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Stupid question

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alfaman147, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Very true. The more you try to beat it the more you fail. Just live your life
  2. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Well no more I tell ya. Why waste my life obsessing
  3. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Had a few beers last night and it went away haha. So what does that prove
  4. RichieRich

    RichieRich Well known member

    Not to burst your bubble, but it only proves you used alcohol to numb the pain. Alcohol has analgesic properties. It does make it a little easier to deal with the pain. I stick to bourbon and Irish whiskey these days.

    However, if you feel that there's no discomfort there today, maybe you just needed something to help you calm down some.
  5. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    It's very much better than yesterday
  6. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Also last week I was building a lego model for my nephew and it went away completely with no alcohol. It was the calming effect of the alcohol last night for sure. It improved after even 1 beer
  7. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Also alcohol wouldn't numb the pain of serious illness would it
  8. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Wow I can't believe my ass is twitching like a gud un haha.
  9. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I thought it was in my rectum this feeling but I can feel my anal sphincter relaxing and contracting. Wow iv never actually had that before.
  10. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I have an appointment with my gp tomorrow and was going to ask him to look in my rectum. Even though the doc at the hospital said there was no need and to be honest I had someone look in it a few months ago
  11. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think you said you've had it "looked" at ten times or more and they all said there was NOTHING structurally wrong with your butt--and that it's anxiety and nerves--ergo the definition of TMS. I'm going to go out on a limb with this one and do something I don't normally do and say that maybe it's TMS and benign. Also ask the doc about the Voltaran suppositories, for relief of your pain--not to cure anything that's caused by TMS, or I'm never talking to you again--put a note in your pocket, or in some other spot so you don't forget. I am curious as to what he has to say about them--you better not forget! It sounds like due to your enhanced focus on your alimentary system, you may be in contention with this gent, for a spot on England's Got Talent, this is not one of Santa's elves :
  12. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Why only maybe tom????
  13. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I have had it looked at loads of times tom and they have all said the same.
  14. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    When you say you never say this do you mean you always say it's tms or you always say it's not????
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  15. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Because as pathetic as it sounds a statement like that throws all sorts of panic into me.
  16. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Because as pathetic as it sounds a statement like that throws all sorts of panic into me.
  17. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    I was speaking tongue in cheek. I'm not a medical doctor but if you've been checked out the ying-yang, literally dozens of times and they keep saying to you there is NOTHING physically wrong, why can't you believe them??? I'm always happy as hell, when I go to the docs for a check-up and they say I'm A-OK. It sounds like you are looking for a way out of your circumstances, off the battle-field as it were. Were't you seeing a therapist? It doesn't sound like they're helping. See or skype or phone a TMS therapist, there's nothing more I can tell you.
  18. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Yes tom that's what I thought. My first reaction was you were telling me you had doubts it was tms or anxiety related but I now realise that's not what you were saying. You were saying that you suspect it is because you never give a diagnosis because you aren't a doc. I went to the docs this morning and he said there was absolutely no need for a proctoscope. I had one a few months ago and he said I have no nasty symptoms to warrant it. I asked about the suppositories and he said they are not advised as they can cause a rectal ulcer. He said I have to break this cycle of hypochondriasis. Cancel the forums and stop looking on the Internet. He said he can see these are a sort of trigger and it's only going to make my problems worse. So I am going to have a break from here. I have said it before but I'm king it this time. I don't want to waste my life looking on the Internet about my health so it stops now. Thanks everyone for all your help.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  19. Huckleberry

    Huckleberry Well known member

    I think that is 100% the correct course of action. I think it is clear that your situation and symptoms are being driven by health anxiety and without a doubt the internet, research and forums only really add fuel to the fire with this. Whilst the symptom is mind-body (as told to you by various health professionals) it will only ever fade away once you get to grips with the underlying health anxiety. Good luck. :)
  20. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Alfa, that's GREAT news! That's the best, most togethter post you've done here. Very organized and confident. You may want to tatoo your doc's dx on your arm to remind you (only kidding), tatoo it on your brain instead. I agree with your MD, about NOT googling physical symptoms. I'm not sure if reading at TMS sites is bad because you will be receiving positive info confirming that it's TMS/psychosomatic--KNOWLEDGE PENICILLIN--but I'm not sure if that's the best course for you at this time, but I don't think it would be the worst. The best thing would be to get on with life and do things and have thoughts that are positive and make you feel confident about yourself.

    G'luck on whatever you do!

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