Pages That Need Fixing
Include a wikilink to each page that is added to these lists.
- 1 Pages That Need Fixing/Dead Links - instructions and to-do list
- 2 Education Program Pages that need fixing - instructions and list
- 3 Q&A Pages that need fixing - Instructions and list
- 4 Symptom Pages that need Fixing
- 5 Pages that need italics in the titles
- 6 The top 150 popular pages
- 7 Pages that need hand tuning
- 8 Pages with videos
Pages That Need Fixing/Dead Links - instructions and to-do list
Education Program Pages that need fixing - instructions and list
Q&A Pages that need fixing - Instructions and list
Symptom Pages that need Fixing
There is a new Template for the Symptom and Diagnosis Pages, that gets applied to the whole for the whole page. Instructions, a list, and a video on how to use the Template can be found at Pages That Need Fixing/Symptoms.
Pages that need italics in the titles
Unlike in Wetpaint, we can also italicize the displayed version of page titles now. There is a learning curve with this, so if someone wants to add italics to the displayed version of a page, the best thing to do would be to write a little note below.
In terms of how it's done, the technique is demonstrated in the page on Marc Sopher's book, To Be Or Not To Be... Pain Free. As you can see, the title is italicized. To do this, you just add the following to the wikitext of the page: {{DISPLAYTITLE:''To Be Or Not To Be... Pain Free''}} (note that those are pairs of apostrophes before and after the book name, not double quotes). Recall that two apostrophes means to format something as italics, so this just tells Mediawiki that when it displays the title, it should display it in italics. For other books, you can do exactly the same thing, just adding {{DISPLAYTITLE:''Name of Page''}} somewhere in the page's wikitext. If only part of the page's title needs to be italicized, simply put the double apostrophes around the portion that should be italicized.
Note that there are limitations in DISPLAYTITLE, in that it can only be used to change capitalization and formatting like bold and italics--the actual words that are displayed must be the same as the actual title of the page. Some technical details can be found in Wikipedia's documentation, here.
- Pages that need their titles to be italicized.
- (add pages to this list)
The top 150 popular pages
The following are the 150 most visited pages on the wiki (out of 680), listed roughly from most read to least, but with several pages that require special skills moved to the bottom for special attention. Most of them came over well, but some of them have errors that need to be fixed.Please use a {{GreenCheck}} in front, and enter "DONE" and your username next to the page name.
11/25/11: Jan re-sorted the list so that pages still needing work are listed first, and Green-Checked pages are listed alphabetically to make it easier to find a page you've done but might want to check again.
The following pages require advanced skills and are only appropriate for Wikitext ninjas:
For people just learning about TMS/PPDDone, Chuck
For TMS practitioners Done, with revisions. See what you think. Zipity
For TMSers new to the wiki Done, Chuckpages not found on medialayer: sitemap, forum, videos, news, General discussion
The rest of the unfinished pages are either technical, or need links to pages not yet designed for the new site:
Master Bibliography 'Forest, brought text over
Member Profile Spotlights Images added Done, all profiles still on wetpaint
- Online TMS Radio Show - added text and renamed to Power Without Pills Radio Show, which is that actual name for page, Chuck
The Healthy Mind Radio Show with Dr. Peter Zafirides Forest, Embedded WidgetDone, fixed image still need to fix radio player, Sara We need to find an extension to play the radio show clips. I am asking some MW Ninjas for advice on this.
Promoting TMS Awareness Worked on content. Fixed links Chuck Done. Zipity
Schubiner and Gordon radio interview Forest, Embedded Widget, Done. But...I put in the year as 2011, was it? and the MPS needs to be embedded. Zipity
Síndrome de Miositis Tensional Copied and pasted over from old site. Forest, Done adjusted spacing
Crees sufrir de SMT? Copied and pasted over from old site Forest, fixed links Done Chuck
Howard Schubiner's Blog Posts fixed links and added new page, Done Chuck
Introducción al Síndrome de Miositis Tensional Copied and pasted over from old site, Forest Fixed links Done Chuck
About the TMS Wiki Small amt content added. Done. Zipity
Acid Reflux OK, Aga
Achilles Tendonitis Done, Aga
Affirmations Forest Done
Allergies Done, Enrique. fixed couple of broken links
An Introduction to TMS DONE JanA Fixed internal link Forest
Annotated Bibliography DONE (fixed boxes, headings, TOC) JanA (did not check the external links)
Anxiety Symptoms/Panic Attacks No changes made, Sara
Archive of Monte Hueftle's updates I believe this is now DONE - there was missing text, not a missing embed ((bad dog, Greta!) Rest of the update pages brought over, links in the new text fixed - Jan (adding to Forest)
Back Pain Done (Chuck and Forest)
Back Sense Done. Zipity
Books & DVDs, etc. Done - JanA. Also fixed book titles per Amaya's review
Buttock Pain Done. Zipity"'
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Done. Zipity
Celebrity Advocates Done, Sara
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Done, Aga
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Done. Zipity
Conditioning Done. Zipity
David Schechter, MD Done, Zipity & JanA.
