How To Clean Up Pages
Greetings, Design Group members of the TMS Wiki, and a big THANK YOU for helping out with the transition!
This page is a companion to the page titled "Pages That Need Fixing".
If you haven't already viewed Forest's excellent video about text editing in MediaWiki, you'll probably want to do so.
Chuck has made several helpful videos on additional topics, all of which can be accessed here: One of them is a visual tour on How To Clean Up A Page - I would watch that first, and use the rest of this page as reminder. For one thing, he shows how to switch easily between the Preview tab and the WikiText tab, something which I didn't address below, but after watching his video, I find it's easier to use for most jobs.
For additional editing help from MediaWiki, load this page into another browser tab. To get MediaWiki help, first type Help: in the search box, then the term
Finally, please take a moment to register your new user account, and sign in when you edit, because we like to see how many different members of the community are participating in this effort!
How To Clean Up A Page
As Rob has mentioned, Greta, the wiki-conversion software which he wrote(!) does a pretty amazing job of converting the ~675 pages of the old WetPaint wiki to the new MediaWiki platform. But she's not perfect, and she needs human beings to clean up after her, just like the real Greta. Plastic bags not required in this case, however.
675 is a lot of pages, but we'll be concentrating on the top 150 most-popular pages to start with, and just take one page at a time. Here are the steps to follow.
- Once you're familiar with the types of formatting codes that you'll see on the new pages, go to "Pages That Need Fixing" (I suggest opening it in a new tab).
- Go down to the section titled The Top 150 Popular Pages
- Pick a page that you want to clean up. If someone else has already worked on it, the word "DONE" and their username should appear. This is really important! I suggest also opening your chosen page in a new tab so it's easy to go back and forth.
- Review your selected page to see if it needs any cleanup (possible issues are below in #6). Most of our popular pages will have the blue box with the apology for service outages, so that will need to be removed. That may be the only thing that needs fixing, and only takes a few seconds. Specific instructions for editing are below so if this is your first time through, just keep reading).
- Optional: you might want to view the old WetPaint page up on a second monitor, but I don't think it's necessary.
- If you open a page that looks too complicated, feel free to find something else!
- What you're looking for:
- The now-obsolete service outage message in the blue box (easy to remove)
- Inconsistent or missing formatting for headings (or subheadings)
- Inconsistent or bad spacing between sections
- More advanced issues which are addressed in more detail below, under Advanced Editing
- Inconsistent formatting in tables
- Missing videos
- Missing links
- Missing images
- Once you've identified the problems, click on the "EDIT" tab near the top right of your page. This will open up an editing window with all of the original codes.
- At the bottom left of the web page, you will want to click on the "Show Preview" button to see the page as it exists above, and the coded text below (not side-by-side as Rob was able to do in his video). In the same location is the "Save page" button, which you'll want to do frequently but ONLY after you've checked your progress by refreshing the Show Preview button. Please check "This is a minor edit" before each save.
- To remove the obsolete blue message box, simply eliminate the text AND the two sets of curly brackets that enclose the beginning and the ending of the text (the ending ones seem to be on their own line below the closing line). Be careful that you don't eliminate the first line of code on each page, which is Notices At Top Of Page! As a matter of interest, you can examine the formatting involved here - Rob created a Generic Box that can be used for any type of message in a box. See how easy it is to add a generic box to a page? And the entire thing can be copied and pasted to many other pages! So cool.
- Finally, you'll need to go back to the Pages list, open the EDIT function on that page, scroll down to the page you just fixed, and enter "DONE" and your username next to the page. Be sure to Save Page (check "minor edit") and pick a new page to work on!
I'm assuming that if someone is editing a page, that it can't be worked on by another person. I hope that's a good assumption!
Advanced Editing
- Fixing Tables: Rob is going to make a short video on how to edit tables. He's also going to design some templates we can insert for the journal lines so they are more useful to people who print the Educational pages to write on.
- Adding Videos
Chuck has made a setp-by-step video about inserting videos here. It's only 3 minutes long and very helpful. To recap the steps:- Using a new tab, go to "Pages That Need Fixing" Under "Pages with Videos" find your page and the code for the missing video
- You don't need to enter EDIT mode. Copy just the code for the video (which begins and ends with div tags inside < > brackets).
- Go to your page and enter EDIT mode. Find the current code between curly brackets that says MissingEmbedFromWetpaintImport and replace everything (including the curly brackets) with your video code.
- Save your page and see if the video was properly inserted and can be played.
- Using a new tab, go to "Pages That Need Fixing" Under "Pages with Videos" find your page and the code for the missing video
- Adding Links
- external links are coming over just fine. If you're reviewing a page with external links, please make sure they are still valid and alert the group if you find an invalid one. Feel free to find a new, updated link that is appropriate. Editing a link is actually pretty easy to figure out when you're in Edit mode. Just be careful not to eliminate the brackets and to keep one space between the URL and the text that is supposed to show on the page.
- Some internal links are not working because the name of the page does not quite agree to the name that came over in the link (this is the result of prior changes to the name of the page). These show up in red, and the hover-text says "page does not exist". But it does! You just need to do a keyword search for the page, and in the search results, find the appropriate page. Note the actual name of the page, and in Edit mode, find the link reference, and fix the name in front of the vertical pipe that is inside the the double square brackets [[ ]] (Don't fix the name that is in quotes). Rob might make a video to help with this process.
- Adding Images (TBA)(The image library has not yet been brought over)
How to fix Images
The code for adding an image is: [[File:name.type|Location|Size|link=link|alt=description|Caption]]
There is supposed to be an image here, however this means that the code is broken. In this case, and in the case with every other practitioner image that is not working it is because the file name ends in .png instead of .jpg. To fix this issue simply change David Schechter.png to David Schechter.jpg.
The correct code should look like [[File:File:Practitioner David Schechter.jpg|thumb|link=David Schechter, MD|David Schechter, MD]] which shows up asHelp & Contact
If you have any questions, write an email to the design group at , directed to Jan. We can always have a private discussion if we want to. If you are not yet a member of the TW-Design email list, please contact
to be added.