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Week 0 Welcome to the Subforum for the Structured Educational Program

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by JanAtheCPA, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. PussInBootz

    PussInBootz New Member

    Thanks, I will do that :)
  2. Moody007

    Moody007 New Member

    I am new here and been searching for results,having anxiety disorders since my childhood,i have been suffering with the symtoms fot about 12 years now,just discovered miss weekes book last febuary and this tms forum for about a month now it made me understand what i feel everyday with the highs and lows,i just ordered mister sarnos books (divided mind and mindbody prescription) but you guys help me a lot i know its a long road but i believe theres a way to live with this,and hope for a cure one day.for its headeaches everyday i go on with my days but working like it is my body talking to me and trying to relax thru it,like miss weekes say,face,accept,float,let time pass. Amen
  3. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Moody,

    Welcome to the Forum and the SEP,
    http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Structured_Educational_Program (Structured Educational Program)

    if you're embarking on this program. Between Weekes' approach, and Dr. Sarno, you are in good hands. Many many people have successfully used their approaches. Your practice sounds good to me, using some basics and trying to be patient. I don't know if you're doing these programs, but I want you to know about this free program also:

    http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/TMS_Recovery_Program (TMS Recovery Program) which you might start with.

    I had eight surgeons ready to do procedures which were not needed, and I was on crutches and wheelchairs for years. Now I can grab a 60 pound pack and climb a mountain! Wishing you well in improving your experience in life!

    Andy B
    Fabi and mike2014 like this.
  4. Moody007

    Moody007 New Member

    Thanks Andy i appreciate .i am a sport person,swimming is a passion,that s the only place i don t feel any symptoms,so i pkunge myself in it,lol.i have been struggling with gad most of my life since the birth of my daughter it is been worse so theres got to be something there.so let s get down with this thing,and thru it.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  5. Lady Phoenix

    Lady Phoenix Peer Supporter

    SEP Day #3. My favorite physical activity has always been swimming too, moody007. Of course, I stopped all physical exertion with constant migraines and asthma. When my headaches began to subside (95% gone), my asthma began to get worse. I began last week to work on the asthma, not really having any direction, I just told myself that my lungs are strong and stopped using my inhaler. I walked up a very steep hill into my town 3 days in a row, at a fast pace. This is so amazing that I could do this without my inhaler! Last night, I realized my asthma was completely gone. It felt so wonderful to breathe so freely and deeply! The problem is, my headache came back yesterday. It was not a raging migraine like it once was, but it put me in a very bad mood and I had a lot of fear creeping in with some of my old bad habits. Today I had a little of both. I am discouraged. Hoping tomorrow is better.
  6. Moody007

    Moody007 New Member

    I hear you,i ve been having tension headeache since january now they make me crazy,my jaw cracks my temples and my head are like in a pressure it s not hurting but it is like my muscle are crisping inn and it makes me scared,i kniw it is not dangerous but the feeling us scary wenever i eat peanuts or someting hard it crisp,i don t know if anyone have experience that.something bizarre whrn i ho to sleep or waking up in the morning i am cured and it come back the day after.
  7. Lady Phoenix

    Lady Phoenix Peer Supporter

    I did not feel any cracking with my headaches but I had a lot of sounds in my ears (tinnitis) like ringing and even fog horns like on a boat. Once Dec. 2015, and I hate to tell this because I know how bad it sounds, I had a very big and stressful holiday party to go to and I had not seen these people in 48 years! I had decided to take the pain meds and go. They were my classmates for 8 years as a child and I also had choir practice with them every day for 3 years (which I had completely forgotten about). So I was in the shower, and I started to sing as I always do and my voice came out in 2 part harmony! I was frozen with fear. Every time I tried to sing again, it happened again. And it (the 2nd part) was very loud in my right ear. I know this is not a documented form of TMS but I am positive in my heart that my inner child was too stressed out about the party. What better way to distract me! The irony is, during the party, people started walking around singing in harmony! It made me want to share what had happened earlier but I stopped myself. I realized months later that my inner child remembered I was once in the choir even though I had forgotten about that. So strange!!! This makes me wonder about people who hear voices. I am off track regarding my SEP.

