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Question on how to reach a TMS cure

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Clover, Nov 4, 2024.

  1. Clover

    Clover Peer Supporter

    Thank you. I have done the self pressure thing since grade school to feel loved and for attention. I know it doesn’t serve me now. It is something I am working on. Patience and kindness…. So true.

    Hmm. That would be a good goal. Take it off of myself and put it that energy to better use with the house or projects etc. As long as it doesn’t turn too much into an obsession lol.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Picking up on this one line--there's a lot there.
    Each of us arrives at TMS showing up in our lives (some very young--it's there in childhood) in our own specific ways. We've all got our own sets of experiences, hurts, stuff we choose/need to repress, personality traits, developed patterns, symptoms, fears about symptoms, etc. etc...
    And, each of us find solutions in our own way.

    For me, after reading a Sarno book and trying to practice what he suggested, debilitating symptoms vanished in an instant. It was more than the 'book cure', but not that much more.

    That wouldn't last over the years because symptoms returned in different ways, and I had quite a few seriously difficult times.

    BUT, when I learned that my symptoms could just vanish, that changed me forever.
    It's one of the most important things because it gave me 100% surety that what I was dealing with was TMS--just as it's described in the books and on this forum. I knew on a deep level what was going on.

    Not everybody has that. Folks have their own path and often a meandering one at that. I just think we have to examine closely (without overthinking it) what our experience has been.
    JanAtheCPA and Clover like this.
  3. Mala

    Mala Well known member

    This one for sure is a major key. You won't be able to convince your brain you're safe if you don't face life

    This is KEY!!!! You can only tell your brain so much. Ultimately it will not be fooled. It can sense your fear & no amount of dealing with stuff psychologically will work if you don't LIVE. Living means facing life as @feduccini has so accurately put it. This means getting back to NORMAL activity.

    This is the essence of what Sarno has been telling us.

    Think psychologically & resume normal activity.

    Yet there are some here who are playing mind games with themselves & wondering why they are not 'cured'. If you still keep thinking that you are weak & that your body is broken then how are you going to hide that fact from your brain. Little wonder then they are not recovering. Your mind & body are in conflict.

    Read the success stories. Nearly all if not all of those people have recovered because they they went back to resuming a normal life & that is paramount in order to recover.


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