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What are your favorite TMS affirmations?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Dexy, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Sienna

    Sienna Well known member

    That's a great one, thanks for sharing it!
  2. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    From the TMS WIKI:

    Use Affirmations

    Many people have reported how helpful affirmations are in recovering.This essentially involves talking to your brain. While it may feel slightly odd to talk to yourself, people have reported that it allows them to gain control over their thoughts and take a more active role in their recovery. To learn more about affirmations and self talk visit the page: Affirmations.

    Dr. Sarno has also listed 12 Daily Reminders for people to review throughout their recovery. These can serve as a form of affirmations to be reviewed once a day. They are:

    1. The pain is due to TMS, not to structural abnormalities
    2. The direct reason for the pain is mild oxygen deprivation
    3. TMS is a harmless condition, caused by my repressed emotions
    4. The principle emotion is my repressed anger
    5. TMS exists only to distract my attention from the emotions
    6. Since my back is basically normal there is nothing to fear
    7. Therefore physical activity is not dangerous
    8. And I must resume all physical activity
    9. I will not be concerned or intimidated by the pain
    10. I will shift my attention from the pain to emotional issues
    11. I intend to be in control - not my subconscious mind
    12. I must think psychological at all times, not physical.
    Dexy and giantsfan like this.

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