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Surprised, grateful and worried
We all wish we were those people who could get rid of their symptoms quickly, but we're not. I really have to wonder if the people who read Sarno's book and instantly feel better are feeling better either because of a placebo effect or because they would have gotten better anyways. How can someone change for real so quickly?

You are making progress because you say you are gradually doing away with your bland diet. Look for the little progressions to encourage you. I had a hard time not "checking on how the seeds are growing" for a long time. I found relating the process to growing a plant from seeds was a good analogy for me. I'm not a big gardener, but I know that growth is working away under the dirt where I can't see it. It doesn't happen overnight. Constantly checking harms the growth. Doing the recovery work is like tending the garden. Some days I was just pulling small weeds but some days I managed to unearth really big grubs and rocks.

Try to focus on your progress in managing your fear/worry and anxiety rather than the physical symptoms. This will help you get your mind off your physical issues. As you progress with overcoming your fear and anxiety, you will progress in feeling better.