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Welcome to the Support Subforum

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Beach-Girl, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Deborahrye
    Depression can absolutely be part of TMS. It can come with anxiety but it can also be a way to deaden our emotions.
    Carpel Tunnel is an RSI disorder, and they are commonly considered TMS. Hips may be TMS or structural.
    Have you contacted Dr. Schubiner again? He seemed to be very willing to help you before and perhaps he could help you determine how to best help yourself to be confident that the treatment decisions are yours, not just your Doctors.
    Part of our healing is having to step up and take charge of our personal power, having victory over the victim mentality.
    That doesn’t mean you can’t feel every ounce of what you are going through. Cry, get angry, feel it all. Have compassion for your self (it’s different than feeling like a victim: like you have no control over your situation). Do some sort of self-care whether you can meditate, or just stop and take time to breathe.
    You have already started to take some responsibility for yourself by posting to this forum, that’s a great first step!
    Do you have a tms book you can read or perhaps Clair Weekes who wrote such great books for anxiety and touches on depression.
    Remember that folks with TMS can have structural issues, but folks with TMS can just have tms… it is hard to suds out but I think a tms Doctor could really help you figure things out.
    Deborahrye likes this.
  2. Deborahrye

    Deborahrye Newcomer

    Hey Thank you!! I'm listening to the "Tell me about your pain" podcast right now, it is helping, my pain has already moved all over my body - I have the 4th edition Unlearn Your Pain - I gave away my 2nd edition to a friend. - I emailed Dr. Schubiner and he said he would talk or have a phone call but I don't want to ask him to do that until I put some work in myself. Chronic Unworthiness:playful::playful: the relapse of pain started with the pandemic so this podcast is pretty apt because the podcast started at the same time as my relapse. There is a big transition happening in my life right now and I think that's why the symptoms are even more acute right now. My son, who was 7 months old at the beginning of the quarantine is going to be starting preschool after Labor Day and I am starting a new job too. Thank you thank you so much for being here :)
  3. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had a carpal tunnel diagnosis confirmed by multiple doctors and EMG test. Surgery was recommended if steroids fail. ALL those doctors were wrong, while Dr. Sarno was right. I healed 100% from it without surgery or medication.
    Also, you should not be posting in this thread. You need to learn how to create a new thread with the appropriate subject line. The button is in the upper right corner:

  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi there, @Deborahrye. To post your own new thread, the first thing you need to do is to go to the appropriate subforum's main page (TG left that part out - oops).

    Sort of near the top of this page or any discussion page, where you see the title of the thread (eg: Welcome to the Support Forum...") you'll see a bar that shows where you're at in the entire forum (this is easier to see on a PC or landscaped tablet). To ask for support, you do want to be here in the Support subforum, so just click on that in the bar, illustrated in my screen shot below. THEN you will see the blue bar in the upper right as TG illustrated. If you click on the phrase "General TMS Subforums...." you'll see the list of different ones.

    Don't forget to click on Submit when you're done with your new thread!

    And, Welcome!


    Deborahrye likes this.
  5. LadyGru

    LadyGru New Member

    Thank you for helping me to figure out how to post on here!!
    JanAtheCPA and Deborahrye like this.
  6. Ladvenue

    Ladvenue Newcomer

    In 1998 I was in a car accident that I walked away from, but within a few weeks lower back and neck pain began nagging me. That started a nearly 15-year journey of PT across multiple cities and modes of treatment from standard sports medicine to integrated manual therapy to acupuncture and chiropractic to low current "white noise" electrotherapy and on and on. Thankfully none of my doctors ever tried to put me on painkillers. I was introduced to Dr Sarno's book by a friend in the early 2000's but after a few chapters of reading, I didn't think he was talking to me. How could I imagine or wish for such pain and disruptions to my life? I had missed weddings, stopped traveling, and couldn't tolerate sitting for more than an hour at a time. I had to have lumbar and neck supports with me for every mode of travel. I especially couldn't tolerate a chair or car set that "dipped" or cradled me as this generated an immediate headache and intolerable neck pain. So how could my subconscious mind possibly generate this level of misery? So I put the book down and eventually gave it to Goodwill.