    I developed a bad cough with measles at age 4 and my Mom suspected this was the beginning of my asthma. She says she didn't want to tell me because she was afraid it might make me less physical (smart mom). My mother was difficult and that is all I want to say about her for now but at age 12, the asthma became much worse. Around this time, my Dad was also difficult. The doctor told me I had asthma and gave me meds. In high school he told me I would never be healthy living in Pa. and I should go to a college out West and marry a cowboy and stay there. I went to college in Arizona but the improvement in my breathing was minimal. I slowly became less and less active. I stopped running, riding my bike and even swimming eventually. Recently, I have avoided all steps, hills, even small ones because the wheezing was so bad. But this week I conquered the hill thing by walking fast up a very large hill every day. I feel like the asthma diagnosis made me progressively think of myself as sickly. I am trying to change that attitude and it's actually fun! I read about the affirmations and it seemed to help.
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
  8. Lady Phoenix

    Lady Phoenix Peer Supporter

    I am having trouble finding the emotions that go with the asthma. It went away yesterday for a while when I meditated and the day before it went away when I exercised and when I cried (doing SEP journal) but it never went away once today. I'm disappointed. My asthma became severe at around 12 years old. Things were bad at home and at school but I don't have many memories from that time, only that it was bad.

    I always thought my asthma was physical and I am having trouble thinking otherwise. It has controlled so much of my life.
  9. Saoirse

    Saoirse Peer Supporter

    Thanks so much , can I ask a question how to find out how to create a new post.
  10. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

  11. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Saoirse,
    Go to the top of this page and look for All Forums tab at upper left. Then when in All Forums, you can choose the particular Forum subtype you want, such as Support Subforum. Once you open that page, you'll see tab/bar at upper right which says Post New Thread. When you post, you might give the post some "tags" by typing into tag box at bottom, and seeing if something you're referring to is loaded for you. Hope that helps you get started.
    Saoirse likes this.
  12. Saoirse

    Saoirse Peer Supporter

  13. Saoirse

    Saoirse Peer Supporter

    Cheers, I'm up and running.
  14. Saoirse

    Saoirse Peer Supporter

    Hi Moody Good luck ,I've just started and suffer with severe General Anxiety disorder and chronic pain so I am hopeful. Can you tell me what the book by "weeks" is ? it might be good for me to buy. Sarno's book are simply amazing.Thanks
  15. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Saoirse, Here is Wiki link to Weekes' material. The Wiki site is reached by going on any Forum page to a tab in the upper left.

    http://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Overcome_Anxiety_with_Dr._Claire_Weekes (Overcome Anxiety with Dr. Claire Weekes)

    Your best bet for getting fresh responses to your posting is to start a new thread, as we have outlined.

    My best to you.

    Andy B
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  16. jdb49

    jdb49 New Member

    I'm on Day 8 of the Structured Program. My TMS journey has too often been one step forward and two steps back. I was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia (SD) and went looking for answers. Because I have experienced near-normal voice days when stress-free, I was fairly convinced that emotional tension played a big part in the problem. My search eventually led me to "The MindBody Prescription" by Dr. Sarno. Like so many others's I could see my personality type and symptons on many of the pages. Dealing with the SD was difficult enough, but several years into battling it, I suddenly began to have severe muscle pains which started in the shoulders and have since moved to hips, neck, chest and knees. This started one morning while trying to do pushups following a round of breathing practices prescribed in Michael Brown's "The Presence Process." I was in the final week of the second round of the 10-week program. Since then, the pain has often been intense--especially at night while trying to roll over in bed.
    I have had doctor visits, including two blood/lab tests that have revealed nothing. One of my lingering doubts is when to decide if one has thoroughly explored the possibility of serious conditions. It seems a tricky question to answer.
    On the positive side, there have been days when I did seem to have success in fighting back the pain by using Dr. Sarno's methods. I am, at this point, looking into seeing a TMS psychotherapist for some help in moving forward.
  17. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi jdb49,
    I am glad you have found Dr. Sarno's method, and this site. I was scheduled for nerve surgery, and several physicians were suggesting this, and in a few months contemplating Dr. Sarno's work every day, everything was fine. I went from limping, crutches, wheelchairs, to ski mountaineering again. One of my favorite singers, Linda Thompson had/has dysphonia.
    Best to you!
    Andy B

    http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=13897606 (Linda Thompson: Back with a 'Versatile Heart')

  18. jdb49

    jdb49 New Member

    Andy, Thanks very much for the encouragement! And the video.
  19. jdb49

    jdb49 New Member

    Forgot to mention that I also am a singer/songwriter. And losing most of my ability to sing has caused considerable depression. But I am fighting back!
  20. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    I noticed in the NPR article, Linda associates her voice problem with stress...

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