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Some info only generates more fear.. And more pain...

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Lunarlass66, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle


    I send you my love and assurances that you can heal and go on to create the life you desire. Many of us spend a lot of time spinning our wheels and going nowhere. I certainly did this for years. If I can pull back, I am confident anyone can. I wish I could scatter magic dust along your path that would take you all the way there. What I can do is drop words like breadcrumbs in the hope that they bring you to a clearer path, one that you recognise as healing and from there...godspeed. And don't worry, no one ever thinks these kind of posts are crazy. You may be surprised how many people feel like this below the surface of the well-crafted persona. It's kinda the reason we're all here, at least at the beginning.

    Plum x
    JulietBlue and Lily Rose like this.
  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    You are ever welcome my love, and thank you for your generous response and sweet sensitivity.

    from a happy little Plum xxx
  3. JulietBlue

    JulietBlue Peer Supporter

    Thank you so much, Nancy. I feel the same way. It seems to me that the people who suffer from TMS are among the very best people you would ever hope to meet in this life. We are so good, loving, kind and compassionate to everyone else I guess but to ourselves and there's where we run into trouble. This is something I need to work on myself. It can be a hard concept to learn when you've never done it before and I'm finding it does take time.

    I've been doing a lot of praying and begging to God myself. I feel the same as you, I want my life back too. A better life actually because from what I remember of it, it wasn't so great. I look back now and I realize I was doing a lot of running from my pain, anxiety and depression. Which ended up making it all worse of course along with all the doctors and different medications.

    I also have suffered from a lot of the same conditions as you and Plum. Just a few are TMJ, Migraines, Insomnia ( severe now for a good year at least), anxiety, knee pain and surgeries, blurred vision (have this as I type), face swelling, sore throats, Shoulder and neck pain, well the list goes on and on. The scariest one for me the last 7 or 8 months has been brain fog and cognitive dysfunction. This one scares me more then all of the pain.

    So yeah, I can definitely relate to the feeling like you're going crazy and trying to figure out symptoms. I think Plum is right when she says it may not be our privilege to know exactly how the mind and body interconnect and we need to try to stop tying ourselves in knots over it. I unfortunately have been doing just that too. Fear can be such a powerful thing.

    I pray all of us our healed. We all deserve it and please feel free to message me anytime as well. We could all use more support and outside of this forum, it's almost impossible to find anyone else who understands or is even interested to know what we are currently going through.

    Thanks for the complement about my username. In my former life I was a stage actor and I took the name of a character from one of my fave Shakespeare plays and my fave color. I dream of getting back to all of that some day.

    Sending you healing prayers and hugs for now.

    plum and Lunarlass66 like this.
  4. JulietBlue

    JulietBlue Peer Supporter


    I can't thank you enough for your kind and loving response. Your words and assurances provide me much comfort and this sure isn't the first time. I pray that you are right and I can find my way out of all of this. I also wish magic dust was a real thing. I'd be throwing that stuff everywhere! :D
    plum likes this.
  5. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    A quickie for now but do take a look at this success story written by @Ellen on overcoming chronic insomnia. Actually that's one I missed off my list. I've had insomnia too. Dreadful experience.

    http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/recovery-from-chronic-insomnia.16653/#post-87666 (Recovery from Chronic Insomnia)
    JulietBlue likes this.
  6. JulietBlue

    JulietBlue Peer Supporter

    Thanks Plum,

    I did read Ellen's post but I think it wouldn't hurt to read again. The insomnia is actually one of the causes of my confusion lately. I've always had some form or another but it usually came and went in spurts and I'd have some nights in between where my sleep was pretty normal. But in the last year since a lot of other of these really strange symptoms have popped up, that's been one of the worst. I've tried everything including some of Ellen's tips lately. I have so many symptoms of a thyroid or hormone issue as well although I'm getting tested to find out, I'm trying not to think that that's what it is but the symptom match up is undeniable. Even the endo thought so upon examination. My glands are pretty swollen and I have a sore throat more often then not. All that and more seemed to come on last year after I got off a medication that's been known to cause these types of problems. Since learning about TMS, I've been trying to treat all of it as if it were but these other symptoms are hard to ignore. This is why I've been so confused I guess lately. I can't really talk to the endocrinologist about TMS either. I get the sense that she's never heard of this kind of thing. I just told her I've suffered from chronic pain for a long time and it's recently gotten better after I stopped some of my medications. So I'm not sure anymore. I know the insomnia I've always suffered from is TMS but this feels like a whole different animal. I honestly don't know anymore what's what. The pain is the only thing I've seen some improvements in since I started this.

