don't recover from Tms are the ones that try these methods, naturally have a couple of flair ups in pain once they return to activities, and then stop trying. It's not linear. There will be ups and downs. Don't measure your success by your pain levels. Measure your success by the fact your not avoiding these painful activities. Feel comfortable being in pain because it's meaningless. The physical sensation of pain is not that bad. It's the emotional side that comes with it that is the challenge. That feeling of fear, anxiety, worry about the future. Try and tackle this emotional side. Don't be afraid. The pain is benign.
    Paigeee and readytoheal like this.
  2. Shoxx

    Shoxx Peer Supporter

    Thanks for the reassurance i always think I’ve got mind set but coz mine don’t come on with activities it’s there all the time I no from when I wake up it’s a conditioned response and I kind of except the pain just obsessing drives me mad then it’s almost like my brain no’s I’m starting to not care so it increases the pain does that make sense also I’ve tried to acknowledge my emotions how do you no what one is causing desress
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
  3. TimmyH

    TimmyH Peer Supporter

    My pain was also there pretty much all day. There were just certain activities that I particularly feared doing. These were the ones that i decided to tackle head on. I made myself do them just to prove to myself that if I could not care about the pain at its worst, then I didnt have to care about it ever. Whenever the pain gets more intense it is actually quite a positive sign. Your brain will up its intensity when you are no longer paying attention to it. And if you keep ignoring it you will likely get a different symptom. For me it was dry eyes. My eyes got so dry they hurt all day and i couldn't look at a screen. Ignored that to and eventually most of it all went away. Your on the right track, take the pain increasing as a sign that you are beating it.
    Exxes likes this.
  4. Shoxx

    Shoxx Peer Supporter

    Thanks mate can’t tell u how much your experience helps
  5. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    interesting about the "not caring" thing, but it's sort of true. For instance, i had terrible bladder pain (interstitial cystitis) that was raging for a year and showed no signs of stopping. i was convinced i had "nerve damage of the bladder" or inflammation (this is before i heard of TMS, and IC was considered a physical disease). Well, i ended up having a pudendal nerve block, which was a huge mistake. i've told this story many times here, but the injection wildly irritated my pudendal nerve and caused me to develop pudendal neuralgia (a rare reaction) and for a while, both conditions overlapped, but i didnt CARE about the bladder pain much, because at this point, i was in pain management and they were giving me meds that helped the bladder, but the meds didnt help the pudendal pain much, not to mention, i found the pudendal pain much more disabling to my life. I was an avid cyclist, it was my entire life and identity, and the idea that i might never ride a bike again was devastating. Basically, there was a new threat in town, and the bladder pain took a back seat in my brain. After a month, it just sort of...went away. A year of hell, for it just to vanish because i stopped caring.

    So now it's been over two years and i'm still fighting the pudendal beast and i cant beat it. I have made strides though, mostly in getting some of my exercise back using mind/body approaches. i just havnt figured out how to dull the pain in my "down time" and while i work my desk job. The associations during quiet time and rest are just too strong. if i'm up moving around and distracted, my pain is very low. if i'm quiet, bored, and resting, the pain is thru the roof. I cant shake it.
  6. Shoxx

    Shoxx Peer Supporter

    I to suffered the same reaction from a nerve blocker I’m managing my symptoms but I can’t seem to get over the final hurdle no matter what I try even the ignoring part only gets me so far
  7. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    really? i havent found one person who flared from a nerve block! i've been told that temporary flares happen, but mine has been 2.5 years. ugh.
  8. Shoxx

    Shoxx Peer Supporter

    Yeh made me get pains in many places and I can only explain the pain in around those areas like having an abs is in the tooth except it’s in the lower region the pain had been that bad often would reduce me to teArs
    But I’m happy to say I’m getting better and better everyday and the pain sensation does not last that long and when I have it it’s only about a two
    I’ve made most of my progress recently and I think it’s mdinky down to I started using tapping solution as I’d tried everything else I used the curable app everyday and I spend 15 to 20 minutes every night or when I feel pain telling myself I’m healthy and I’m in control don’t worry I’ve got this we are safe
    I no it may sound silly but I truely believe this has helped me turn a corner I think I’ve managed to convince my brain we’re ok which had lowered the transmitters or something
    Just keep believing you will get there

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