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This Might Hurt

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by mike2014, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    "THIS MIGHT HURT" belongs in our Pop Culture subforum. I'll work on putting it there.
  2. This Might Hurt

    This Might Hurt New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I wanted to check in and let you know about an update to our film, This Might Hurt. We're holding a fundraiser in the New York City area to raise money for post production on our film, and we wanted to make sure you knew about it! A woman whose mother has recently been helped by Dr Howard Schubiner's book is hosting it for us. We'll have live music, artisanal cocktails, and a silent auction. We hope you can joing us! And tell your friends!
  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for posting this. I wish I could go. We really need to get this message out there.
    mike2014 likes this.
  4. Grateful17

    Grateful17 Well known member

    Thanks so much Mike for posting this.
    I got the chills (good thing) seeing it. I just LOVE Dr. Schubiner. Looking forward to seeing this film.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
    Simplicity, Forest and mike2014 like this.
  5. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

    Can't wait to see this film. Thanks for posting about it. ^_^
    Forest and mike2014 like this.
  6. kent bassett

    kent bassett Newcomer

    mike2014, Simplicity and Forest like this.
  7. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Simplicity, Forest and kent bassett like this.
  8. kent bassett

    kent bassett Newcomer

    Thanks, Mike!
  9. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

    It looks very promising. It was nice to see Dr. Schubiner, I love him too @Grateful17, his work has helped me so much.
    Grateful17 likes this.
  10. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Looking forward to this. I love Dr Schubiner, too.
    Simplicity and mike2014 like this.
  11. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

  12. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, we are very lucky to have him. Not only is he triple board certified, but he has authored over 60 publications in scientific journals and edits several other journals. As a fellow academic, I have to find this very impressive. He definitely knows his stuff.

    When people say that there are no studies to show that TMS treatment is effective, I just refer them to a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) that Dr. Schubiner did with coathors to show that this approach works. RCTs are the gold standard of evidence, and rightly so because they are the only way to show that a treatment genuinely works. Doctors demand RCTs before they will accept a treatment and not only is Dr. Schubiner the only one currently publishing research on TMS, he's also doing it via RCTs that get published in respect peer reviewed journals. Even Reuters wrote it up:
    mike2014, Grateful17 and Simplicity like this.
  13. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh, I forgot to mention that Dr. Schubiner just published a third edition of his book, Unlearn Your Pain

    It's got about 40-50 pages of additional material reflecting his newest ideas. If anyone else is interested, perhaps we can read it together and discuss it as we go along.
    Grateful17 likes this.
  14. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Nice spot @Forest, I totally missed this.

    I wonder if Dr Schubiner has updated his online program to incorporate these changes. I'm assuming he has. But I'll have to drop him an email to find out for sure.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
    Forest and Grateful17 like this.
  15. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm willing to buy it again and discuss it as we read it. I have the 2nd edition, and it was the best $25 I have ever spent! I'm sure the extra material in the 3rd edition is well worth it.
    Forest likes this.
  16. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just ordered the 3rd edition of Unlearn Your Pain. I should have it in a week, so I'll be ready to start reading and discussing then. Anyone else going to join me?
    Forest likes this.
  17. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi All,

    I've just received this response from Dr Schubiner:

    The updates are mainly clarifications on the basic program, not completely new sections or areas.
    However, I have not put them into the online program as yet. I'm not sure exactly how I would do that, but I will give it some thought. Thanks for alerting me to this issue.
    Grateful17 likes this.
  18. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Ellen, that sounds great, let's give it a try! I just ordered a copy as well.
    Ellen likes this.
  19. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    I can hardly wait to see THIS MIGHT HURT, the TMS movie. I hope it gets out soon.
  20. This Might Hurt

    This Might Hurt New Member

    Hey TMS Wiki!

    Long time, no chat! We've been working really hard to finish our film, and we're nearing completion. We wanted to check in and say hey, and let you know that we're getting close. We've finished a fine cut, and we've begun submitting our film to festivals, which if we're accepted, will really help us find a distribution plan to get the film to you! We were wondering if you all could give us a like on facebook and follow on twitter. We believe that showing the festivals that we have online support will go a long way in convincing them that there are folks out there that want to see this movie. It would be a great help to us, and we appreciate your support so much.

    https://www.facebook.com/ThisMightHurtFilm/ (This Might Hurt)

    https://twitter.com/this_might_hurt (This Might Hurt Film (@This_Might_Hurt) | Twitter)

    Great to check in, and let me know if you have any questions about the film!

    -Marion & Kent
    Ellen likes this.

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