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Steven Ozanich TMS The Man Sarno

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Steve Ozanich, May 8, 2012.

  1. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey Markus, give credit where credit is due, that was me who suggested a good free porn site! Sorry to hear about your anguish with fibro/TMS but it seems you are proving SteveO's point that the fibro/TMS'ers are the most defensive, because of the severity of their symptoms. You are only about the second person at the TMS boards to have any negative to say about SteveO. I'm sure he won't be offended as his initial reaction to Sarno was to throw him across the room--his book, not the Good Doctor--SteveO would probably be flattered that his work elicited such a strong reaction. But you are the anomaly. 99% percent of those reading SteveO's TMS masterwork, find it a font of TMS penicillin knowledge and a functional guidebook through the TMS universe. It amazes me that any one person could compile so much knowledge of psychology and TMS, distilling it into such an easily understood format. I believe you said you were working on coming off meds so lets assume it's the meds speaking. I've communicated with SteveO on numerous occasions and he has always given freely of his time. His phone box tends to fill up because his help is in such demand around the world and he's busy skyping but he always gets back to people.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    Ann s is likes this.
  2. Markus

    Markus Guest

    My meds have nothing to with my being upset so, please don't insult my trying to better myself. You should keep an eye on you! You don't even know what I'm talking about. I'm glad you got free help because I can't get a question asked, even though I asked it 4 times I think. If you must know I asked him to verify the meaning in a statement or thread that he made over 2 years ago, and after four tries over a period of time ,and not getting any answers I assume he's not going to answer me. so why don't you let Steve O speak for himself. I have worked very hard with all the TMS reading and had correspondence with Dr Sofer, & I know what I'm doing,and I know why I asked steve-o that question. I have his book and I have read it twice. as I said before I'm not going to discuss this again. And so please don't attack me by saying it's my meds talking it is not my meds talking I actually haven't encountered anyone so rude in this entire forum. in fact it's none of your business, it's my opinion for now, and it may go away but when someone doesn't answer me after I asked them the same question four times and might have been 5 times over a period of time then I have to assume they're not going to answer me! I am NOT here to be liked, if Dr Sarno we're at the rusk Institute to be appreciated, he would have left many years before he did. personally I don't care whether you're upset about my feelings. Because of aggressives like you,there are many people on this forum that just don't speak out at all because they're afraid to be attacked, well I'm not afraid . anyhow I will Apologize to Steve for engaging in crosstalk,I should never have voiced displeasure in a forum. Instead instead of saying "take it to Steve",
    you engaged me in "conversation". So I learned a lesson to never mention anyone in a forum! Steve will answer me.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2015
  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi everyone,

    It appears that emotions are running high in this thread. I have temporarily locked the thread to give people in the thread a chance to cool down.

    We have a wonderful and truly special community here. Let's take this time to think about what we can do to preserve that.
    Ann s is and IrishSceptic like this.
  4. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi everyone,

    I'm up in New Hampshire today with a busy schedule and not much internet access, so it took me a little while to find the time to read through the thread and mull it over. I was concerned at first because it looked like a flame war might be brewing. So far, it looks like people have been doing a pretty good job of showing restraint. Thank you for that. Given this, I am unlocking the thread.

    There are two core principles that people need to follow. The first is to avoid personal attacks. If you are arguing with someone DO NOT make ad hominem attacks or express your frustration by making the argument about the real or perceived personality weaknesses the other person has. This is obviously a recipe for disaster and will not be permitted. There have been a couple posts where this has occurred in this thread, but I'm going to let them stand because I have no desire to "come in heavy" until more of a process of education has occurred.

    The second core principle is that everyone has a right to express their own opinion as long as they do it respectfully. I would guess that a large majority of people here love Steve's book, but there will be no "political correctness" on this forum, as, with any forum, a variety of opinions actually makes the conversation far better. For example, I think I've found several of the very best reviews of read of Steve O's book I've ever read in this thread. The number of attempts to silence Marcus were small, but for a wide variety of reasons (including legal ones), everyone is welcome to express whatever opinion they choose, and that isn't going to change.

    I want to be very clear that I am not unhappy with anyone and that everything is all set. I'm only writing a long post to make sure that the rules are clear to everyone and not because I'm unhappy with someone. This post is just part of the "process of education" that I mentioned above - overall I think that the community is handling this quite well.

