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Seeing it another way vs. being with your feelings

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by angelic333, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    Angel, not at all (and maybe I am just being dense here),. I fell I deserve unconditional love. I am not sure why you think i don't.
    Sorry :-(, you are just not making sense to me.
  2. angelic333

    angelic333 Peer Supporter

    It's not for me to think one way or another. It was a thought that came to me based on what you stated. I am probably not on the mark here. Only you know the answer.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    Angel, ty for the clarification. i think i am good . even though this thread was not originally about me, it has given me some good insight. ty all. after 11 years on this journey and getting about 95% Better, there is always still more work to do and i embrace that.

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