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TMS onset

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jula, May 13, 2020.

  1. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Mine developed over a couple of weeks and changes a lot. First burning, now tingling, stabbing, pins and needles.
    Pins and needles came when I stupidly started focusing on normal pins and needles you get when you sit with your legs crossed, or when you lean on your arm. I started wondering if it’s normal to have them after a couple of minutes. I started checking compulsively. And bam - I started feeling tingling all the time. I feel like a vibrating toothbrush. My right hand is almost not affected and I suspect it’s because I never lean on it and my brain choose the arm that already had mild nerve irritation (complicated blood draw) and on which I used to lean a lot. Both my feet are affected because I often sit with my legs crossed. This is what I believe.

    Have you considered CBT therapy or TMS therapy? CBT was helpful when I had my previous anxiety episode 2 years ago (different topic, I had anxiety symptoms but was sure they were anxiety related so I didn’t obsess about them vs. now my symptoms are the reasons for my anxiety). My husband is begging me to focus on my mental health because I always end up looking for different diseases.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  2. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Also the weirdest thing is mine goes up a lot if I’m wearing shorts compared to if I’m just wearing pants haha that’s soo weird.

    cause real neuropathies shouldn’t be affected by clothes right
    Looking for space likes this.
  3. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    yes my symptoms are my biggest source of worry on top of life worries but honestly without symptoms I wouldn’t have any anxiety most of my thoughts are all how much better I had gotten last two years and then how and why I have gooteeen worse and if I’ll ever be better. That’s all my brain thiks

    Also let me know if y see any stories with our symptoms of people who tecovered u think might be a good read for me too
  4. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    Think this is the first I've noticed on the forums of someone having small fiber neuropathy! My Dr. Thinks it's idiopathic(no known origin). But I've got to see 2 specialists..... stays in both feet, calfs also get sore.
  5. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    After an accident, I had pins placed in my arm an hand, my right one! And I was on intravenous antibiotics 3 bags a day, (forget the dosage), then on prescription antibiotics for almost a year! Totally affected my health for the worse!
  6. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member


    All I hear is fear and panic ...this is the fuel that keeps it going ..
    Drew likes this.
  7. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    I know, I have started CBT to help me with ovwrcoming the fear. Right now I scared myself into MS. I cannot live like this.
  8. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I been dealing with these issues for a decade and I am finally to start to see the light stay the course ...if you been checked out your good to go ..stop looking for diseases the drs would have thought of it..
  9. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Yes I can’t stop thinking of neuropathy even though part of me is like there is no way other part it like no doctor was sure so it could be and I never go a skin biopsy like @Dorado oe any other physical test for neuropathy except blood work so having all this burning tingling and things crawling in legs just makes me think I have some crazy nerve damage for life
    Looking for space likes this.
  10. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    Mine is Diagnosed only , I was supposed to see a podiatrist but because of the covid-19 they cancelled it. I don't fear it but I get sick of it, And if it's emotional, than it is emotional, but so far I don't really know. What's funny is that for years being only 5'9", I think the last time I was measured at a shoe store was maybe in my twenties and I was size 10.5 USA. Last year I Bought new balance and I discovered ( after measuring) that I'm actually a size 12! But I am compassionate with myself ,I meditate which is very important it helps and, I'm not judgmental, so that's great. but I do not know if it's TMS or not. But, didn't know anyone here had it!

  11. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Don't bother most of those test have false negatives And positives don't spin your wheels ..I had a emg and they told my left arm has serious nerve issue ...I told them that it was the only limb that wasn't bothering me ..

    Unless you have some toxic chemical poisoning or diabetes your chances of neuropathies go way down ..

    Yes the pain sucks and it's uncomfortable...read sarno listen to podcast Alain Gordon program as a lot of great info about indifference and acceptance..You need to make the decision down deep that TMS is what you have . And going on dr Google and searching out Diseases is not the route to go. You're in Los Angeles make an appointment with Dr. Schechter he's in Culver City he has a TMS doctor and take it from there
  12. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    If your getting sick of it then you are caring about it way to much ...believe me I understand what your going threw and it's hard to ignore but when it's bad just don't care ...