David Schechter's Mindbody Workbook and Patient Panel DVD - Done JanA
Depression Done. Zipity. Note: this page is on depression as a PPD. Is there a page on depression's contribution to PPDs?
Dermatological conditions, such as eczema, hives, acne, psoriasis, and other rashes Done Aga
Dr. Sarno on Larry King LiveDone Forest
Dr. Sarno's list of TMS doctors Done Fixed table and added images Chuck
Dr. Sarno's Treatment Plan DONE JanA
Dr. Schechter's TMS Questionnaire DONE (revised) JanA
Dr. Schubiner's online Mind Body Program Done, Sara
Dr. Schubiner's TMS Questionnaire DONE JanA
Educational Program Day 1 Done JanA
Educational Program Day 10 Checked but all looks good, Aga
Educational Program Day 11 Done. Zipity
Educational Program Day 2 Done, Sara
Educational Program Day 3 Done Aga
Educational Program Day 4 I can't find anything wrong :) Aga
Educational Program Day 5 done, aga
Educational Program Day 6 Done, Aga
Educational Program Day 8 Done, Aga
Educational Program Day 9 Done. Zipity
Fibromyalgia Done, Sara
Find a TMS Doctor or Therapist Forest: Mostly Cleaned up - DONE - JanA
Foot Pain Done, Sara
Freedom From Fibromyalgiadone - Aga
From Wheelchair to Ice Skates: My Success Story, by Pandamonium Done images added Forest, Sara
Georgie Oldfield, MCSP Done. zipity
Getting Unstuck- What to do when progress on TMS stalls Done added file Forest, Sara
Hand Pain Done. Zipity
Headaches Done. Zipity
Healing Back Pain Done. Zipity
Hip Pain Done. Zipity
How do I journal? DONE JanA Forest fixed thread link
How do I MeditateDone Forest
How to Choose a TMS Therapist Done didn't need the easy edit image Forest, Aga
How to ignore crippling pain DONE Sara
How we categorize TMS Professionals checked, looks OK, Aga
Howard Schubiner, MD Done Chuck
Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy done, Aga
Internet Resources checked external links and added note about down Tar Pit Yoga site, Forest. Aga checking - Tar Pit yoga site seems expired
Interview with Howard Schubiner, MD Done fixed images Forest, Sara
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Done Aga
John Sarno, MD Done - Sara
Knee Injuries DONE Aga
LA Mind-Body Conference Done Chuck
Leg Pain Done. Zipity - JanA added new page for Sopher's book, added link here and a couple other pages
Los Milagros de la Medicina Mente-Cuerpo Done, Aga
Medical Evidence fixed broken link Chuck, Aga
Migraines - Done JanA
MonteH: Three Techniques to Express Your Emotions Done - JanA
MonteH: Three Strategies for Thinking Clean This appears to be a personal page. Do we edit it? Zipity
Neck Pain Done, Sara
Neuropathy Done. Zipity
Other Resources Done. Zipity
Pain Free for Life Done inc video, Sara
Piriformis Syndrome checked, OK, Aga
Plantar Fasciitis Needs more content. Otherwise done. Zipity
Program Committment Done. Zipity
Prostate Pain Done. Zipity
Q&A with an Expert done, Zipity, JanA and Forest fixed How to ask question section
Q&A: Can I really ignore the crippling pain of TMS? Done, Aga
Q&A: How do I break my obsession with TMS symptoms? Done, Enrique. Reformatted
Q&A: Learning to feel emotions rather than suppressing them Done JanA
Q&A: Can Allergies Be TMS? Done - Zipity. Applied new Q&A Template JanA
Q&A: Does a diagnosis of "nerve impingement" definitely mean that my pain is "structural"? Done Aga -Jan added new Q&A template
Q&A: Fearful of getting really hurt Done, Enrique. Needs new Q&A Template - also Done - JanA
Q&A: Flare-ups after journaling Done, Enrique. Used new Q&A Template.
Q&A: How do I know my pain is not being caused by my bulging disc? Done, Zipity. JanA inserted new template
Q&A: How do I know that it's safe to resume normal activities? fixed 1 link and formatted, Aga
Q&A: How do I tell the difference between an injury (or overuse) and TMS? Done. Zipity JanA inserted new template
Q&A: Must my therapist believe in TMS? Done, Zipity JanA inserted new template
Q&A: My pain started long ago. Will it take a longer time to get rid of it? Done, Enrique. Used Q&A Template
Q&A: Severe TMS sufferer diagnosed as fibromyalgia Done! Aga, and template input fixed by Jan
Rapid Recovery from RSI, by Brian Jackson Done, added images and video, Forest, Aga
Relapser's curse - there is hope, by Skizzik Done, added video and png files Forest, Sara
Repetitive Strain Injuries - RSI DONE Sara; inserted missing link, JanA
Sacroiliac pain Done. Zipity
Sciatica DONE Sara
Scott Brady and Spirituality Checked - all seems good, Aga
Self Talk Dialogue Done. Enrique. Reformatted.
