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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by shadowson, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Hi, thanks for commenting

    Although I don’t quite understand what she’s saying to be honest.

    That she basically accepted the pain was there and got on with her life anyway?

    I’ve been doing that for years without success…

    currently I’m just trying hard to accept the pain and symptoms because I’m being sucked into a pit of misery and depression at the minute.

    I do this thing where I’ll be filled hope for a few weeks/months. Then nothing works and I feel like jumping off a cliff.

    if I didn’t have children I probably would have by now.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Accepting and moving on would not add depression and misery which is mental suffering. That is exactly the part she got passed, even though symptoms continued.
    It is exactly where I am at.
    I have symptoms but 99% of the time, I do not have mental suffering anymore and that is exactly what doing the TMS work is about.I don’t think this will be easy for you until you are able to work through some of the conscious anger you are dealing with. It’s really just another defense mechanism, it’s like a block. So is the defeatism and victimization I read in your last post that you might have ended your life if it was not for the children.
    I’ve been there, and this screams of much, much more than physical pain. You are absolutely worth seeking more help. It’s not a weakness or giving in to TMS to get that help. It is self-empowering, taking control, and being strong enough to get help when you need it, over a period and maybe an extended period of time. I found an EMDR therapist (after much searching) who would take me every 2nd week for $100 and I saw her for 10 months. It was absolutely worth it. I still felt I was having more “bad” emotional days than I wanted when our sessions ended, but this is normal. Within a month my brain had sort of dealt with the work and I was so much better. Symptoms remained but suffering ended. At one point I too could not fathom how that would impact me, but I just took a leap of faith that this is how it “works.
    TG957, shadowson, Ellen and 1 other person like this.
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    First, I just want to affirm that the OP was from @JTinLA . I probably should have linked to it instead of copy/paste. If he is willing, he can explain what he meant best.

    But my understanding is that he stopped the internal dialogue in his head that is a script of victimhood. This is a big part of TMS in my experience. It's the concept that this horrible, unfair thing (TMS symptom) is happening to me, when the reality is that we are creating it ourselves. Once we fully accept that we are doing this to ourselves, we are empowered to change.

    There is a lot of victimhood in your posts. I understand this, as I was there. You are angry about having TMS, which is also understandable. I was there. You will find much relief when you can give this up. Just let it go. It is undermining your life.
    shadowson likes this.

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