    Ten years later the same friend recommended Sarno's DVD in 2016, and I gave it a shot. At this point I was doing massage weekly with acupuncture and chiro, twice a month and was exhausted by constantly managing my pain. I found this TMS wiki and did the educational program - full commitment. It took a full year though. I repeated sessions and kept up with my journaling, mantras, meditation, and readings. Within a year I was 100% free of the back and neck pain. I was traveling taking 8 hour plane rides to Europe, sleeping in soft beds, biking, and sitting in any chair I wanted.

    But starting last December I started to experience a lot of pain in my feet. I have extremely high arches. I've always had to have arch supports and there had been pain coming and going from the feet, but always due to circumstances involving a lot of walking and poor footwear. But it's been constant, and the arches no longer help. I've been to multiple doctors and PT. And now my right knee hurts. The same one that at the age of 25 first flared up with clicking and sharp pain while running or hiking and had been diagnosed as too long of a tendon over the patella - noting a compression strap would handle. But after a few years, it disappeared. Now its back, with the feet.

    For some reason, I'm having a hard time recognizing these pains as TMS. I've had a great deal of stress over 5 years from a 24/7 demanding job, the stress of the pandemic and the depressing and soul-crushing culture wars of this country, and crossing the 50 year boundary with all the changes in relationships that entails I know has left me vulnerable to TMS again. So I am back on the program to tackle the pain for what it is - repression of rage and sorrow and self-critical targeting that's been happening unchecked for far too long. I don't know if there are others who've won a war with TMS only to face new battles in the future. Or others for whom, like me, unwinding their TMS was not an instantaneous event, but a process that took months. but would love to hear from you.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi there @ Ladvenue, and, for what it's worth, welcome back :)/:(
    That would be, at a VERY rough guess, about half of the new posts we see these days. And as far as I'm concerned, you hit the nail on the head here:
    I've been doing this work since 2011, and that description fits me to a T, other than the 24/7 demanding job - although in 2020 I was done in by a previously-enjoyable volunteer position that became unreasonably demanding and overwhelming as a result of the shutdowns -and as a semi-retired person at the time, I was not mindful of my stress level and ended up with full-blown rheumatoid arthritis (which is another story).

    I think that doing the work again is the thing to do. And we have so many new resources these days! Podcasts are among my favorites. I would recommend the one (titled Like Mind, Like Body) which is provided free by the Curable app - they are terrific, and they include many of expert luminaries in the TMS world - and there aren't too many of them, so it's not as overwhelming as, for example, knowing where to start with someone like Nicole Sachs, who has been publishing her wonderful podcast every week since late 2018, if you can believe that. And they can't all be winnders, but I nonetheless whole-heartedly recommend Nicole (The Cure For Chronic Pain With Nicole Sachs). Many of her "real time heal" episodes are like receiving individual therapy.

    Also check out Alan Gordon's newest work in PRT: Pain Reprocessing Therapy. There's a wiki site to go along with his new book The Way Out (link to the new wiki from the top of the main tmswiki.org page).

    Practice self-compassion, and learn to recognize how you pressure yourself (my therapist/coach points this out to me regularly, and reminds me that pressure leads to judgement which leads to symptoms). I find it very difficult to meditate, but I have been much more successful at practicing deep therapeutic breathing, and I've been increasing my ability to remember to do it throughout the day, first thing on waking, and last thing at night. It's made a noticeable difference!

    Keep going and remind yourself of your success. Setbacks are normal, but to me, this is a real live Success Story:
    Keep us posted!