    If anyone wants to give feedback on their thoughts about how I should handle this thread, feel free to send me a personal message/private conversation. This is particularly true for any third party observers who care about this community but haven't posted in the thread and are watching it intently. I'm an exceptionally slow reader and busy managing a wide variety of programs, so if things start moving more quickly, I might not have time to reply to everything that is written to me, but I read and think about everything I receive and appreciate every quick personal message.

    Remember, folks, please put your best foot forward. Everyone here is just trying to heal and has the best possible intentions. Feel free to state your own truth, but also try to understand other people's. We all share a common bond of having suffered terribly, so let's keep that at the front of our minds as we work through this.
    enigma, Tennis Tom and IrishSceptic like this.
  5. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    You hit the mark Forrest! I think most people can empathise with the severe frustration of not getting better as fast you would like and the possibility that this mode of recovery may never work for you. Irritability was one of the biggest things that impinged on all aspects of my life and this was incredibly frustrating as I knew it was driving people away from me and worsening my isolation.
    I'm jealous at some peoples miraculous recoveries but hopeful one day soon I can claim the same success. This is a fantastic resource and I would hate to see it degenerate into hostile argument as opposed to empathetic support.
    Colly and Forest like this.
  6. Ann s is

    Ann s is Peer Supporter

    It is altogether too easy to dissolve into disrespect and lack of civility on the internet due to the relative anonymity. I hope no one gives anyone a pass on "the rules" because they may be in pain. If one is tempted to write or respond when frustrated, in pain or in any negative state of mind, don't write. Give it 24 hours and control yourself. And please, Forest, or whoever is in charge of this forum, hold 'em accountable. We don't need someone out of control in their emotions for whatever reason to ruin it for everyone. It is easier by far to tear down than to build up. Post to help and encourage others. Please take your bones to pick elsewhere.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  7. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks, folks. It sounds like we're all on the same page.

    Yes, Ann, I'm the forum admin. I started the TMS wiki back in December 2008 after my own life-changing revovery from 18 years of RSI, Fibromyalgia, and a couple other conditions. I spend about two thirds of my "TMS time" time on tmswiki.org stuff (forum, wiki, chat room, facebook, etc.) and a third of my time running programs for the TMS practitioners.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  8. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Guys.... I think Markus should have his say - we are all entitled to our opinions. But then he must allow others to respond with theirs too... If we can keep it to the point and not too 'harsh' it would be good. I think both points of view represent the reality of TMS! The huge emotional repression - resentfulness/anger/resistance and the goodism/perfectionist wanting everything to be 'nice' - and now that I've probably upset everyone - I'm gonna slink out into the garden and do some serious physical work - because I CAN!!! tee hee...
    Tennis Tom and Ellen like this.
  9. Markus

    Markus Guest

    I should really be allowed to speak? You're too kind, I thought forest had settled all this. But I appreciate the green pass.
  10. balto

    balto Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think that would be difficult. "too harsh" have different meanings to different people. In the anonymous world of the www, people tend to say thing they wouldn't dare saying face to face. We sometime say thing we later regret. I saw quite a few forums went quiet due to anger and hostility. Forest can't "police" this forum 24/24. It is better to set rules and stick to it. These kind of forums are too valuable to future tms sufferers to let anything "negative" happen to it.
    No matter how many "tms" books we read, how many "tms" videos, lectures, therapy sessions.... we watched or attended, if we can't keep our impatient, anger, and hostility under control, we will always have tms/anxiety...
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
  11. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hear, hear!
  12. Ann s is

    Ann s is Peer Supporter

    I agree that people can have their say--I just think mutual respect is in order all around. Maybe that is a "goodist" statement, but I have let it all hang out elsewhere on the 'net and lived and learned better...cool off first before you embarrass yourself.
    hecate105 likes this.
  13. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Danielle. Yes, Steve's book is terrific. He did go through hell for years and years, but thanks to learning about TMS he was able to discover that his pains were caused by anger because of a doctor's malpractice that caused Steve's wife to nearly lose her life and be confined to a wheelchair. He came to terms with that and healed. His recovery also came because he fought through his pain by playing golf despite hurting. So his message to us is to accept the pain and then keep going. It isn't easy but it sure worked for him and has now for many who read his inspirational book.