    Have you read Sarno ? or Dr Schecter or Dr Hanscon all MD ..have you been medically cleared ? Have you spoke to a TMS Dr ,
  13. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    Have sarnos books, but no final diagnosis. So WHEN the Drs. open there practices again, I'll get it settled!
    Yes, I'm tired of it... but it is good to be aware of that.
    It doesn't stop me, from living but, it's not a welcome bedfellow!
  14. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Final diagnosis...not to be rude but what does that mean ?
  15. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    I haven't seen a podiatrist or an orthopaedic Dr., But I don't have any proof that it is TMS it's not diabetic. So when the doctors offices open in my state, I will see if they can diagnose this thing chances are it's idiopathic, meaning there is no Known etymology.
  16. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Podiatrist are a waste of time .. cut your strings from medical BS as long as you been cleared by your primary it's time to do the hard work
  17. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    And here I am obsessing about floxing again. I still feel some minor pain in many parts of my body which isn’t justified in ultrasounds (I went to 4 different doctors, nothing abnormal). I feel sharp pain in my Achilles tendon when I am going up the stairs, otherwise it’s ok. I went to have it checked and of course nothing abnormal again. It led me to another spiral of thoughts that maybe it’s too small to be seen, maybe the doctor made a mistake, etc. And that it will result in a rupture. I guess something should show in the ultrasound if I have pain and it was floxing, not sure. This is so hard. I went to a neurologist and I don’t have neuropathy, MS and my Lyme disease shouldn’t give such symptoms. But floxing scares the sh*t out of me. Will I ever stop obsessing. Sorry for venting, I am a depressed mess scared of doing anything because I am afraid I will ruin my body and afraid that the stupid antibiotic wrecked me forever.
  18. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Julia, your fear is running the show right now and activating danger signals. There is no such thing as chronic Lyme disease. I went down that ridiculous rabbit hole as well when I tested positive for 2 bands. The shady doctor mysteriously disappeared . Total crackpot "Lyme Lady". I took truck loads of antibiotics but I assure you they are no longer in your system. Stay far far away from online articles and forums for Lyme disease. It's rife with nonsense and charlatanism. Your problem is simply rooted in anxiety but regular CBT is not what you need in terms of therapy. They use a "coping model". This is easily curable and reversible because it's a problem of neuro circuits in the brain and danger signals coming from your worry and hypervigilance. What you really have is an anxiety issue and I suggest you find a TMS therapist (The Pain Psychology Center for ex.)
    tmstraveler likes this.
  19. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Do any of the doctors work online? I am in a different country. I am petrified by the pain and the idea of floxing.
    I am in CBT but my therapist also does schema therapy, which is also about digging emotional stuff so I am going to stay there anyway, when I went to her she immediately told my that my hypochondria and anxiety are only a mask for underlying emotional issues and the symptoms are a way to distract my inner child from dealing with difficult topics such as moving out from my parents’. We discussed the recent onset of my symptoms and well, it coincided with stopping the antibiotics and reading about it everything I could and with the issue of me and my husband looking for land. It might be that this topic brought on the symptoms piggybacking on the antibiotic stuf, which scared me as hell, which my brain knew would be an awesome distraction but there really isn’t a way to see if it’s floxing unless I get real tendinitis or tendon rupture. But it all seems too much to be from emotions, I don’t know :(
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
  20. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Julia, Your therapist is correct. This obsession about floxing is just a new distraction. Just for the record, I took tons of antibiotics (including Levaquin) and side effects are rare. It's also out of your system so this all pure anxiety. It's a distraction from the real things going on in your life. I am beyond positive that Dr. Schubiner would confirm this as I have read him address this topic. Your brain is constantly looking for things to justify the negative narrative and fear. Anxiety will latch on to anything and sometimes we go looking for it lol! There are many TMS therapist who do Skype and phone sessions. The Pain Psychology Center in CA is one. There's also a directory on the wiki.
    NameK likes this.

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