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Shooting Suspect has/had history of Back Pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Baseball65, Dec 9, 2024.

  1. mbo

    mbo Well known member

  2. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Beloved Grand Eagle

    This made me wonder if he ever came across and TMS/mind-body related information. If he did, it obviously didn't stick.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2024
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I saw an interview with his friend who hinted at the possibility he had an idea about the mind body connection but was pretty much convinced that if he just worked out more and harder he’d conquer it.
    BruceMC likes this.
  4. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Trying to cure a mind-body condition by training harder is another example of using physical means to resolve an essentially psychological problem, like visiting a PT, a Chiropractor, or a Acupuncturist. Sure, you might feel better after you've burned off a lot of mental stress during a hard workout (of stretched back into proper alignment or needled in your 'trigger points'), but the underlying psychological conflict is never addressed or resolved. Lots of overachieving, over-trained athletes resort to this same methodology throughout their lives and careers. But obviously Luigi Mangione never wanted to confront the huge elephant lurking in his unconscious closet.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
    HealingMe and Baseball65 like this.
  5. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    The Irony of women getting in tizzies about how he looked, but not reading that he himself thought he was 'injured' and descended into loneliness and depression....didn't think he was healthy enough to have a relationship.
    = MORE rage and more pain. Really a tragedy all around.
    BruceMC and HealingMe like this.
  6. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    These women are really f...up, mentally. Pardon my French.
    Baseball65 likes this.
  7. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    That Dr David Hanscom took note of Luigi Mangione's case is actually cause for optimism because other luminaries in the TMS pantheon may follow his lead and add more authority to the TMS diagnosis. Luigi Mangione's case is certainly a striking example of a mind-body disorder entering the public and forensic arenas. We definitely need more such commentary.
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Baseball65's comment reminded me that I came across a reference to a podcast the other day, the title of which seemed relevant, so I went back to Vox and looked it up. It is not about the shooter, but it ties in to the lopsided nature a lot of shit going on, with some interesting thoughts. I just now read the transcript as far as it goes at this link, it sounds like the podcast continues: https://www.vox.com/the-gray-area/390781/masculinity-scott-galloway-young-men-struggling (Are men okay? Our modern masculinity problem, explained.)
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  9. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is what Howard Schubiner wrote to me about the condition that Luigi Mangione was suffering from, namely spondylolisthesis:

    "What Dr. Sarno would say is that this condition, spondylolisthesis, is very commonly seen in people who have no pain at all. We don't know the degree of spondy-- that this person [i.e. Mangione] had. Mild (grade 1 and 2) cases usually do not cause pain and these are the most common ones, by far. Severe cases (grade 3 or 4) usually do require surgery.
    Thanks very much, Howard"

    We just don't know how severe a case of spondylolisthesis Mangione was suffering from. Dr Schubiner also sent me a form to chronicle my own experience with a mind-body syndrome. So my case is being added to the survey Dr Schubiner is conducting.
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  10. louaci

    louaci Peer Supporter

    I just wonder if Dr. Sarno's books should be sent to this young guy. As much as w people hate the greedy insurance companies, there is hope for self healing with Dr. Sarno's books.
  11. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

  12. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Psychology Today has advocated for mindbody awareness for a long time and has published many articles by Dr. Hanscom over the years. Most of our TMS luminaries have had multiple articles published in the magazine, including Dr. Hanscom. All you have to do is google John Sarno MD Psychology Today to find many of the articles. I find it to be an excellent resource for easy-to-digest mindbody information that is suitable for passing on to "beginners".
  13. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

  14. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Fantastic article!
    “the healthcare system frequently overlooks effective, low-cost treatments, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, biofeedback, expressive writing, sleep interventions, diet, relaxation strategies, exercise, and structured pain programs.”
    HealingMe likes this.
  15. Mr Hip Guy

    Mr Hip Guy Well known member

    In a better (I won't say "perfect") world, such a high-profile case like this would be just the thing to start a discourse on TMS and how prevalent it really is. Instead, sigh, all we get is Sanjay Gupta opining on this misled guy's supposed "back condition."

    Man, you said it. I've had 2 instances in the last 2 weeks where I saw TMS "at work" for friends of mine (i.e. complaining about some issue, in this case onset of migraines). When I point out that it is likely stress related, this is the response I usually get:

    "oh, I'm not stressed - I take it all in stride."

    To which I pointed out multiple stressful incidents that both of these individuals had recently experienced. One of which involved a literal HOME INVASION. Talk about stressful, but they were utterly unaware that there may be a connection.
    BruceMC and JanAtheCPA like this.
  16. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    "I just take it all in stride!"....amazing.

    You were being a good friend even bringing it up...it's sort of a collective thing. I remember when the guy first told me about Sarno...the VERY FIRST thought in my head was about a very embarrassing , painful situation I wanted to Bury in the 'backyard' of my mind. I Literally didn't want it to be about stress. Or anything personal. I had to fail at a lot of stuff before I was "Hey...what was the name of that guy?"

    All we can do is point. Some people get it right away and some of us have to have no other solution. Hopefully more of the former and less of the latter.
    BruceMC and JanAtheCPA like this.
  17. Mr Hip Guy

    Mr Hip Guy Well known member

    That's really it, I think. Most of the time I get rejected when I suggest "stress" as the cause (my word for TMS in these situations). Could be several causes behind that:

    - Embarrassment - falling victim to stress implies mental weakness
    - Unwillingness to face it - just like you said, it means going to a dark place most don't want to go
    - Desire for it to be external - "this is happening to me because of xyz injury, or something wrong with my body that is not my fault" (the funny thing is that this is actually true - it's not their fault - but not in the way they perceive)
    Baseball65 likes this.

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