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What I find most fustrating about TMS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Calum, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is Love. Yes. That is it exactly. Not the narrow, conditional, small-letter-love, but the true, soul-Love that is un-contained by any boundaries. It is love without conditions or expectations.

    We forget that we all have this within us ... the flame that burns low and bright, nested in front of the sacrum (also known as the Holy bone, or Sacred Bone), and no matter how much we bury it, it remains pure and alive ... awaiting our awareness.

    My mom refuses to say to her mother, "I love you" and she doesn't understand how I can say the words to her. She believes I am saying it for my own purposes. Yet, the truth is simple - I am speaking from that other place, that true place, that place that recognizes we are all souls sharing a journey through this physical realm.

    To you, Walt ... I say: I love you.

    with grace and gratitude,

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