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Post trauma Thumb arthritis following fall, pain percentage organic/TMS? Warning: Long story!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by bluesmuso, Sep 9, 2024.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow, I'm late to the party (haven't participated much lately) but what an amazing discussion! I could easily quote a bunch of great stuff but much of it has already been quoted. This, however, dear @Diana-M, hit me right between the eyes - it says a LOT in just a few short sentences:
    Diana-M and bluesmuso like this.
  2. bluesmuso

    bluesmuso New Member

    The "new" symptoms on the Saturday were more a new mental focus on symptoms. The actual physical symptoms were more than likely there before...but my reaction to them changed dramatically. I can remember the hands hurting the day before, they often do when I am doing things that are demanding on the hands. I was running on a deadline with the car brakes, I had to remove the rotors and get them dropped off at the shop for re-machining before they shut so I was more focused on that deadline than the pain. The hands had been sore for a while but had been building to a crescendo which finalised as a panic attack with anxiety and depression...most likely TMS....same thing happened in 2018 following the injury!
    The most unfortunate thing here is that the tugging of the shade cloth in the wind (something I usually wouldn't do because it's very demanding and vigorous on the hands where grip is required) created an "injury/damage event"...perfect for a TMS attack. I do have structural issues in the thumb cmc joints but it is usually in the background...the TMS "amplified" it causing the extreme fear and anxiety...."I have done more damage"...danger!!! These "ghosts" in our lives that scare us...sick of it!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Claire Weekes calls this “second fear” and it really IS the birthplace of TMS. If you give these things attention and concern, they blossom and stay.
    bluesmuso likes this.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I suspect you have had moments like the stress of getting your car in order but don’t recognize them because they have been your norm. This video (and many others he has made) have so many valuable inspires like that.
    Consider that your pre-conceived notion about damaged thumbs might not actually be what’s going on.
    I had imaging showing massive arthritis and inflammation before I knew what TMS was. I mentally chose to believe that was very temporary and it left, never returned. The doctors were stumped!
    JanAtheCPA, Diana-M and bluesmuso like this.
  5. bluesmuso

    bluesmuso New Member

    Unfortunately the thumb CMC joints have organic/symptomatic damage from the original fall, it is my mental perception of the situation I am trying to rectify. Before the TMS anxiety attack they were always there but I didn't pay that much attention to them. The stability of the injury (never got better but never got worse) created a comfortable degree of complacency...it seemed that no matter what I did or didn't do they wouldn't get worse...just stay the same. That is why I am saying I want to "get back to where I was"...I functioned back then...I don't now!

    One thing which is interesting is that I am not taking anti-inflammatories, and when I do it makes very little difference...which sounds a lot like TMS...my back pain was like that!
    It seems to be a confusing mix for me!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
  6. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    How you got there is your nervous system got so jacked up, you are getting scared easily. Do you meditate? That’s the quickest way to calm yourself back down and you’ll stop focusing on this. It’s like any health anxiety. You just picked this to focus on. Read what you just wrote. All of this has been NO BIG DEAL for years. Why is it now? Only because you are nervous. You are creating the problem. There isn’t one.
    bluesmuso likes this.
  7. bluesmuso

    bluesmuso New Member

    Good point about the nervous system jacked up. But I also think that if I hadn't tugged and stretched the shade cloth on those occasions I would have had less problems. It's so annoying when it hurts days after the activity rather than during. If it hurt during the aggravating activity you'd stop doing it!

    Had a good positive day yesterday, registered my motorbike and went for a ride. Also decided to keep my beloved V8 SS car which I had been stressing about due to it's high mileage and lower resale value. Watched the football last night and enjoyed it.

    Woke up this morning not so good...feeling more negative again and you guessed it...hands are hurting. I did do a lot yesterday.

    I look forward to the next positive day. Thanks so much for listening you people xx
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
  8. bluesmuso

    bluesmuso New Member

    I'm feeing really down. Got recent hand x-ray results back...advanced degenerative change both 1st CMC thumb joints. The remainder of the wrist joint is relatively preserved. Doctor has offered a cortisone shot!
  9. balance4me

    balance4me New Member

    THANK GOD, THANK GOD, THANK GOD for your post!!

    Like the original poster, I fell a few weeks ago on my left side--all the way to the pavement with my face hitting the ground. I know I tried to catch myself somehow with my hands, but--you know how a fall is--it happens so quickly you can't remember afterward what exactly happened. Anyway, a couple of days after my whole body stopped hurting, I began to experience pain in my hand, wrist, and then particularly in the index finger of my left hand. I immediately suspected TMS, but I thought there could also be a legitimate bodily process going on involving some excess fluid from inflammation from the fall.

    Three weeks later and the pain has settled in that finger alone. But what has TRULY settled is the terror of having ARTHRITIS. Because, guess what? I'm a musician. Yes, of course. I have been afraid of arthritis for a few years now. I play the pedal harp, the lute and the harpsichord. And you can see how this would ruin my life. So OF COURSE!!

    I have been trying to deal with the fear on my own, but now that I have read these posts I feel SO much better. The little brat TMS is at it again, blast him.

    Coincidentally, I have been working hard for over a month to alleviate IBS, since I'm going on an extended trip to Rome in November and I'm so scared of having that issue while traveling. My fear with the IBS has diminished since the symptoms have improved, so TMS had to cast about for another issue to preoccupy my mind with. Truly, this stuff is incredible! I just keep telling myself Sarno's phrase "TMS is HARMLESS." The harmless part is really important and as I look back over all the TMS manifestations I've had in my life, I know that if they all had persisted I would be a bedridden mess by now. So clearly, they are harmless.

    Anyway, thank you so much again for confirming me in laughing at the "boogey man" of TMS induced arthritis. Today I'm getting back to playing my instruments!! :)
    JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  10. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yay! I’m so glad I could help! That’s always my hope. It’s so sad we have to do this work to free ourselves—but we can’t give up hope! It sounds like you have a great attitude for overcoming your obstacles. You know what’s going on. You won’t let this get you. Sorry to hear about your fall. That’s no fun.

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