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Recovery from Digestive issues (LPR, Dyspepsia)

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by zeeman01, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    weakened sphincter. actually, it hasn't been well studied. some docs don't even think it is real. people recover from this....and i have known some...so it isn't a permanent condition. i believe it can be handled by some diet changes ( even with some strictly tms issues if one has a poor diet for instance, changes there will certainly help) and reducing stress. i am treating it as tms. it isn't completely gone but is considerably better.
    Kellso and BagelSchnitzel like this.
  2. zeeman01

    zeeman01 Peer Supporter

    I remember when I had so much back pain I couldn't even work and a doctor told me my pain was a structural problem. My l4 and l5 were touching. I even had an MRI picture to prove it. Thankfully after years of dealing with back pain a friend at work told me about Dr Sarno's work and I have not looked back since.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    Kellso and TrustIt like this.
  3. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    What about gum, palate pain from lpr ?
  4. Mazinio

    Mazinio New Member

    Hi Karim & everyone else. Thank you all for sharing. I am in a TMS LPR nightmare at the minute. Its nearly been a year since I started to develop a dry cough. Now I have irritation in my airways with every out breath, like a menthol type feeling, constant throat clearing and burping, even after water. I went to see an ENT who put me on meds and a diet. Nothing has worked and I have a camera going to down my throat to check it out next week as they said my throat was very inflamed and red at the first examination.

    I had back pain for years and finally got on top of it with TMS. Now I have this and of of course am freaking out about cancer. I believe 90% it's TMS but that 10% is enough to cause horrible symptoms and mental anguish. It's so draining. The funny thing is I have no symptoms at night which I think says a lot. If it was structural and something serious I'm guessing I would be getting symptoms during the night.

    Karim how are you doing and maybe we should help each other. Sounds like we have had similar journeys.


  5. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I have ibs I think I don’t think I have ibs now
  6. nele

    nele Peer Supporter

    I have LPR. A mind-body doctor explained to me that the sphincter is influenced psychologically: TMS causes relax it and not close properly.
    JanAtheCPA and BagelSchnitzel like this.
  7. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 Peer Supporter

    Hi, how come your teeth hurt?
  8. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    My teeth hurt before finding TMS. I went to the dentist who said there was nothing wrong. He said he didn't know why they hurt. He suggested maybe sinuses.
    It was from the unconscious muscular tension in that area.
  9. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 Peer Supporter

    That sounds like my teeth. I do have teeth that need crowns but that's not for a long time (according to my dentist). I have constant aches, pains and sensitivity but they're not coming from the cracked teeth. I'm going crazy over it. I thought it could be my sinuses but who knows?
  10. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'll betcha it's from tension. Beware...once I got the all clear from the dentist after about a week the pain went away .....and moved to my throat!
    It was even worse there.
    Then I found Sarno. This forum and the old 20/20 segment.
    And then my pain released and went away.
  11. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 Peer Supporter

    Too late. My original symptom was back pain after a heavy session at the gym (herniated disc according to my CT) and then I had wisdom teeth surgery. It all went downhill from there. The area near my wisdom teeth vegan burning and then it moved around my mouth to my molars. Fast forward to now (over a year later), I now have multiple symptoms. I'm stuck on the cause of it and why I keep getting new symptoms. I think my fear is creating and maintaining everything.
  12. elchessboy

    elchessboy Peer Supporter

    Went from serious loose bowels and digestive orders esp when getting ready for a root canal had a bad experience.

    After that root canal was done i went away for a little trip to enjoy with my family. up until that point i was loose bowel and stomach issue. Let me just tell u when I was at that vacation spot for 3 days..i ate like a pig, junk food pizza and soda and alcohol. I didnt give a shyt anymore as long as i was with my family. i went down water slides and everything else...2 things i did different....ate yogurt (while on antibiotics for the root canal they did) and also relaxed for 45 minutes doing the SALT SPA treatment...basically you lay down in a chair and breahte in the salt in a quiet dark room. What happens next.... I pooped like a LONG LOG...a SNAKE..lol a perfectly good hard good lookin poop. lol excuse my sarcasm but the point is, no loose stool, no runny poop or diareah... it was seriously long and hard and flowed through... went on for this for few days. once a day.

