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Prostatitis vs. Enlarged Prostate: which is TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by avik, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member


    I am 55 and for the past few years I was waking up few night a month to empty my bladder. Sometimes even 3-4 times a week. This is so common among people as they get older that I took it for granted as the norm.

    Then it dawned on me, after a series of experiences, that this could be TMS. So I applied my recovery plan and it worked great. Now I rarely wake up.

    So don't fall for it's normal part of aging to have BPH symptoms. If they say your prostate is not enlarged, give TMS diagnosis a chance and see what happens.

    Good to keep in mind that many men have enlarged prostates and have no BPH symptoms.

    Believe it or not, I am typing while watching the presidential debate!
  2. eskimoeskimo

    eskimoeskimo Well known member

    Just want to say that I had pelvic, prostate, testicular pain and symptoms that resolved. Those symptoms were replaced by others that concerned me more and faded into the background. I'm still struggling with those other symptoms, so I'm no beacon of TMS wisdom and certainly can't make any definitive diagnoses or claims. But looking back now, it almost seems silly how preoccupied I was with - what turned out to be - nothing. I was 18 years old and convinced I had prostate cancer or some such malady. I didn't.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks Fred, I started thinking "psychologically" trying to identify the current stressors that may be causing the sudden attack. I found a few and concluded they may have been the cause of the BPH attack or contributed to it. Consider the whole event an anomaly now, moving on, back to tennis, swimming, work, etc. Not going to let it become a distraction or chronic.
  4. Un0wut2du

    Un0wut2du Peer Supporter

    I am so glad I came across this one. I discovered this on my own after beginning TMS work. I used to get reports back at physical time that I had a 'slightly enlarged' prostate. I then noticed that the DR. no longer mentioned this. And I'm older! I was pretty sure that there was a correlation. So glad to read your comments @FredAmir

    @FredAmir , I do not see a response to the fella who asked about chronic pelvic pain. Does your book address this? What if I told you I;ve had chronic testicular/groin pain for decades? Is that covered in the book? I know its TMS as I get an all-clear on even sonograms. Ive solved so many issues but this one I cant seem to clear.
  5. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    There are many manifestation of TMS and pelvic pain and groin pain can be included in that.

    You can listen to my interview on The Ali Damron Show for more about what I cover in my book and TMS equivalents.

    https://www.facebook.com/10013162/posts/10110171297335501/ (Ali Damron LAc)

    Sometimes testicular pain could be due to an inguinal hernia. You can refer to my book “Mesh-Free Hernia Repair” for more info on that.


    Take care,
  6. Un0wut2du

    Un0wut2du Peer Supporter

    Thank you, I'll check it out. Regarding the hernia, I've had exam after exam including ultrasounds. Poked, prodded etc. No hernia. All checks out. I'm sure its tied to emotions from a particular time period. Thank you.
  7. StevieG 2013

    StevieG 2013 New Member

    Thanks Fred - Inguinal hernia, I have a long history of TMS and 100% am a believer. My latest issue could be TMS too inguinal hernia If that is possible. I can do the hardest CrossFit workout possible and have no pain. And yet, when I shout and Coach my kids soccer team I have definite pain and the Mark/slight bulge from hernia. Please don't get me wrong, I have a calm head with the kids but you have to shout/project your voice when coaching. Yes, I definitely get fired up & am very competitive And I have a deeper Irish accent/voice, chesty, I suppose similar to a cough, A cough is well accepted - Instigator but I can cough with no problem. To say this is bizarre is an understatement. By all accounts this seems to be TMS but the area does have the Inguinal hernia bulge - albeit it small.
  8. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Interesting situation that you can do cross fit with no problem. You could have a minor case at this time and your strong a muscles are keeping it in check.

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