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Persistent knee pain (over 2 years!). UPDATED!

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by 7dani4, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. 7dani4

    7dani4 Peer Supporter

    I hope I'm not annoying everyone with all these updates!

    Last few days I've had next to no leg/knee/foot pain (even the bad left foot pain that I thought was real). I just went running and it was all fine. However, I had intense abdominal pain yesterday which resembled horrific period cramps (which I've never ever had before, this is the first time). So I suppose the pain is moving around as I'm realising none of it is real. Everything is fine now. I'm just feeling sadder than usual, and journaling a bit/meditating to get through it. Dealing with the emotions my mind wasn't facing :D
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think these updates are valuable, @7dani4! Having your journey in one thread makes it even more useful, and you're definitely making good use of the forum :cool:
    7dani4 likes this.
  3. 7dani4

    7dani4 Peer Supporter

    Pain in knees and foot doesn't bother me at all now, sometimes it spikes if I go running but it always subsides no matter how hard I run (if it were a real injury, wouldn't it just keep getting worse and worse?). My emotional state however has never been worse because I assume I'm having to face all my issues. Yesterday I was pretty bad and my left shoulder starting hurting a lot (never done anything to injure it). It went away of course.

    So yup, happy there's no real pain, but bummed I have to face it all mentally now :D
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. 7dani4

    7dani4 Peer Supporter

    Is this normal?? It's like something unlocked and I'm completely miserable, crying for weeks. No physical pain though :D
  5. 7dani4

    7dani4 Peer Supporter

    It’s been almost 2 months since I posted - I’ve been doing any and all exercises including lots of jumping and aside from occasional pain (that i think is TMS), it’s all good. I suppose i can consider myself healed.

    I notice when I’m super stressed my stomach hurts or I get PMS type pain, or I feel dizzy and weak. I’m grateful it’s just TMS.

    Anyway my New Year’s resolution is to stop stressing. It’s caused me a lot of issues and it won’t get better as I age if it continues this way. Time to chill out and enjoy life.

    Happy New Year everyone!
    humanbean and JanAtheCPA like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    You and me both @7dani4 ;)

    Happy Healthy New Year to you too!
    7dani4 likes this.

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