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Suffered for 5 months

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by MommaCat, Apr 8, 2021.

  1. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    Is " Goodism" even a word?
    I do not take my religion to extreme. I just try to live right.
    FredAmir likes this.
  2. Balsa11

    Balsa11 Well known member

  3. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

  4. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    My neck pain is a lot better and so is arm pain. Although awake this morning with chest pain . The sensation in my throat is coming and going. Side pain is still there. But the most annoying is the sensation in my mouth! My lips feel odd.
    oneperson and FredAmir like this.
  5. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Good for you. You are making some progress. That’s good.

    as long as you follow the steps I outlined earlier and keep taking action, you will eventually get to live your wish list.
  6. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    It is frustrating, I want to get well quickly. My neck seemed fine all day, this mouth feeling though.... Just makes me feel bad all over. Thanks for checking in on me.
  7. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    This description of yourself sounds a bit perfectionistic, don't you think? If you've never been a crier, you probably need to cry, a lot. Don't hold yourself to such a high standard like never getting sick just because you never have been. Everyone gets sick occasionally. It seems to me anxiety is possibly what you're dealing with and it could be because you set such a high bar for yourself. I'm just a fellow TMSer with a similar story, so understand this is just my opinion...what I see in your words.
    FredAmir likes this.
  8. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    Thank you for responding to me. Truly thank you.
    I am dealing with a bit of anxiety. I've had so many strange symptoms that it sent me into a panic.
    I do need reassurance.
    TrustIt likes this.
  9. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    My neck pain and the lump feeling in throat is gone. I'm still dealing with the unknown side pain and random chest pain with the weird lip sensations. This is wearing me out. Literally taking a huge toll on me mentally... I had a Dr appointment that I had to keep and I told him all my symptoms. He just said I'd been checked out head to toe, literally ( colonoscopy and all) and nothing was found except for the lung nodule. I don't know if all this weird random side, pelvic, rib cage, lips is just from crazy anxiety ridden mind and tension... I am rambling , I know the neck pain and lump in throat has vanished. Why hasn't the rest.
  10. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    I hear you...we all seek reassurance just about everywhere for everything. It can be very helpful and it can also get us into a lot of trouble. If you can possibly see your symptoms from a curiosity perspective, by seeing them more neutral than scary, it mitigates them to some degree. I ask myself, in my worst moments, is this bad enough to go to the ER? And immediately I start feeling better. LOL Funny but not really.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  11. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    You are pushing pushing pushing. You are accustomed to being in control and the way to control TMS is to stop trying to control it.
  12. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    I'm just wore out with it. It is frustrating, I am so down.
    One thing leaves another rears its ugly head. I am suppose to travel to the virgin islands in July and I am terrified my pain won't be better
  13. MommaCat

    MommaCat Peer Supporter

    Yesterday I mowed my yard, this morning I awake with arm pain, face feels odd again. I am terribly down.
  14. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    You need to change your focus. You need to write a plan. You need to be clear where you want to go, how you will get there, and what you will get for going there. Please watch the video and design your plan so that you can change your focus, get out of this downward spiral, and reclaim your life.

    life does not come with a remote. You need to get up and change it.
    Baseball65 likes this.

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