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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Mermaid, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    Hi Pingman

    A large part of the reason I have come this far was my will never to let the pain rob me of my life. I never took to my bed for long, I knew that if I didn't keep going it would be the end of me. In the process of healing I have kept hold of everything in my life that is dear me, and shed that which is not.

    My official (dumb) doctor diagnosis was "Chronic migraine and fibromyalgia, with medication side effects and withdrawal syndrome". I paid dearly for that on all fronts, not just financial. I was determined to hold on and find the true cause, it's taken me years, but it's worth it.

    You are blessed that you found the cause of your problems so quickly, and you've done a great job healing.
    North Star likes this.

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