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Small Fiber Neuropathy

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by winterhaven123, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. stradivarius

    stradivarius Peer Supporter

    Thanks for sharing in so much detail Caulfield. That is a hell of a story, so glad you have come through all that and out the other side. I am sure your story will help others.
    Dorado likes this.
  2. Lavoris

    Lavoris New Member

    I was so happy to read your post. I have convinced myself (maybe a little less after reading your post) that getting too much Botox did me in. All over sfb in limbs mostly hands and feet. After a suicide attempt last year I sought help from a trauma therapist but still kept privately obsessing about that. I found an article yesterday published by a neurologist backing up my claim. I too went to Mayo and they did EMGs and inserted small needles deep into my muscles. Then a sweat test. Negative. Released w a DX of Central Nervous System Disorder. This gives me hope. I just started the program and I am seeing a TMS specialist here but I didn’t believe him when he told me if it was Botox it would have been gone. I really would love to hear from you as to how you let that go. Was it Mayo? My hands and feet don’t sweat but I’m gonna go home and sit in my tub until I wrinkle! I ordered a book by Dr. Moskowitz from his website Neuroplastix thigh was mentioned in an earlier post. I have thrown away so much money! I am off Zoloft and more than halfway off of Klonopin but I am still on Lyrica and feel awful about it. I know Dr Schubiner says to save it for later when it will be easier to believe you don’t need them anymore. Swinging for the fences when I feel benched:).

  3. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I am in the same boat as you ...I know your looking for a answer so wasn't I ...did the same shit you did ...YOU NEED TO GIVE UP and stop looking for a diagnosis be happy you didn't get one ....Move on your test are clean ....if you need more proof see a tms dr send him or her your results get his stamp and move on ....Are you on any meds
  4. SuzyT

    SuzyT New Member

    Hi all, I have just started looking further into this site and came across this discussion about SFN and Peripheral Neuropathy. All the symptoms that have been mentioned, I have had for the last 3 years. Started mid 2020 because I started to get tired legs and also when walking barefoot it felt like I had sand under my feet (this feeling has been there for many years, but ignored it). I went to the Dr about my tired legs and the feet thing. After many blood tests which ruled out diabetes and other things associated with nerve issues, I went to 2 neurologists, both came up with maybe mild Peripheral Neuropathy. This was in 2020. Then sometime later maybe few weeks/months I started to get tingling in my lower legs and also in my face. So I went to another neuro who assured me that my so called PN was not there, but sent me for an EMG test so that I would be satisfied with her opinion. The EMG came back negative and so the only thing that was put down to my tingling feeling was that it is SFN. After that and for the past 2 years, I have been ignoring it. Recently though, my tiredness in my legs seems to have got worse and the tingling has got worse. Needless to say that I still walk up to 5kms per day, but my fear has made me believe that I will lose my mobility despite what the Neuro said. I have in the past adopted all the TMS principles and have got rid of a lot of symptoms such as back pain, IBS. I have read Alan Gordons book, Sarno's books (back in 2013) and joined Curable. I have also joined Dan Buglio's weekly group sessions. (just last week). I have also watched many of Dan Buglio's videos. I am determined that this tingling stuff and weak legs is TMS. The weak legs comes and goes so easier to address with the TMS work. The tingling and feet issue is constant. When I am distracted it doesn't bother me, but when I focus on it, it is there. I would be happy to discuss further with anyone who has done any TMS work on these kinds of symptoms.
  5. SuzyT

    SuzyT New Member

    I have just seen you post and now it is 2024. I wonder how you are going and how are your symptoms. I put a post in this thread also describing my symptoms

  6. SuzyT

    SuzyT New Member

    I put a post in this thread about my journey with SFN and wondered how you were going after 3 years.
  7. Painter

    Painter New Member

    I read these posts about SFN with interest as it so closely aligns with my symptoms of tingling, burning pain mostly in my lower legs and feet.
    I did a video appt with Dr Shubiner who confirmed that I had MBS based on my MRI results( stenosis, bulging discs etc but I was 68 years old) and a normal physical exam by a neurologist who attributed my symptoms to the structural back issues. Dr S assured me several times that my back MRI was quite normal for my age and not the cause of my symptoms. I did later read about SFN and started worrying about that....until I read page 70 in Dr Shubiner's book- Unlearn Your Pain in which he clearly states that a diagnosis of SFN means that your nerves are working properly and that you actually have a MINDBODY condition.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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