Shoulder Pain Done, Sara
Slow recoveries DONE, file-smiley added Forest - Aga
So You Think You Might Have TMS DONE JanA
Somatic Experiencing Fixed Third to last link. DONE Forest - JanA
Structured Educational Program DONE JanA
Structured TMS recovery programs DONE Sara
Success Stories by Symptoms & Diagnoses DONE JanA
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) Done, Aga
The 20/20 segment on John Sarno and TMS DONE JanA (one missing link to "About Editing" which is TBA)
The Divided Mind Done - Sara checked, JanA added video
The Master Practice Think clean video and Energy Circuit page missing, Aga - All done - JanA
The Mindbody Prescription Done added headers Forest
The Monkey Trap, by Peter Zafirides, MD Done Zipity
The Presence Process Done Forest Fixed broken link, several links to wetpaint forums, external links okay - JanA
Tinnitus DONE, Sara
TMS and religious faith No changes made, Sara
TMS and the Arts Done. Zipity
TMS FAQs Done, Enrique. Reformatted
TMS In The Media Done, Sara
TMS Personality Traits DONE Sara
TMS Professional Survey Responses reformatted page added images and new page, Done Chuck
TMS Success Stories - Live Panel Done, this page still relevant?
TMS Support Groups Done JanA
Top Ten TMS Articles No changes made, Sara
Unlearn Your Pain Done Chuck
User pages DONE fixed links and added image, chuck
Vertigo & Dizziness Done. Zipity
Vulvodynia Done. Zipity
Waking the Tiger Done, Sara
What Helped Me the Most, by rdgray Done Forest
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself Done Enrique. book content appears fine - changed page title to Italics)
Why PPD Forest Done. fixed broken link Chuck.
Pages that need hand tuning
(Skip this section - this is for the top techies!)
* DONE - (videos all inserted from below, Jan
* DONE - Forest & Jan (see page below)
*table of contents Done Forest
Pages with videos
(See "Advanced Editing" on "How To Clean Up Pages")
For a step by step process on how to add a video check out the instructional video
If you're in Edit mode, include only the wikimarkup code for the video inclusion that is between nowiki tags. For example: <nowiki> {{YouTube|ID=PLtPiOVVJ-U}} </nowiki> but do NOT include the nowiki tags themselves! You can't see the nowiki tags unless you're in Edit mode.
- For people just learning about TMS/PPD {{YouTube|ID=pKU6Bf7Rvk8}} {{YouTube|ID=EYlMSd08q1Y}} DONE Forest 04:19, 9 November 2011 (EST)
- An Introduction to TMS <div style="text-align: center;">{{#ev:googlevideo|-6660313127569317147#}}</div> INSERTED JAN A
- So You Think You Might Have TMS {{YouTube|ID=PLtPiOVVJ-U}} INSERTED JanA
- Peer Supervision Teleconferences {{YouTube|ID=fLrBrk9DXVk}} {{YouTube|ID=QTsewNrHUHU}} {{YouTube|ID=apzXGEbZht0}} Inserted JanA
- TMS In The Media <div style="text-align: center;">{{#ev:googlevideo|-6660313127569317147#}}</div> Inserted JanA
- Educational Program Day 1 <div style="text-align: center;">{{#ev:googlevideo|-6660313127569317147#}}</div> Inserted JanA
- Educational Program Day 6 {{YouTube|ID=ldyI7mJG2EA}} Inserted by someone
- Educational Program Day 15 {{YouTube|ID=TtpXFLhjCik#}} Inserted Jan
- Back Pain {{YouTube|ID=R1T2MnVbAM4}} INSERTED Chuck
- Repetitive Strain Injuries-RSI {{YouTube|ID=FER_oDOtQf8}} Inserted Sara
- Pain Free for Life{{YouTube|ID=3eNPX4oFeHw}} INSERTED JanA
- the 20/20 segment on John Sarno and TMS<div style="text-align: center;">{{#ev:googlevideo|-6660313127569317147#}}</div> this one is on multiple pages
- Dr. Schechter PPD Videos <div style="text-align: left">{{#ev:youtube|FER_oDOtQf8}}</div> <div style="text-align: right">{{#ev:youtube|I5yARoSoxfg}}</div><br/> <div style="text-align: left">{{#ev:youtube|R1T2MnVbAM4}}</div> Inserted Jan
- Dr. Schubiner's Video Lecture {{YouTube|ID=NAal5r_qEQY}} {{YouTube|ID=9ue2Q6mxBn8}}<br/> <div style="text-align:right;">{{#ev:youtube|Knn7o-9egAY}}</div> {{YouTube|ID=UCUArHq5Y1o}} Inserted Jan