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Why do some have success, others don't?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by vixb, Dec 31, 2024.

  1. RogueWave

    RogueWave Well known member

    My personal feeling that thanks backwards. TMS is a painful aspect of GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) and should be viewed as such.

    I’ve mentioned this in previous posts, although it’s been while since I’ve posted here. I think the reason people get better is because whatever technique/therapist they use is that they ultimately lose their fear, concern, etc about what they are experiencing. This can a long time in some cases (well over a year), but it seems to be the same basic concept.
    Diana-M and HealingMe like this.
  2. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Correct, i agree with you. You are aware of it, but you let it be let the sensations and uncomfortableness come, but move on with your life. I never feared COVID for it to be debilitating to me, however there are other fears in my life that I am working through day to day and it holds the same concept.
    RogueWave likes this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    “What they are experiencing” is key.
    Some people feel the experience is only the immediate experience of the sensations - and I think those folks do feel better for awhile, but the “experience” is actually psychological/emotional lifelong experiences and many don’t want to face those parts of life.
    JanAtheCPA, Ellen and Diana-M like this.
  4. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I look at it this way (today anyway). If you subscribe to Sarno's theory that the purpose of TMS is as a distraction, then there are two ways to address this:

    1) Don't allow TMS to distract you. This is where ignoring it, not fearing the symptoms, etc. comes in.
    2) Remove the underlying need for a distraction. This is where addressing the psychological aspects comes in (emotions and thinking). Can be done through self-help means like journaling or with help through psychotherapy.

    I was first able to get rid of my TMS by #1, but ultimately had to address #2.
    vixb, Clover, RogueWave and 2 others like this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes. This is it.

    At its heart, the theory really is this simple, and it is 100% pure Sarno.

    Simple, of course, does not mean easy. Although it can be easy, for a completely open and emotionally vulnerable individual.

    The theory is simple, while the practice is really hard for some people. We have a gazillion different practices out there because, as Cactusflower says, people can't or won't accept what it takes to accomplish #2.
    Clover, vixb and Diana-M like this.
  6. vixb

    vixb New Member

    I have just come across Nicole after downloading Curables app again - I liked how she comes across and will buy her books
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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