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Tension Headache

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by NameK, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I am trying my best to do that ironically for me when I start to experience any chronic symptoms I start to hyper focus on them and worry about them..
    Which causes them to stick around and makes then worse typically and it's a cycle I need to stop.
  2. Saffron

    Saffron Peer Supporter

    I am having the same problem 2 weeks on Wednesday. I can't focus its so bad in back of my head. I am in need of something short term. I know TMS. I know anxiety. But the pain is too much and exhausting.
  3. Saffron

    Saffron Peer Supporter

    I know you are right. But I cannot disconnect. I'm 74. Nowhere to go. Work in my home. I need short term relief.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Then you should seek medical help! That's recommended in any case for sudden new symptoms, unless there's an obvious reason for it to be TMS (symptom imperative, relief when distracted, you know the drill).
  5. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I've been pretty good at recognizing when my symptoms are tms and they usually resolve fairly quickly.

    But I think in this case I've been stuck because of self doubt I think also because my younger brother has simliar symptoms for months.

    But it's been obvious to me that I've put off my chronic stress for too long and my body is finally telling me enough is enough
  6. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    And your younger brother has, perhaps simply learned the same "coping" mechanisms that you did, and is having symptoms. My sister had migraines (she still has headaches but they are NOTHING compared to what she did have), and so does her daughter, who is no blood relation but has learned many of the behaviors and thought patterns of self-pressure from her family.
  7. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    My younger brother would probably look at me like im crazy if I told him some of his symptoms are tms and tried explaining what it is.

    I do have a upcoming dental procedure coming up which is not tms

    it has gotten me stressed and anxious because I've never had it done before( a gum extraction but they have told me it's easier then a filling which I've had alot of in the last 2 years unfortunately

    I'm starting to think my teeth and gum sensitivity is tms because I've had times where I swear I have a cavity and it was fine.
  8. Saffron

    Saffron Peer Supporter

    Thanks. But there’s no medical help for tension heads. Just drugs that don’t work ☹️

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