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TMS onset

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jula, May 13, 2020.

  1. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    This is so annoying! It sent me into an overdrive yesterday and I am recovering from a panic attack today.
  2. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    I know it sucks I actually managed to get so much better last two years actually just this year it’s been horribly mainly since I set out to eliminate it.. the harder I’m trying to research find answers the worse I’m getting
  3. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I think I sent my body into constant fight or flight and I cannot relax at all. This is why new symptoms keep popping up. I am trying hard to break the cycle.
  4. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Yes same. Totally agree. It’s the content worry and hyper vigilance we have for symptoms it’s like we can’t stop monitoring from the moment u wake up to the time u go to bed constantly
    Have u noticed that when u worry it gets worse or that u can sometimes just think about them n they come even though they weren’t there 5 mins ago? Also u said u have all nerve symptoms too right like burning tingling in calf’s legs and pins and needles. I hate em
  5. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Absolutely. When I start panicking over a new symptom the other ones that were already gone start cropping up. For example one of my first symptoms was burning and now it only comes when I panic, the more I panic, the more burning I get, the longer it stays.
  6. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Yes same also weirdly the more I talk about a sympotms that becomes the symptom of the week like last week was burning legs this week is horrible tingling and twitching u can actually even see my calves tingling it makes me so mad cause all this had almost stopped and I was back in life you know.
    Has anyone else advices u on anything that helps?
  7. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I think we need to break the cycle but how to do that at this point is beyond me. I will be trying though.
  8. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    I mean basically in the past I honestly started working out and got busy with life things u know.. slowly it started only happening at night when I was alone n then slowly it started even going away then.. it’s just last 2-3 months where something is going on all the time. I can’t belive though we have exact same symptoms and it’s so tough to tell yourself your nerves are not damaged when they are firing non stop.
  9. Emhaynes12

    Emhaynes12 Newcomer

    I also have this burning pain. I’ve had it for 8 years. It came right when I was healing from an eating disorder. Mine is worse with stress. It’s fairly constant. It started with a burning across my chest but not like heart burn. It feels like burning nerve pain. Now I feel it in my legs sometimes and in my face. I do think it’s TMS but i also fight fear that it could be something else.
  10. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    My problems started 3 weeks ago, before that I had anxiety and stomach problems for years but never had neurogical issues. This is why it’s so scary. In the last weeks I had burning, tingling, pins and needles, numbness, shooting pains, muscle spasms, twitching, fasciculations, blurry vision. This sucks.
    Drew likes this.
  11. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Yeah and it just randomly started for you? I mean honestly nervous system outer drive or sympathetic nervous system turnin in or flight or fight sorta seems the best explanation to you too right? I just feel sad cause I thought it was gone and it’s back and I have been working it’s nerve disease ir why else it would come back so strong?
  12. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I scared myself into an antibiotic toxicity and got like 1 symptom, started obsessing, which sent me into an anxiety state. And more symptoms started appearing. And I am scared it is the toxicity. Waiting for a neurologist appointment.
  13. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Well we have same symptoms so I don’t think it’s toxicity my symptoms literally increase the more I panic or more I write about it that doesn’t happen if it’s an organic cause
  14. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Also going to neurologist made my symptoms sooo much worse cause I was panicking a lot.
  15. Emhaynes12

    Emhaynes12 Newcomer

    What did your neurologist say was the cause
  16. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Do you also have any areas or patches the are sensitive to. Logging it rubbing? One of my knees is super sensitive to thinks then it got good then back to bad.
  17. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I had this last week, back of my knees and my arms form wrists to elbows. As if they were sunburnt. Touching them killed me. They ever hurt without anything. Now it's gone but I still have other issues. The burning is clearly associated with panic attacks. Right now I have tingling. And blurry vision in one eye. Plus some shooting pains here and there. I am either falling apart or my anxiety kicked my nervous system out of balance. This is the most scary thing ever. I was familiar with anxiety symptoms (not my first time with anxiety) but not the neuro ones to that extent. Or maybe they did not scare me in the past. I don't know.
  18. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Omg yes. My left knee has that sun burnt feeling it actually goes away so many times then comes back so weird. And yes burning is crazy when I’m in a panicked state. Tingling in legs is the worst it’s like a thousand insects crawling everywhere and sometimes they bite harder then other times. I feel we both have sensitized our nervous system by panicking and now just paying sooo much attention to it.
  19. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Absolutely, sensitization and paying too much attemtion to symptoms. It has been my problem forever.
  20. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Do u have worse symptoms when u wake up? Even when u were ok before sleeping ?

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