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Support fibro awareness...NOT!

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by North Star, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    Where interest lies honor dies. You will never have mainstream medicine want to hear about healing. Treating is their goal. And people have TMS for a reason, they will rarely want to hear about healing. They need their diversions.

    However, for people who are ready to move on, this is a great place, and TMS is the answer.

    How the TMS message is delivered is as important as the message itself. So be gentle.

    Lily Rose and North Star like this.
  2. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    So true of any message, Steve. Reminds me of the words of Mother Teresa, "Be kind to everyone you meet today because they are facing a battle." (I probably mangled that quote but you get the idea.)
    Lily Rose likes this.
  3. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    North Star:
    When truth is spoken, the words resonate and create their own unique melody. It is more than seeing or hearing that melody ... it is feeling the sweep of awareness that merges into the core of the body. Reminders such as these cannot be repeated often enough.

    with grace and gratitude,
    North Star likes this.
  4. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    "Caused by neurobiological abnormalities" seems to be the first egregious misconception that is being perpetuated by this definition of Fibromyalgia since it sends researchers off looking for a fibro gene, virus, or bacteria that is causing the symptoms. It seems like researchers will do everything to avoid admitting that the driving force behind fibro is psychological stress. I have to agree with Dr Sarno (again!) when he says that Fibro is really TMS writ large. I met a young woman this summer in Yosemite who said she'd developed fibro right after getting a divorce to get out of an abusive marriage. However, a couple years before that she'd been in a serious auto wreck where she'd suffered a broken jaw, 6 broken ribs, and a dislocated arm that naturally enough had caused her to hurt like heck all over. Obviously, hers was a prime example of what Clancy McKenzie calls the Two-Trauma Mechanism where the painful emotions associated with her divorce reactivated the pain pathways embedded in her central nervous system from the original car wreck. Just my take on it of course since I'm neither an M.D. or a psychiatrist, but the scenario did seem to fit that pattern. The solution? She moved to Yosemite, got a real easy mellow job, and ran trails at altitude all summer. Net result: No fibro pain anymore plus a new enhanced self-image that let her move on and resume her life. Calming down and simplifying your life does have many positive virtues.
    North Star likes this.
  5. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    There's so much good stuff to reply from your posts, everyone.
    North Star, I think all dancers have pains. It comes with the work. But I hope your daughter tries TMS.
    It's so personal, she may try it but not let you know what she's journaling.

    I don't watch Dr. Oz every day but when I do tune in, it does seem like he and his cohorts are giving us
    The Pain of the Day. I keep in mind they're like any other tv show, they're "entertainment."
    I'm usually not entertained by them.

    American television needs an enema, just as do American politics and business.
    A lot of people would have less TMS or none at all.
    North Star likes this.
  6. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    "American television needs and enema..." YES and AMEN, Walt! Yes and amen. The Dr Oz fear mongering hour isn't something I watch either. For that matter, I quit reading Reader's Digest too. It was always offering helpful things to worry about. (I still sometimes shudder when I flush a toilet and know it is spewing all those nasty germs in a huge radius. Thank you, RD. Hahaha)

    Re: My girl...we'll see how this unfolds. She was having quite a lot of turmoil over some of the dancers. She is introverted and is 17 going on 35 so she doesn't roll with foolish behaviors very well. (She is the oldest in her class by at least a few years.)

    Bruce, I have a friend who credits getting out of a horrible marriage as the turning point for complete healing from fibro. Sort of like the story you told.

    I'm sure I've had a similar "two trauma mechanism" triggered too. (Never heard that term before - interesting!) I was nearly killed in a car accident over 30 years ago. (I sustained back and skull fractures among other serious injuries.) My first episode of severe sciatica hit a year after the accident...at the same time that my sister was dying of cancer.

    Very interesting stuff.
  7. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    cf. Clancy McKenzie. Delayed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder From Infancy: The Two Trauma Mechanism (Harwood Academic Publishers: 1996)
    with co-author Dr. Lance Wright


    Chapter 19: Separation and Rage at 26 Months of Steve Ozanich's The Great Pain Deception goes into how the Two-Trauma Mechanism operates in some detail.

    I shattered my left heel in 1990, and I'm sure that my sciatica occurs on that side due to the effects of the Two-Trauma Mechanism. The old pain and trauma of my accident were "remembered" in my brain, so that when my mother died in 2001, it reactivated those old pain memories located on the left side. But it sounds like those kind of two-phase mechanisms are playing out in many different contexts and situations all the time. Just has to do with the nature of experience and the way our brains are organized. But to be aware of the process robs it of its power over you.
    North Star likes this.
  8. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Oops, I've been guilty of addressing PhDs as "Dr. So and So" many times. I'll have to reconsider that.

    Anyway, we can all use MD, DD, LLD behind our names because that stands for:

    Wow, I'm so showing my age!
    North Star and yb44 like this.
  9. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh gee, my mother used to try and sing this to me when I was a little girl while I was having a bath. It's one of the only motherly things I recall her doing so I remember the song well and happened to think of it just the other day. Isn't that strange? What were we talking about? Oh, FM

    I belong to another forum not at all health-related but there is an off topic sub forum where people talk about any and everything. There was a thread started about ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia and boy, I wish I hadn't read it. I can't tell you how depressing it all was. The laundry list of prescription drugs, supplements and OTC medicines one woman was taking was staggering. The attitudes were as you would expect. One woman mentioned how her physio suggested that her condition might be psychosomatic. She was furious and told him she wished all of her symptoms on him so he would know for a fact that what she had was definitely not psychosomatic. As I said, it was as you would expect but it still got me down despite my never being diagnosed with this condition although if I kept going to doctors and complaining about all of my ailments, I have no doubt that sort of diagnosis would be a distinct possibility.

    Question: Was Dr Spock a medical doctor or a PhD?
  10. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Steve says:
    This is very Zen. Stop trying and simply ... be.

    The Matrix ... there are so many analogies that can be culled from this movie. TMS is the red pill. The icy cold embrace, the gasp upon opening the real eyes, the scene so baffling. Shock of disconnecting from the myriad of conduits. Drowning. The 'rescue' by the TMS community. And still, the work to do. Healing atrophied muscles. Gaining strength. The battle of the mind, trying to reject the new reality, and finally the growing acceptance. Then, the real work begins.


    with grace and gratitude,
    North Star likes this.
  11. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yb44, Dr. Spock was a god. Live long and prosper. (hee hee - couldn't resist. I'm a trekkie.) LOL

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