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Suspecting nerve damage or pinched nerve. Could it be TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by pree, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Hear ya....don't do surgery. Did it and worse.
  2. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Here's the thing...you have people that have chronic pain issues for many years with many structural issues and do the work of TMS (read and soak in the knowledge) and end up healing. Some had MRI's that were a real mess like SteveO. People that went to Dr. Sarno and believed in their hearts what he told them and the majority that went to him and listened got better. Look at some of the success stories of ppl in extreme pain for years. Some of these people had surgery prior to seeing him & also got better. Then you have people with horrible symptoms & no structural lesions seen on MRI that also do well. There are folks like Tiger Woods that end up having 4 surgeries and finally on the road to recovery, but for how long before something else sets in ? Is it a placebo ? You can drive yourself crazy, but unless you are going to go it alone and do the surgery... Just make sure you have ALL the facts, the right surgeon and the right procedure before you walk that lonely walk to the OR. I have just one friend that did well after a spinal fusion. That's it. I would never suggest this, but there is one guy on the internet that knows his stuff that can read a MRI better than a radiologist/NS and understands the how to relate it to symptoms. This is a TMSwiki website & ppl need to believe in their TMS diagnosis. Is this guy right I don't know....his name is the chirogeek. He can explain things better than a NS, but remember he believes in the structural rationale for everything.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  3. eightball776

    eightball776 Well known member

    Interesting site the chirogeek - none of his info seems to disprove Dr. Sarno's theories; at least that wasn't my impression. It actually validates them by pointing to oxygen deprivation quite a bit along with inflammation which I am sure result from both psychosomatic & other processes. The part that I need to understand is the part about when a disc bulge is likely to be the source of LBP - it's pretty sciency but no one's doin it for me so I'm going to see if I can break it down when looking at my images.

    Click#7 likes this.
  4. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Do you have any stenosis ?
  5. Jod

    Jod New Member

  6. Jod

    Jod New Member

    I was told in 2017 by a mindbody doctor that my leg pain (like you describe) was NOT nerve damage as I had too much strength in my legs. No tests were run. He just had me push against his hand with my leg, etc.

    I focused like a laser on listening to mindbody podcasts, ebooks and Youtube videos for a year while the pain got worse. My PCP just ordered a nerve/muscle test NVC/EMG. It showed nerve damage at L5 on both the right and left. My arms have gotten the same way over the last year and I can barely walk with a walker using my arms. The NVC/EMG test showed carpal tunnel in both arms. The doctor giving the test felt it was from using having to use the walker constantly to walk. I don't think it's mindbody so I would encourage you to have the NVC/EMG as mine got worse over the years. It's horribly painful and I will be consulting with my PCP on what to do next to get some relief.
  7. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Are you a diabetic by any chance ?
  8. eightball776

    eightball776 Well known member

    Depends on who you ask, but that's a word that's been part of my 'diagnosis' for a while..but they also told me I had DDD when I was 16 so I'm not sure I believe any of that stuff. What's so hard in my case is the number of contributing factors. Going on and off pain meds & Prednisone...that by itself will exacerbate pain. Add systemic inflammation & swelling, plus the oxygen deprivation/involuntary muscle tightening...but when I pay attention to the physical - strengthening & exercise/stretching - it's such an important component because all of the inactivity has led to weakness, and that weakness is what triggers pain after a long day & my muscles just don't want to hold me up anymore...it's hard not to worry about the effect that has on my ability to progress with TMS therapy...if I start to put too much stock in the physical, how do I prevent that from impeding my progress with the psychological end of things? There's no doubt I have BOTH. I think I've ruled out any surgery, but I'm still considering the spinal stimulator - even if we're talking about 100% TMS, that thing could really help. And I suppose if it does work, and then I get crippling shoulder pain, I'll know for sure, right?!
    Click#7 likes this.
  9. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Remember how far gone SteveO was.....foot drop and he pushed forward with unbelievable pain. I wonder if he used pain meds. He doesn't talk about it, but I bet he did. I believe the pain meds make things worse. I am weaning off and it's tough, but what else can I do. I'm also considering MMJ and going to talk to someone soon. It's so I can get moving.....I suffer from nerve pain in my hips, ankle and feet. It's living hell.
  10. jimmylaw9

    jimmylaw9 Peer Supporter

    Hi just found this. I have very sim. Low back near piriformis. Gets tighter the more I do every day and I feel every time when I become present/ conscious that I have been holding my body in tension. I actually feel if I relax it I’m going to hurt myself. Just wondered where you are now ?

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