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Pelvic, Pudendal, Low Back Pain. Recognize it for what it is.

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by MWsunin12, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Anisha_d87

    Anisha_d87 Peer Supporter

    Thanks avy ☺️Your reply means alot
    Im having a strange day today where the pain in my stomach and then travelled to my pelvic area, not had this sensation before, yday i had mid back and knee pain! The pain seems to move around my body. I guess this is typical tms
  2. Abbo

    Abbo Well known member

    Anisha_d87. There are several therapists in the uk. I am in the uk and I have a therapist in Southampton. Ok I have to travel 3/4 hour to get to him and at the begining when I was suffering so much pain I only just managed it but he has been wonderful with me , so supportive not only when I see him but also supporting me with emails and phone calls whenever I have needed reassurance. Have you been in touch with Georgie Oldfield? Dr Schubiner referred me to her and because she lives in Huddersfield which was too far away for me she referred me to a therapist that she had taught TMS too. I still find the forum such a massive support and comfort to me reading about how other members deal with their condition and, often question symptoms which have frightened and alarmed me, as in 'symptom imperative' and how to deal with 'outcome independence' and 'conditioned responses'. I feel on times as if I am a walking disaster! Fortunately my pelvic burning has settled down now but I still have TMS symptoms in other areas though they are diminishing as I have now learned to 'Allow and Accept' and carry on with life regardless. I am far more aware of my emotions as I have found that being annoyed, irritated and upset about things can really cause a flare up. It has definitely been a roller coaster journey for me and I have to learn to be calmer, more tolerant and patient and laugh at life's absurdities instead of getting screwed up when others or 'the system' get things wrong and trying to stop expecting everyone to do things perfectly (as I used to do!!!). It has been a hard learning curve for me but as I keep telling myself 'I will get there' Good luck and all best wishes for your upcoming wedding and wonderful life ahead. God Bless you
    Anisha_d87 and westb like this.
  3. Abbo

    Abbo Well known member

    Abbo liked this
  4. Anisha_d87

    Anisha_d87 Peer Supporter

    Awww thank you so much abbo
    I havent contacted anyone yet, i have bad anxiety also with depersonalisation which is adding fuel to the fire!
    This forum has helped me already very much!
  5. Sean

    Sean New Member

    This is the exercise I added in that has been increasingly wonderful. I squat down as low as I can go and stay there for a minute. Then, I do it again two or three times. Women in the third world countries all squat down to do almost everything. It naturally tones, stretches and strengthen the pelvic floor area. It relieves the pressure naturally. Once you squat down, just breathe, and then see if you can let your bum sink even closer to the floor.
    The notion of some type of therapeutic exercise is one I am confused about. Sean says unequivocally no to any type of physical therapy but your exercise would seem to be in that category? I am you with the Idea of stretching that same area due to an injury that occurred occurred long to ago.
  6. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sean, Dr. Sarno wrote to not do a specific exercise in search of having an answer to pain-relief…to do it because it feels good or is part of a routine. I did add these squats into my routine to keep the pelvic floor toned. Trying to stretch my whole body, daily. Peace.
  7. Sean

    Sean New Member

    K...thanks...today I feel like I'm playing mind games with my mind cause I did try specific stretching...under the guise of overall routine:rolleyes:;)tiphata
  8. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's all a mind-game in my viewpoint. Of course we do everything hoping to get the results we want. EVERY-THING. Don't you think? I think the difference is the TMS people punish themselves for not doing it "purely" or "correctly." Give yourself the break that I would give you. That is one thing we can do for each other…is to say "You're fine. Stop beating yourself up." I think most of our pain issues would pass if we would just give ourselves some room to breathe.

    BTW, I obviously don't have this thought incorporated deeply, because I still have pain / health obsessions. But, I feel to my core that it would be true.
    Boston Redsox likes this.
  9. Sean

    Sean New Member

    Thanks for the break...it seems for some it's less complicated
  10. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Did you guys have the constant pressure sensation in the anus??? Sometimes around the anus or in the tailbone??? I'm a sucker for googling and searching. Today it feels like my anus is burning.
  11. Carletto

    Carletto New Member

    scuse me, you know in Italy there are tms therapists?
  12. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I've got to say, as long as you keep googling it, you will expect the symptoms to be there. Yes, I've had that. Once I accepted 100% that it was TMS, it started to fade away. I would also direct my muscles in that area to relax. Tell yourself, "Just let go. Let circulation back in. Nothing is wrong. You're doing this yourself, so let it go away now. Relax." Stop looking it up online. Trust me, you're on a hamster wheel when you look up symptoms.
  13. Abbo

    Abbo Well known member

    Very wise words MWsunin12, how right you are. I also like to say ' You are mine, I created you, we are in this together'. I am only just 'figuring' this out after 8 months of struggling with the TMS programs. I realise now that I have been 'fighting' the tension and the pain' it is time for me to let go, relax and accept everything.
    Thank you for your wisdom.
    MWsunin12 likes this.
  14. Carletto

    Carletto New Member

    Scuse me For my English i have question: i read often that you speak about journal For help in this way.Can i ask what do you mean about journal? What write in this journal? what happen during the day?
  15. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Carletto, Go back to the TMS FORUM home page. Go to "Ask a TMS Therapist" or "General Discussion" and they will help you.
  16. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Wow this is like I'm reading my own story. Any help would be greatly received. Tight anal or pelvic muscles have been diagnosed. No pain while asleep or drunk haha which I obviously can't be all the time. But it's a rectal pressure or ache.

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