    Ladvenue likes this.
  8. Ladvenue

    Ladvenue Newcomer

    Thank you Jan. Your response is incredibly helpful and a comfort.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  9. dxdydz

    dxdydz New Member

    Hello to everyone! New member here,
    After 6.5years of constant pain, my pain changing locations and intensities, upper back pain, shoulder pain, recently neck and a little head pain I read about TMS and I feel so much better.
    Just the idea that the pain originates from my head, when I feel some pain, I think to myself, you are creating the pain and you can also make it disappear! And it works!
    I have read some notes from the Sarno books and I have watched a 2.5h lecture from Sarno in youtube. The last 2-3 days I started also the SEP and the Gordon's Pain program.
    What would be your suggestions? How should I proceed?
    Should I do the 2 programs in parallel or finish first one of them and then proceed with the other? I am already familiar with the main ideas of Sarno. (lecture+notes) Will it bring me much to read one of his books, or would you suggest another book from another writer? Also, probably more a question for the future, is psychotherapy the next step in order to find what creates my inner rage?
    Thank you all guys! I am very happy to have found you and I really appreciate your feedback!
  10. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @dxdydz
    My first suggestion is when you post to the TMS forum, you post a new thread. That way more people see it!
    Please be aware that trying to “fix” your symptoms by working really hard puts a lot of pressure on yourself. Since TMS is stress related.. well, you get the picture!
    Choose 1 program: either Alan Gordon’s or the SEP and complete it. You only need one.
    If you notice the SEP asks you to read a book by Sarno before following the program. This is wise. Gordon’s program deviates from some of Sarno’s main elements by asking you to focus on fear: Sarno focuses on subconscious rage…
    The SEP focuses on emotions and emotional expression plus states of mind like fear.
    So choose a program but first read a book by Sarno. Many people miss his main theories so reading notes from others just adds another filter to the message. Why not go to the source.
    You don’t need therapy to find your inner rage. Journaling will do that for you for free (slough some people need more help) - Nichole Sach’s Journalspeak is an elaborated explanation to Sarno’s basic directions for writing. Nichol’s website has directions.

    You don’t need to do everything, go slow, see what works for you over time.
    TG957 likes this.
  11. dxdydz

    dxdydz New Member

    Thanks a lot for your answers. Then I guess that I can start with the Mindbody prescription and the Alan Gordon program and then probably move to the SEP and the journaling approach in order to dig a bit deeper.
  12. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    Hey folks, new member. Nice to meet you all. I'm Felipe, 43, from São Paulo - Brazil.

    I've been in this healing journey for 8 months give or take. Back pain issues date from about 5 years, having done a surgery in between. Anyway, pretty sure it's all TMS now, and to be honest I'm not in a bad place when it comes to the physical symptoms. It's the anxiety that elevates things to an annoying level. Well, I also feel like talking to the ones who have been through this, since it's a bunch of heartfelt amazing people :shame:
  13. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Welcome! Also I love your picture!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  14. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    Thanks! But I gotta be honest and say it was AI generated.. :D
    HealingMe likes this.
  15. Hopey

    Hopey New Member

    Hello all, first-time poster intro here. I've been a student of TMS theory and mindbody medicine for several years now and finally decided to explore this wiki. I've had what I believe are mostly - if not all - symptom imperatives or TMS equivalents since at least age 10.

    First it was a Tourette's diagnosis. Then I got migraines for about a year. Clinical anxiety/depression were next. Chronic neck/back pain took hold at age 15 after a muscle strain and, for the next 20 years, was always there to varying degrees. In 2009, I had my first CT scan which showed no problem with my cervical spine; later that year I had a SPECT study (basically a brain scan) done, which showed little abnormality. By 2015, full-blown fibromyalgia had set in and it was scary. I had thoracic Xrays at the end of that year w/ no remarks (other than kyphosis, which simply gave me a technical name for my rounded shoulders). In 2016, I had MRIs of the upper back and neck w/ nothing out of the ordinary. In 2020, I was officially diagnosed as AuDHD (autistic & ADHD; maybe not as relevant but still felt worth mentioning). At the end of 2020 I started having foot pain in both feet and the following year my left knee starting killing me as well (on top of the usual back, neck, and other fibromyalgia areas). I've never been a great sleeper and have struggled with insomnia for many years to varying degrees, often because of neck pain. I've struggled with addiction to alcohol, nicotine, and THC. 25+ years of that and have been in recovery now for 4 years (I mention this because it's been suggested to me that substance misuse is a manifestation of TMS). During 2021-2022, it was becoming painful to just write and type; I had even started using a stylus to do anything on my phone.