    Now i dont know if it was the yogurt, or the sea salt meditation i did that changed my body....id like to say that helped but what i think really did it for me was that i wasnt going to go to the dentist anymore.the worse part was done and the fear went away..once that happened i think my body calmed down by not giving a fuk anymore!
    TrustIt likes this.
  13. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    Personally, I think the "not giving a fuk" was the primary reason for the improvement. Surrender is powerful! Glad everything came out alright! LOL
    elchessboy and JanAtheCPA like this.
  14. elchessboy

    elchessboy Peer Supporter

    Hi are you able to eat all foods now?
  15. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    Hi I have the exact symptoms . How are you doing? Has anything helped?
    TrustIt likes this.
  16. zeeman01

    zeeman01 Peer Supporter

    Hey Nana, not sure about Maz but I think for me one of the biggest things was trying to find ways to calm and relax my body and my throat. I had some much tension on my throat because of all the hyper focus on it. Try some guided mediation for like 30 minutes. Throat chakras also helped me relax my throat. Not focusing or fearing any throat symptoms will also help it relax and get back to normal. I also did use l glutamin and lemon water in the morning and avoided coffee, chocolate beer and tomato sauce for a while to help calm my acid reflux down but that just to help temporarily while i worked on getting out of fight or flight mode.
    JanAtheCPA and elchessboy like this.
  17. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    Hi see man
    Thank you for your reply.I am doing allll kinds of things, qigong, mediatation, therapy,,pneumologist, ct scan (all negative). My bronchios hurt mainly when I am walking around and doing house work . When I sit or lie down I am much better. I also get a cough and a weird breath feeling , like minty cold when I inhale and exhale . I have been like this for 4 months and every day feels the same
    elchessboy likes this.
  18. elchessboy

    elchessboy Peer Supporter

    hi nana

    perhaps you are doing too much of whatever your trying to do to fix yourself. That sends the wrong message to your body...that there is still danger.
    ill give you a example i had with insomnia. After a stressful months, building a house, stressing with wife, anxiety of a airplane ride (fear of flying) i couldnt sleep. it was scary, thought i was going crazy, thought i would never fall asleep again. I was in FEAR of not sleeping.went on several sleeping meds, read books, exercised till i was ehasuted, slept with socks on, no socks, no coffee, tried different mattress, blanket on, blanket off, pillow between my legs...stopped eating at a certain time...kids had to tiptoe or werent even allowed in my room if i caught 1 or 2 hours of sleep... IT WAS HORRIBLE! meds didnt work after a while and the ones that did really made me into a vampire the next day.meaning pale, and totally tired. I was sad, depressed, anxious... had a nervous break down.
    googling was the worse. everyday i would come home and google that sleep stuff. No matter what I tried...i COULD NOT SLEEP. Until 1 day my wife and i had a heart to heart talk 3am. She told me if she was running around going crazy finding out why i couldnt sleep she would go mad too lol
    I unplugged the computer.... I STOPPED everything that i was doing to help me sleep... completely stopped and said to my self... I TRIED ALL I CAN...NOW IM DONE. I GIVE UP! IF I SLEEP I SLEEP. IF I DONT SLEEP I DONT CARE EITHER!! That was the KEY moment that lifted all the weight off my tensed shoulders! the first few nights i didnt sleep..but i kept going on my day. i didnt care...then all of a sudden gradually i started getting 1...2 hours of sleep... then 4 hours of sleep...then back to 1 hours of sleep...then 6 hours of sleep... then 2 hours of sleep... until finally I slept like a baby. That was 10 years ago. I slept like a baby since... i could drink soda and coffee and still can knock out no prbblem ( I wouldnt recommend that tho lol). I went 1 full year sleeping like a baby with 1 or 2 nights off but that didnt bother me at all WHY? Becuase i knew deep down or should i say (my subconcious mind) knew that the FEAR WAS GONE!!

    I say that most symptoms or all this TMS stuff...the cure is ALL the same!

    the more you try to fix the more you tell yourself there is something wrong and the sysmtoms (alarms) will keep on high alert.
    What helped me was success stories and keeping mind busy..(not to avoid anxiety) but because i like doing so. I go to the gym also ...again not to distract my anxiety...but because i like doing that.

    Hope this helps a bit. Take care!
  19. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    Hi Elchess,

    thank you so much for such a lengthy and detailed reply. It means a lot to me. I have been like this for 3-4months. Yes you are right I can not stop searching and thinking . The only thing is that I still have fear. Fear that this will not leave me. When I am tired it gets worse. Any how I will try to just move on and if I feel the right chest I will try to observe but not get too involved with it!!! Sometimes my brain is constantly trying to inderstand why and how and what if . It becomes exhausting to the point that there are now two problems the chest and the brain !!!! It is crazy! Sometimes I think well what if it is esophageal spasms and no doctor has thought of it and even if it is that , how do I treat it and will it ever get better . I scare myself with all my possible scenarios.
  20. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Nana,
    That’s exactly what your TMS brain does! All day, every day. It wants you to be alert and hyper vigilant so you can fight off a saber tooth tiger. This brain is as dumb as a lizard. It just wants you alive. It doesn’t care if you have a good life or not. To get this lizard (primitive reptilian brain) to stop being in control, you have to DEFY it. How do you defy it? By NOT getting afraid of its tactics. The more you can live with your symptoms—calmly, quietly—-the lizard will let go.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2024

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