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Pelvic pain, scared of the pain!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by NicoleB34, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Heya, I was recently contacted by someone who asked me to share the following: "I think I saw a post from a male with pelvic pain. There's an excellent book called, "headache in the pelvis". I went to write in on the forum & lost the page."
  2. ezer

    ezer Well known member

    Forest, "A headache in the pelvis" is dated and inaccurate in my opinion. It attributes pelvic pain to simple anxiety. The cure according to the author is to do a certain type of relaxation (that he teaches at seminars) and physical therapy to treat trigger points.
    The author does not believe in Sarno's theories.
  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, I wouldn't recommend it myself, as I don't like symptom or diagnosis specific books. However, a forum visitor asked me to post that (and thanked me afterward) and as an admin, I'm in the mindset of helping other people express their viewpoints. Presumably that person found something to like in it, and I trust the group to give dissenting views when warranted (as apparently you did!).
  4. CarboNeVo

    CarboNeVo Well known member

    its actually an awful book and its written in form of an advertisment for Wise Andersons expensive pelvic clinic where he treats patients for astronomic amounts by physical therapy and relaxation.
    It just reinforces the idea that there is something physically wrong with the person.
    Also this clinic is sponsored by chronicprostatitis a site entirely dedicated to send people to that clinic.
    It presents it self as an ultimate cure for chronic pelvic pains but I know many guys to whom it did nothing in the long term or these guys found their only relief following the TMS approach.
    Btw Wise anderson was criticized even on this site by some members. His ideas only prolonged my suffering.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  5. Jason32

    Jason32 Peer Supporter

    There's actually not a whole lot of evidence for it either- there's only been one randomized, placebo-controlled trial for trigger point PT for CPPS. The funny part was both the placebo massage group and the PT group had good success rates, which suggests the placebo effect is very strong. The authors of the study even said: "Since all the study therapists were women, male patients might have responded to receiving non-sexual therapeutic touch administered by a woman."

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2872169/ (Randomized Multicenter Feasibility Trial of Myofascial Physical Therapy for Treatment of Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)

    It seems the PT's now mostly focus on external chiropractic-type work (hence my previous post).
  6. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    the history of OCD and health anxiety is defintly me. i've looked back in my life where i was so convinced i had a certain condition, that i was practically willing symptoms onto myself. So i know i have the type of personality where TMS is common. I still go to pelvic PT simply for the reason that my brain (at least i assume it's my brain now) is creating knots. I still try to exercise hard which irritates my PN, then i got to PT, and there are a ton of new knots that have formed along the nerve, especially the Obturator muscle. When i dont see her, i feel like my pelvic muscles just keep winding tighter and tighter. However, she hasnt really made me better.......(because TMS!) she just keeps me from getting worse, by loosening the tight muscles and knots that are squeezing the nerve. I ask her "you release these muscles and knots, but why does it keep coming back" and thats when she said that my brain (with a mix of anxiety and a hypersensitized nervous system) is creating this tension. So she believes in mind/body approaches, which is good. I know that when she releases a huge knot next to the nerve, that it's a good thing. But like i said, it's temporary. The mind part is what i really have to work on.
  7. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    yeah, i was kind of disappointed when i read "a headache in the pelvis" because it was obvious that it was an advertisement for his clinic. I can see how the relaxation part of the program can be helpful, but it's probably not enough.
  8. adyxon

    adyxon Peer Supporter

    I have attempted dr Wise Clinic last autumn. I can't say bad words about him . He has a very skilled PT Tom Sayer . The cost was very high for me $4300 + fly and accommodation . I have been there in October but only did his protocol for 3 months.
    Why? Because at the end of December I found your website and I decided to go TMS.
    I couldn't do paradoxical relaxation because I was deeply depressed and my pelvis and my back were constantly burning. Then I started to buy TMS books.
    I only exchanged email with one guy from NY who got better after few months of protocol.
    Now I am trying to develop new habits like going to walk 5 miles every day and work with Alan Gordon new program and Monte Huflle .
  9. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    could i ask what you did to manage the delay pain?

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