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What do YOU Say to your Brain??

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jennifer_K, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Un0wut2du

    Un0wut2du Peer Supporter

    Yes to this too Lady, I've learned what "mindfulness" actually is and mimdful meditation while learning about TMS. Other replies here have also stated what I would describe as "witness" to a pain rather than "participating in" the pain. This has been HUGE for me.
    Jennifer_K likes this.
  2. Un0wut2du

    Un0wut2du Peer Supporter

    This is a good demonstration of mindfulness. Just a witness. Not a participant.
    Jennifer_K likes this.
  3. Jennifer_K

    Jennifer_K Peer Supporter

    I've been using the Fake News!

    Although, during certain moments I simply try to accept things exactly as they are, without trying to change them, and I suppose that is mindfulness?
  4. Un0wut2du

    Un0wut2du Peer Supporter

    You got it. You are just watching and accepting rather then judging. Once I learned what it was I could practice while walking to work and my knee was hurting. Just observe and accept.

    And to get better tuned into what mindfulness is you can do many of these guided meditations. There is so much out there on this now. There are many apps and YouTube videos. I get particular about a persons voice so I search for ones I like. Now I can do my own mindful meditation without the guidance (but I still go back to them). The focus is simply on your breath to tune out your many thoughts. You WILL drift off into thought, so you just bring it back to your breath. Your breath is the easiest thing to focus on because its just always there. I can tell you I slowly improve and this was a big part of it. Huge.

    There is also some research suggesting changes within the brain with mindfulness and mindful meditation. Growth similar to that of learning a new craft or language. Synaptic growth I think?
    jaumeb and Jennifer_K like this.
  5. PainNoMore

    PainNoMore Peer Supporter

    i tried the cursing a little bit but it really goes against my moral sensibilities so i ended feeling a little guilt from it. but i see how it could work for some people. one thing that's worked is telling the pain 'i'm not afraid of you'. and say it with confidence because you know that TMS is harmless. it's important to be confident because fear is what drives the pain. you may have to fake the confidence for a while but keep working at it. the ability to be confident will come easier over time.

    in general, especially after you've had a significant reduction in symptoms, being nice to yourself and meditation is a really good daily prescription and a good way to recondition.
    Jennifer_K likes this.
  6. Jennifer_K

    Jennifer_K Peer Supporter

    Yes, being kind to oneself is important, I think. I beat myself up automatically, so that is something I am trying to stop. I also agree with faking confidence.

    Fake it til you make it! :D
  7. Bodhigirl

    Bodhigirl Well known member

    Thank you for hearing me. Often times it feels as if things go too fast for us to hear and be heard... and a great trigger for abandonment and primitively anger dressed up as a belly ache or worse.
    Un0wut2du likes this.

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