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Similarities between Ramtha's School of Enlightenment and TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by hodini, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. AC45

    AC45 Well known member

    I had not idea that Dr. Sarno passed away. Thank you for sharing this article!
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi everyone, I'm not actually a big fan of this thread either, but I let it stay because Hodini followed the forum rules found in our FAQ. Internet forums are unique places where everyone can say what they feel, and that is a big part of what makes them so interesting. I am a huge believer in the first amendment, and the freedom of speech and freedom of thought is vitally important to me. How to implement those values over the long terms is a challenge because pretty much no matter what you do, some people will criticize you bitterly. What I try to do is to write down some basic rules for the forum and then, as much as possible, restrict myself to simply enforcing those rules. The rules basically say that we have to communicate politely and respectfully. The rules don't attempt to tell people what opinions they can hold about mindbody medicine, though, which is where the freedom of speech comes in (obviously, the freedom of speech isn't absolute; there are rules). Because the rules are written down and don't change much over time, this decreases drama. Generally, 99% of our visitors follow the rules automatically, and we have a great and very supportive culture here.

    I've got more to write, but my oven has preheated, and it's time to make dinner!
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hodini and I had a good phone conversation this week-end, and I think I was able to allay his concerns about Dr. Sarno's methods having any relation to cult behavior. He has ordered one of Dr. Sarno's books, and I'm sure after reading it he will understand what we're here for and perhaps become a regular contributor.
    Ellen and Forest like this.
  4. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow, that's terrific, TT. I think that one on one reachouts like that are the best way to overcome people's concerns.

    As a community, I think that we did a good job of dealing with a tough subject. In terms of whether it has discouraged some people to see the thread, I think that hodini isn't at all alone in his concerns. I think that allowing respectful discussions like this one show that we are people of good conscience, proud of what we are doing. If we started deleting hodini's threads and telling people which opinions about mindbody medicine are okay and which aren't, then we might start drawing some negative attention (and, in my mind, we'd deserve it).

    Hodini mentioned one point that I think will always hound us. I think it's a big part of why people often think that we are cultish. Specifically, because we believe that we must accept the diagnosis to get better, we work very hard to accept the diagnosis. To some outsiders, this may look like we are brainwashing ourselves ... and, to be frank, we somewhat are. In other words, we are trying very hard to believe something (accept the diagnosis) so that we can get out of pain. I did it, too, and I think that if it helps people get out of pain it's a good thing. It would be bad if we were scientists, because it would mean that we are biasing our beliefs and trying to believe one thing rather than just following the evidence. However, we're patients, not practitioners, so things are different.
    Ellen and Tennis Tom like this.
  5. hodini

    hodini Peer Supporter

    I hope you all are enjoying your 4 th of July weekend! I have had an engaging conversation with TT, attended the premiere of "All the rage", and had the opportunity to speak with the film makers, I have also had the opportunity to speak with several colleagues of Dr. Sarno (RIP) at NYP. I am 1/3 of the way through"healing your back pains" so I am going to reserve my comments to some of your thoughtful posts above regarding that until I finish.

    I just wanted to clarify some thing.

    1) I am a proponent of mind body research, treatment and the need to explore its past, current and future efficacy and positive effects within our culture and society as well as its integration within our healthcare systems.

    2) From what I have read and discussed so far, their is no indication of Dr. Sarno as being a cult leader or having anymore characteristics of one any more then most people.

    On the contrary, he appears to have been an extremely dedicated individual pursuing a field we all have an interest in.

    3) The TMS wiki site does not have the essential characteristics which would be considered "cultic".
    Forests statements above as well as my conversations with TT are a testament to that.
    Forest, I understand from TT that you are the Founder of the site. I also understand the time, dedication, and difficulties one has in taking a project such as this from conception through to continuation. While words do matter, behaviors hold more weight in my mind.
    Both yours and TT behaviors shows that neither of you hold the doctrine over existence concept which is an essential part of "cultic" formation.

    There can be no better time then this Independence Day weekend for me to share and commend your commitment to freedom of speech, thoughts, and the right of free choice!!!!
    Thank you.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  6. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    I didn't take the advice to "discontinue all medical treatments" as a directive that must be followed to be part of this online group, but having read The MindBody Prescription and starting to (at long last!) see some progress in overcoming my chronic pain, I see the value of it. The reason Dr. Sarno recommended this is that when we continue to focus on the pain, it is reinforced our minds and bodies and will continue. There' nothing 'woo-woo' or cultish about it.

    There's no condition of belief for membership here. These fora are run for the benefit of chronic pain sufferers. It's all free, and it has changed many lives for the better. I'm very grateful for its presence.
  7. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    In my case, I was more than willing to work on accepting the diagnosis, even though my skeptical side might have poo-poo'd it, because it seemed like a reasonable thing to at least try. And it's working.

    I like the camaraderie on this site, but it's a meeting of like-minds, not a cult gathering. With TMS, it's hard to find anyone who understands what you are going through - doctors, health practitioners in general, friends, family. tmswiki.org is fulfilling a great need. Thanks to whomever started it, and to those that are maintaining the site for all of us.
  8. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    That would be Forest!
  9. Celayne

    Celayne Well known member

    Forest and Tennis Tom like this.

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