    Keep telling yourself you are going to be free of pain, and you will be.
  14. Ann s is

    Ann s is Peer Supporter

    thanks for your service.
  15. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's my pleasure. I remember what it was like to always be afraid and hurting, so I want to help people as much as I can. I plan to keep working on this community and this site for the rest of my life. It gives me great pleasure to have the opportunity to be part of it.
    hecate105 and IrishSceptic like this.
  16. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Unrelated maybe but it would be cool if there were more video success stories (assuming people are brave enough!) because videos like yours really help. They give a face to the frustration,anxiety and lows of living with chronic pain.
    A big thing I've learned is not to get too fixated on the text/reading/this forum(as great as it is!) as it can become almost like reading a novel(for me at least) then I start to question the validity of the theory and fall back to the old patterns.

    That's why I'm getting professional assistance as I know deeply now TMS is the generator, it is a matter of getting structure and discipline together to vanquish the beast once and for all!
    hecate105, Cap'n Spanky and Forest like this.
  17. AshleyAV

    AshleyAV New Member


    This message is for Steve or actually anyone who would like to reply. I was diagnosed with fibro and totally am open to it being caused by TMS. In fact, it does not offend me that my pain is caused by emotions. It is what actually makes the most sense as I went from being very healthy to being in pain within a short time period. Furthermore, X-rays and blood tests have proven that there is nothing wrong with me. My onset of pain came after a huge fight with my mother. I felt so hurt, angry and rejected that I consciously decided to shut down emotionally. I forewent going to counseling or even confiding with my friends regarding my hurt. I tried to shove it all down internally. I began experiencing unexplained knee pain on my bday, a day which I was most hurt by my mom as she did not even contact me me to wish me happy birthday. This knee pain added so much stress as I was an avid weightlifter and did not want to be sidelined. In trying to alleviate my pain I saw a chiropractor who after 3 visits tried to say my knee pain was from MS but probably not but maybe I should get my nervous system checked. This cause IMMENSE fear. I went home immediately and googled all the systems. Then suddenly I started to experience a lot of the symptoms the very next day. This led me back to my MD who assured me I did not have MS but they also did not take my pain seriously and said they could do nothing for me. Meanwhile the pain began to spread everywhere on my body to include tingling and burning. A doctor finally diagnosed me with fibro after exhaustive blood work showed nothing wrong with me. At that time I didn't have all the associated tender pints with fibro but after googling and checking for them, one by one, day after day they appeared. If you are still reading this at this point thank you so much. I really appreciate it. What do I do next? I want to go back to physical activity but am dealing with the fear of activity given to me by my MD. He said I couldn't be active as it would make it worse. He said if I were to clean my house that I should only do half as cleaning the entire house would cause more pain. He also said there was nothing I can do to stop the pain. This has created so much fear for me in working out, which is worsened by the fact that now my pain does get worse when I exercise. However, I do have to say that I am very fortunate in that I feel I'm only 30 percent debilitated by this pain as other similar suffered. I am still able to work 9 hour days and walk freely despite the pain. I welcome anyone's opinions. Thank you.
    Cap'n Spanky and IrishSceptic like this.
  18. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ashley - welcome!! I think you came to the right place.

    If you haven't done these steps already, these would be my strong recommendations:
    1. Get a couple of Dr. Sarno's books and read, read, read. If you have the opportunity for listening, get one of the Sarno's books on tape and listen whenever you have the chance. Follow the advice in those books to the best of your ability.

    2. Work either the -
    a. Structured Educational Program... or the
    b. TMS Recovery Program
    Both available for free on this website.

    3. Read the success stories on this website. Read some other good TMS based books, like Steve's.

    That's enough for a start. Dr. Sarno and this program have transformed my life. I believe it can do the same thing for you. Best of luck!!!
  19. AshleyAV

    AshleyAV New Member

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and provide guidance. I really appreciate it. Is it possible to receive some ideas on resuming physical activity. Shall I resume working out in the same manner which I did prior to experiencing pain or would it be better to ease into it so that I can simultaneously concentrate on challenging the fear/pain? Thanks in advance!
  20. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey Ashley - you're most welcome! I think you are asking all the right questions and are on the right track.

    Regarding resuming physical activity, I would do whatever you feel like you are emotionally ready to do. I think you have to be the judge of what is right for you. If you feel like your ready to resume your workouts, I'd say go for it. Sometimes it's good to just rip that bandaid off. :) If you are very, very frightened, you may want to ease into it.

    You "might" experience some pain after you exercise (and you might not). The brain doesn't want to give up the little tricks it plays on you too quickly. But Dr. Sarno writes that in all the years he's been treating people, he never had someone incur serious injury after resuming activity.
    AshleyAV likes this.

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