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Stupid question

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alfaman147, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Alfaman, it's OK, there are no stupid questions--only dumb-asses. Sorry, I couldn't help myself, and I'm sure you will forgive me since we go way back and I brought you over here from TMS Help, you sound much better now. Have you looked into anal suppositories to relieve your symptomatic pain? Here's a link to diclofenac rectal suppositories. I've been taking the oral form (Voltaran brand name) for my hip-arthritis and have had a noticeable improvement. Maybe the suppository form will help you gain some symptomatic relief and you can move onto some more fun TMS symptom substitutions if you still need the protection of TMS--how 'bout some urinary urgency to work the other side of the TMS coin?

    BTW, are you into Alfa Romeos, I thought you were maybe an Alfa mechanic, I had a Graduate version for a while that I liked and sold before it needed to see Fix It Again Tony.

  2. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    It's so obvious when you think logically. If you were researching anything be it a health issue or how to fix a washing machine, you will keep that thought going in your head. I have no illness or nasty problem because I'm sure I'd be dead by now. Also my doctor said that it's obviously a mind body issue because the symptoms are always the same. The pain never changes. He said it's time to worry if you start to notice something which is not the normal discomfort you have. He was basically saying this pain has become the norm for me.
  3. RichieRich

    RichieRich Well known member

    Hucleberry's response pretty much hits the nail on the head.

    Ezer made a comment the other day that jarred something in my brain: you have to think psychological. So I got to thinking, maybe instead of addressing the issue as psychological rather than psychophysiological, getting back to the basics, may offer a better starting point for some.

    Now, this isn't to say the pain doesn't exist, but does suggest that you re-evaluate your thought processes by themselves before proceeding on to how they play into the particular problem.
  4. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Yes tom you have indeed been with me every step of the way. Like when I was on the old forum in 2013 when I had no idea what was wrong with me. And yet I fixed myself and was spending all of 2015 and most of 2016 with no problems at all. As for the pain relief my doctor has given me some diltiazem cream. It's used for people with anal spasms and also for after anal surgery. It was originally prescribed by a colorectal surgeon I saw in 2014 when I he told me I had proctalgia which he said is caused by emotional issues. I also take paracetamol when it's really bad. And hey after all this time I'm still alive lol so no nasty problems surely.
  5. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    And yes Tom I'm a mechanic for Alfa Romeo. Have been for 20 years and own a fair few myself. Bloody Italians I swear this is where all my problems came from haha. On the phone for 2 hours to ask someone at the factory about a problem.... gggrrrrrrrrr
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  6. RichieRich

    RichieRich Well known member

    I know it's getting away from the topic at hand, but I'm a huge car fanatic, especially of the European makes.....not so much BMWs or Mercedes. I saw this Alfa Romeo SZ parked one day. I swear I about laid across the bonnet and gave it a big hug. I miss seeing all of my childhood favorites near daily.
  7. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I think sometimes knowing the issue is psychological is as bad as knowing it's physical. TRYING to fix your mind is as bad as trying to fix your body. I'm going to stop trying to do anything. And most of all stop looking on the bloody Internet. I blame modern phones. The internet is a finger click away. I'm sure dr sarno said that researching was a good thing, but that was before the internet was so easily accesable and available.
  8. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    The sz is a rare old beast
  9. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Could be much worse, you could be a Merc mechanic, they are driven mad by those space-ships with wheels--does one really need 200 moving parts for an ashtray. The hot-rocks massage chair with aromatherapy does sound nice though--maybe need a test drive in one, but would never buy a Merc--maybe lease. I do have an Abarth Cabrio and it's a hoot, reminds me of the old Mini-Cooper S's. The Alfa Graduate was great to drive, had it for about a year--and NO problems! Sold it to someone who drove it home from NorCal to LA along the HW 1 coast and sent a thank-you note--maybe sold that one too soon.

    p.s. You might want to look into the dicolfenac (Voltaran), it was judged the best of the NSAID's in a recent Lancet Journal meta-study. I've noticed a "subjective" 30% improvement in my movement on the courts.
    Alfaman147 likes this.
  10. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    So anyway yeah I'm giving my brain a day off tomorrow. Not going to look on the Internet at all.
  11. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Voltaran??? is that a pill or cream
  12. RichieRich

    RichieRich Well known member

  13. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I will stick with the diltiazem cream. To be fair the best pain relief is when I don't think about it
  14. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

  15. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

  16. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    And to be fair I'm not sure keep trying all these different things is particularly helpful
  17. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

  18. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I have voltarol gel. I can't obviously put it inside my anus but if I get it anywhere near it soaks into the blood stream anyway doesn't it???
  19. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Alfaman147,
    It might help to print out this statement, and keep it handy the next time you are temped to go down this path. Refine this statement as a clear statement to yourself about your tendencies and the dismal results when you don't exhibit some self control. You see this so clearly. It would be great to have a reminder "note to self!" Good luck!
    Andy B
  20. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Top apparently you can apply voltarol gel to the anal area and even inside if you need to
    Tennis Tom likes this.

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