    Decades of treatment attempts (mostly for anxiety and depression) have been exhausting. I've been on anxiety/depression meds for 30+ years, a handful of SSRIs and currently a SNRI; two times I've tapered off and rather quickly went back on after symptoms returned, with the most recent attempt 10 years ago cut short by a terrible fibro spike. I've been prescribed muscle-relaxants and pain relievers and killers. I've tried different over-the-counter and Rx sleep meds and aids and combinations thereof. I've worked with physical therapists at least 7 times, regularly had chiropractic adjustments for about 10 years total, and been worked on by massage therapists for around 10 total years as well.

    I've been to therapy/counseling (neurologist, psychologists, psychiatrists, other licensed counselors) for close to 10 years combined. I wouldn't classify any of them as TMS therapists, although I may seek one out in the near future and am aware of the potential connections here in this community. I've always had many or most of the personality traits and characteristics common in those w/ TMS: "Goodist", perfectionism, empath, low self-esteem, guilty conscience, etc. I've been told I'm "too nice" by a couple of people before, although I've had some anger issues as well. My employment history has also been affected by TMS. I've quit several positions before that involved mostly manual labor or at least being on my feet a lot. However, I can now say that I'm more confident in doing such work - and work in general - especially after lasting a year and a half at my most recent job (which I did quit in part because of foot pain, but there were other factors). This is a good place to share the eventual turn for the better that followed my discovery of the nature of the chronic pain.

    In 2021, the Curable app was suggested to me by my recovery counselor. That led me to join a zoom meeting held by Curable that featured Dr John Stracks and Nicole Sachs. That led me to start listening to Sachs's podcast The Cure For Chronic Pain. That led me to buy Dr John Sarno's book The Mindbody Prescription. Reading that book made me 50% better; the knowledge of the oxygen-deprivation pain distraction caused by the nervous system and the massive amount of patients that he successfully treated with his approach was (and always will be) undeniable. But it wasn't necessarily a "book cure", since I wasn't 100% better. However, I've followed Sachs's work (podcast, The Meaning of Truth book, youtube, etc), discovered and followed Dan Buglio, and have recently started following some others in the arena. I re-read The Mindbody Prescription last summer. There are plenty more books that I plan to read and other resources that I'm so thankful to be able to choose from in the near future and beyond, this website and forum obviously being part of all that.

    Currently I'd say I'm about 75% recovered from the chronic pain problem. I now have a gym membership and work out every other day...and it feels good! I'm not there to impress anyone and I don't try to be stronger or more fit than I am, but I'm doing it! I'm gaining confidence, and getting stronger and more fit...gradually. I've had a few flare-ups, but taking a few days or a week off puts me back to normal. I now understand that pain is part of the human condition. Some of my life involves making a choice between what hurts and what hurts worse. Lately I like to remind myself to resist my nervous system, but to not fight it. I know now that pain is just pain (which I previously thought was an insulting, ignorant, luxurious thought for people who simply had lucky, pain-free lives). It will pass, just like emotions do; after all, both are usually one in the same when it comes to TMS. Neuroplasticity is also a big piece of the puzzle for me, since the brain (in it's often over-protective ways) is known to assign meaning where there is none or where it shouldn't be. Neural pathways, especially those forged over long periods of my time, can take time to re-forge and so I must be patient. My thinking has had to change and is still changing, but it's a welcome change. Besides, growth in life requires thinking changes anyway! My thinking has had to change, but it's a welcome change and, besides, growth in life requires thinking changes anyway! :)

    Anyhow, thanks for reading if you took the time lol. Looking forward to getting to know others here and continuing to grow and learn.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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