    Has anyone else dealt with any thyroid or hormone issues by chance? I have so many of the symptoms it's hard to ignore. I'm trying my best to be patient until I can see the endo again and get my results but it's hard.

    Thanks again for the link to Ellen's post, Plum. You really are an Angel.
    plum likes this.
  7. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Juliet,

    I was treated for thyroid and hormone issues along the way. The symptoms can be very similar to TMS, so it is natural to want to check it out. The treatments didn't help my symptoms at all. The only thing that has helped me is treating everything as TMS. Not an easy path, but the only one that worked for me.

    But it is good to rule it out for yourself. Doing so can help solidify your belief and commitment to a TMS approach.
    plum and JulietBlue like this.
  8. JulietBlue

    JulietBlue Peer Supporter

    Thanks Ellen, I really appreciate your response. Can I ask you if you had the swelling in the front of the neck, or I guess what they call a goiter? Sounds weird but I never had this swelling around chin and glands until this new batch of symptoms started last summer. Even with all the pain I still felt like me and had interests and all of that somehow before. I still felt and looked somewhat like me. Most of the time anyway. Of course the endo is taking her time while I wonder every day if I'm losing my mind and trying to stay calm, tell myself it's TMS etc. I still have another 2 weeks to wait.

    Thank you again, Ellen. My apologies to Nancy, I didn't mean to hijack your thread.

    Lunarlass66 likes this.
  9. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, swollen lymph nodes in my neck are something that come and go for me. I don't think that was a factor, though, when I was evaluated for thyroid problems. It was based on a blood test (low normal) and my other symptoms. Never had a goiter. If you have a goiter then it's good you are getting it checked out. Always good to rule out medical issues first. I think this condition is very treatable medically.
    JulietBlue likes this.
  10. JulietBlue

    JulietBlue Peer Supporter

    Thanks for answering that for me. I'm not exactly sure it's a goiter per say. I see pictures of others where it's much worse but my glands are certainly big or swollen and are like that pretty consistently now. Hurts when I swallow or when I don't even. I just got lab results back yesterday but not sure what they mean. Everything looks on the lower end of normal except cholesterol levels are very high but I've been eating super healthy for a while now and exercising at least more then I was. So yeah, guess I won't know till I know and just have to be patient but it's definitely no fun waiting and feeling like this. I also hope I'm seeing the right doc. I have so little faith in them these days.

    Thanks again for your support. It really means a lot right now.
  11. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    That's quite all right... Everyone's insights and issues deserve to be heard... Hope you feel better soon... :) Nancy
    plum and JulietBlue like this.
  12. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    And this too, sometimes it's especially helpful and healing to become involved in "someone else's" thread if their concerns are germane to us. In joining in and offering a different perspective and experience it can help shift and unspool big fears and niggling concerns vicariously. We don't have to face everything head-on, sometimes a sideswipe is more effective. This is certainly beneficial if we have layered and complicated problems. There is nothing new under the sun and I do like to see old threads resurrected by new people grappling with similar issues. I think this better than endless new threads because it enables us to deepen and enrich our knowledge while simultaneously realising we're in good company.
    Balsa11, JulietBlue and Lunarlass66 like this.
  13. Balsa11

    Balsa11 Well known member

    In terms of environment to do TMS work, you're simultaneously dealing with your own struggles and trying to be with someone who has his own issues. You need a better home environment and better company in some way.

    If something does show up, TMS work will help you heal too. It's ok to let your doctor know if they're open to mind body or stress issues. You can also work with a TMS doctor or therapist as well if that's affordable.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021

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